Although we have been putting a few things over there already, the big move starts tomorrow. Everything is either going to the new building or to whatever agency begged the most. The nice thing about this move is the fact that I can see the floor again in my office, I was able to move out the 20 or so computers that I have been storing for the past two months. Yesterday was a bad day, but good things so far have been happening, so I am feeling a little better. Still have to get everything to work by Monday which could be the hardest part of the job. Oh well, this paycheck is going to be HUGE! I went over 40 hours for the week thes morning at 9!
Another big thing happens tomorrow, the doctor hopefully fixes Tonya's back. It was supposed to happen Wednesday, but the doctor put us off. She goes in at 4. I hope this helps her and makes her feel better.
Off to setup another thing.....
Thursday, November 29, 2001
Tuesday, November 27, 2001
Since I am not sure that anyone really reads the FORUMS, which is unfortunate because they are fun, I am going to post my good news here!
I went to my WW meeting today. I met my Thanksgiving goal which was to maintain. I stayed at exactly the same weight as last week....I'd already decided that if I wasn't going to lose weight I at least wouldn't gain any...and it worked. I even got to eat my favorite things so I didn't feel deprived.
Plus, I got to talk to Bob (who got me into this) and share some experiences and ideas. It is nice to have someone to go through this with. If only Anissa would join with me....hint, hint....
Well, better is to everyone!
I went to my WW meeting today. I met my Thanksgiving goal which was to maintain. I stayed at exactly the same weight as last week....I'd already decided that if I wasn't going to lose weight I at least wouldn't gain any...and it worked. I even got to eat my favorite things so I didn't feel deprived.
Plus, I got to talk to Bob (who got me into this) and share some experiences and ideas. It is nice to have someone to go through this with. If only Anissa would join with me....hint, hint....
Well, better is to everyone!
Building almost done
Went over to the new building this morning. The first floor is done and ready to go, however, there is still a little work to be done on the second floor. If I wasn't moving in Friday, I wouldn't be worried, but we are moving in Friday. The cubicles need to be put in and the wiring needs to be finished. The DSL line is not in yet so I can't work on getting the server running over there. It is going to be a very long week.
Sunday, November 25, 2001
We're home
We made it back! We unpacked a little, and then I went to work. I was able to get done what I wanted to in about two hours and then spent a little time with my family. It might be the last time this week. I hope not, however.
This is going to be a very busy week.
This is going to be a very busy week.
Saturday, November 24, 2001
Winter Wonderland
I woke up this morning to see about 4 inches of snow on the car. with more still coming down. I can't wait to see what Shaylie does in the snow. Hopefully though it will stop soon so that the roads can be cleared so that we can get home easily.
Friday, November 23, 2001
Happy Holidays!!
We had a terrific Thanksgiving! We came to Mom's house on Wednesday night and tried to help her with the Feast preparations but she had done so much already, there wasn't too much to be done! I wrenched my back right before we left St. George, so I wasn't much help anyway!
The food was great and I totally blew my diet, but it was only one day and I had planned for it by saving up some points to splurge. Taylor had a great time visiting with Grmama, cousin Anje, Aunt Krissy and Uncle Chad, Great and Poppa.
We all had a fun time after dinner playing Phase 10, even Scott... then Aunt Krissy introduced us to one of her family's traditions...we all wrote letters to Santa then then we watched the chimney outside as they were burned one by one in the fireplace. If a lot of sparks came out of the chimney then you were a really good girl/boy. The elves then gather the ashes and whisk the letters off to Santa Claus. It was fun!
Today there are a few snow flurries coming down. We are hoping for a full blown storm, since it has been a long time since any of us have seen snow....let alone a snow storm.. We'll keep watching.
Our love to everyone. Hope you all had a terrific holiday!
The food was great and I totally blew my diet, but it was only one day and I had planned for it by saving up some points to splurge. Taylor had a great time visiting with Grmama, cousin Anje, Aunt Krissy and Uncle Chad, Great and Poppa.
We all had a fun time after dinner playing Phase 10, even Scott... then Aunt Krissy introduced us to one of her family's traditions...we all wrote letters to Santa then then we watched the chimney outside as they were burned one by one in the fireplace. If a lot of sparks came out of the chimney then you were a really good girl/boy. The elves then gather the ashes and whisk the letters off to Santa Claus. It was fun!
Today there are a few snow flurries coming down. We are hoping for a full blown storm, since it has been a long time since any of us have seen snow....let alone a snow storm.. We'll keep watching.
Our love to everyone. Hope you all had a terrific holiday!
Tuesday, November 20, 2001
Here come the Holidays!
Wow! I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving! It is shocking to think that another whole year has almost passed us by. It is going to be a challenge making it through the next few weeks of food and fun. I am going to try my best to stick with my diet...I'm pretty sure I can if I try my best.
The girls are doing great! Taylor's kindergarten is having a feast tomorrow. Everyone is to bring their favorite snack to share. She is pretty excited about that. Then we are heading to my mom's house for Thanksgiving. Hopefully, we will be able to make it out of St. George before the traffic and the weather get too bad. Personally, I am hoping for Snow, but I don't want to drive in it.
I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!! I am very grateful for a terrific family, great friends, and so many other blessings in my life!
The girls are doing great! Taylor's kindergarten is having a feast tomorrow. Everyone is to bring their favorite snack to share. She is pretty excited about that. Then we are heading to my mom's house for Thanksgiving. Hopefully, we will be able to make it out of St. George before the traffic and the weather get too bad. Personally, I am hoping for Snow, but I don't want to drive in it.
I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!! I am very grateful for a terrific family, great friends, and so many other blessings in my life!
Monday, November 19, 2001
Almost forgot
Saturday Night we went to Harry Potter. We got there an hour early and were about 12th in line. However, as we are going in, the four people in front of us were in the 8:45 line, so they had to go to the back of 8:45 line (ha-ha, sorry). I felt the movie was very good, even though I am one of the twelve people in America that hasn't read the story. The special-effects were special and the movie didn't seem as long as it was. Tonya liked it, too. All-in-all, two computer chips initialized!
Sunday, November 18, 2001
Work Fast week
The new building is almost done so I have to hurry to get things ready, on top of that, it is a short week, I am going to be burning the late night oil on this one. Almost recovered from my cold, but I have felt a lot better than I do right now, so even more fun stuff to deal with. It looks like we are moving the first weekend in December, so I must have the server and all the images set up by then.
Taylor and Shaylie were fun last night, they played tag and I flew Shaylie around the house, she wouldn't stop laughing. Taylor and her seem to get along really well, which is a relief.
Finished installing the software I had on the new computer, plus I got it to download the TV listings, so now we can use it like a TIVO and record our favorite shows. Maybe that 40 gig hard drive should have been an 80, but the nice thing about building your own computer is that you can add stuff like that later. See ya.
Taylor and Shaylie were fun last night, they played tag and I flew Shaylie around the house, she wouldn't stop laughing. Taylor and her seem to get along really well, which is a relief.
Finished installing the software I had on the new computer, plus I got it to download the TV listings, so now we can use it like a TIVO and record our favorite shows. Maybe that 40 gig hard drive should have been an 80, but the nice thing about building your own computer is that you can add stuff like that later. See ya.
Saturday, November 17, 2001
Saturday with the Girls
Tonya is off at a Cub Scout training so I am alone with the girls till 2:00 today. We are having fun, although it is hard to pull them away from Nick Jr. so I am letting them watch. I hooked up a cable line to my computer so I now can watch TV on my computer. Now you will never get me away from my computer. We are all recovering from colds. Tonya was so sick last night that she said the unthinkable, "If I feel like this tomorrow, I'm not going to Harry Potter!" I almost passed out when I heard that. But amazingly, she feels better today. I found out that the Utah-BYU game is during the time we are at Harry Potter, so I guess I will just have to miss it. Oh well.
Tonya's appointment for her back is not for TWO WEEKS! so she is suffering through. It is way too long.
Tonya's appointment for her back is not for TWO WEEKS! so she is suffering through. It is way too long.
Thursday, November 15, 2001
My Bad Back!
Well, the doctor called yesterday. Yes, you heard me, he called! He says I have, not one, but two bulging discs. He was going to fax my MRI results to an anesthesiologist today and call me back with an appointment...for shots. I haven't heard from him yet, though. So, I will probably call tomorrow. I am hoping we can get it done before Thanksgiving. I will be thankful if this pain goes away.
Anyway, other than that news...Shaylie has cut all her molars but one. So she is only missing her lower right incisor and one molar....not too bad. She's been chomping away wonder.
Taylor and I are sharing a cold. Hopefully, Scott and Shaylie will be spared, but it is unlikely. Tay stayed home from school today, but I'm sure she'll be well enough to go tomorrow. Even if she doesn't, it is a short day and they have computers...which Taylor really needs...not.
Saturday, Scott and I are going to see Harry Potter. I am so excited!!! I haven't been this excited about a movie since...well, since ever. I bought the tickets they are in my purse, ready to go. All we need is a babysitter (since Uncle Chad declined) but Scott is taking care of I'm raring to go myself. We'll let you know how the weekend goes. Love ya!
Anyway, other than that news...Shaylie has cut all her molars but one. So she is only missing her lower right incisor and one molar....not too bad. She's been chomping away wonder.
Taylor and I are sharing a cold. Hopefully, Scott and Shaylie will be spared, but it is unlikely. Tay stayed home from school today, but I'm sure she'll be well enough to go tomorrow. Even if she doesn't, it is a short day and they have computers...which Taylor really needs...not.
Saturday, Scott and I are going to see Harry Potter. I am so excited!!! I haven't been this excited about a movie since...well, since ever. I bought the tickets they are in my purse, ready to go. All we need is a babysitter (since Uncle Chad declined) but Scott is taking care of I'm raring to go myself. We'll let you know how the weekend goes. Love ya!
Wednesday, November 14, 2001
No news is Bad News.
Hi everyone! No news yet on the results of my MRI. Not even a note in the mail. It's very frustrating! I am calling my Doctor's office today to see what I can find out. I like this Doctor so it's hard for me to get too mad, but I'm about to get pushy. I hope they can satisfy me, because I really don't want to find another Dr. Oh well!
I am getting in the Holiday Spirit! It's not even Thanksgiving yet, so this is early for me! I'm having a hard time with Taylor though...everytime I ask her what she wants Santa to bring her, she changes her mind. I've heard everything from a new bike, to a remote control snake (?), to a Barbie Dollhouse, to computer singing machine. So, maybe Santa will be surprising our little ones this year.
If you are looking for ways to share your Christmas Wish Lists....remember to go to the FORUMS. There you can post the gifts of your dreams....whether or not anyone gets them is not guaranteed.
Love you all! Bye...
I am getting in the Holiday Spirit! It's not even Thanksgiving yet, so this is early for me! I'm having a hard time with Taylor though...everytime I ask her what she wants Santa to bring her, she changes her mind. I've heard everything from a new bike, to a remote control snake (?), to a Barbie Dollhouse, to computer singing machine. So, maybe Santa will be surprising our little ones this year.
If you are looking for ways to share your Christmas Wish Lists....remember to go to the FORUMS. There you can post the gifts of your dreams....whether or not anyone gets them is not guaranteed.
Love you all! Bye...
Tuesday, November 13, 2001
Computer Upgrade
I was looking through all the stuff that I bought for my new computer and noticed that I bought the Athlon XP 1600 when I thought I had bought the 1500. I went to my computer and updated the BIOS and guess what?! My computer is now 100 Mhz faster and the RAM is 33 Mhz faster. Only had the computer working for a week and it already feels like I got an even newer machine!
Monday, November 12, 2001
Back to work...
I can already tell it's a Montues. There is nothing in the world worse than a Monday happening on a Tuesday. I sit down at my computer and the first thing I do is read my email. In it, there is a message that says the mainframe will be down until 1:00pm. Fortunately, that has nothing to do with me, but everyone that I work with uses it, so I can tell it is going to be a fun morning.
Home Today
I have the day off from work today, so I walked Taylor to school today. My new computer is now complete, so I was converting my Fresh Aire Christmas albums to MP3 format so that I could put them on my computers. Shaylie sat on my lap listening for the music for over an hour without even moving, she was so interested! Shaylie and mommy are sitting in the living room watching Shaylie's favorite show, Rolie Polie Olie, although it looks like both of them are 9/10's asleep. I have to mow the lawn today and clean up the garage, so my day is pretty much filled. E ya later...
Saturday, November 10, 2001
Big Surprise!
Scott came home last night! I thought he wouldn't be home until this morning! It was a fun surprise! It was good to see him after the long week. He had a good training though; now he is home working on his computer! We just bought a monitor and modem for his "baby." It will be much fun!
Friday, November 9, 2001
My Little Girls Are Growing Up!
A couple of milestones tonight....First, Taylor is sleeping over at Heather's house tonight. She just lives next door, but it is a big step. She has only called me on the phone about 7 times, and come over about 3 times, but it is only 8:30 now. Hope she makes it through the night! I'm sure she will have fun!
Then, Shaylie, my little baby, has learned how to pucker up. Now instead of giving big wet open mouth sloppy kisses. She is sucking in her lips and cheeks (think fishface) and smacking. It is so cute! I love it!
We'll let you know the highlights of the sleepover next time! Bye.
Then, Shaylie, my little baby, has learned how to pucker up. Now instead of giving big wet open mouth sloppy kisses. She is sucking in her lips and cheeks (think fishface) and smacking. It is so cute! I love it!
We'll let you know the highlights of the sleepover next time! Bye.
Hat Day and Other Stuff
Today was Hat Day at Tay's school. She got to wear her Dad's bucket hat to school this morning and she won a prize. She wanted to wear her Diamondbacks batting helmet, but I wouldn't let her. So she wore her next favorite.
Shaylie found her binky this morning! It really was lost; it was hidden in her little shape sorter barn that Poppa & Grmama Pam gave her for her birthday. She was trying to stick her hand in the little circle shape and screaming in frustration because something was stuck in there. I helped her get the thing out and it was her pacifier. Dang! Now, I will be tempted to give in to her again. But I won't! I will be strong! She is getting much better at going to bed without it anyway. She is down to about 10 minutes of crying before she falls asleep. If I give in's back to square one. I can't be that cruel! So I'm throwing it out...I just decided. :P
Scott comes home tomorrow. We will be very happy to see him. (It's too bad about the Pioneerzz, hon. But at least you have the D-backs to keep you satisfied, you just have to find out how you can write their webpage now...Love you! See you tomorrow!)
Shaylie found her binky this morning! It really was lost; it was hidden in her little shape sorter barn that Poppa & Grmama Pam gave her for her birthday. She was trying to stick her hand in the little circle shape and screaming in frustration because something was stuck in there. I helped her get the thing out and it was her pacifier. Dang! Now, I will be tempted to give in to her again. But I won't! I will be strong! She is getting much better at going to bed without it anyway. She is down to about 10 minutes of crying before she falls asleep. If I give in's back to square one. I can't be that cruel! So I'm throwing it out...I just decided. :P
Scott comes home tomorrow. We will be very happy to see him. (It's too bad about the Pioneerzz, hon. But at least you have the D-backs to keep you satisfied, you just have to find out how you can write their webpage now...Love you! See you tomorrow!)
Thursday, November 8, 2001
No more Pioneerzz
I just found an article in the Deseret News that says that the Pioneerzz are not coming back next year. It was not completely unexpected, but it still hurts that they are gone. It was quite a ride. From missing the playoffs by a tiebreaker rule the first year, to winning the championship on a two-run home run by Robert Muro the second year, to the managerial and players changes that occurred almost daily the third season, it was a fun three years sitting in the stands.
I will miss the Smith's, Rod McCall, the Grebeck's. I hope they find good careers elsewhere. I guess now I will just cheer on teams from a distance.
I will miss the Smith's, Rod McCall, the Grebeck's. I hope they find good careers elsewhere. I guess now I will just cheer on teams from a distance.
Don't forget about the forums page. Click on the forum link over on the left side of the page to get to them so that you can send and receive messages.
Tuesday, November 6, 2001
No more binky!
Shaylie is having a hard time today...I lost her binky and I figured rather than buy her a new one...we will just get rid of it. She only uses it to go to sleep and unfortunately, she screamed herself to sleep last night and today for her nap. I know it will get easier each time, but it still breaks my heart!
We went to WW meeting today and I have lost 6 pounds over the last week. So, I guess it must be working. I have been trying very hard to be good and stick with the program. I got a gold star in the meeting today. It is very nice!
Anyway, we are missing Scott...but otherwise doing well. Shaylie is still crying herself to sleep so I better go check on her....bye.
We went to WW meeting today and I have lost 6 pounds over the last week. So, I guess it must be working. I have been trying very hard to be good and stick with the program. I got a gold star in the meeting today. It is very nice!
Anyway, we are missing Scott...but otherwise doing well. Shaylie is still crying herself to sleep so I better go check on her....bye.
Monday, November 5, 2001
I am taking Microsoft Server Training over in West Valley City. The training is much more interesting than the last training we had and we get a lot more computer time to work with the subject matter. However, since we are not in a state building, I do not have my laptop with me to chat on yahoo messenger. I do however, have the ability to check my email so that will be the best way to contact me during the day.
Sunday, November 4, 2001
World Champions!!!!

Well, I have to go and watch sportscenter several times so that I can soak it all in. E ya later....
In Salt Lake
I've made it to Salt Lake. Mom was working at the spaghetti dinner over at the church, so we had dinner over there. I dropped off the bed in Holden and helped them a little with their computer. I am downloading Yahoo Messenger for mom so that she can communicate with us better.
Saturday, November 3, 2001
Series tied 3-3

In other news, Taylor's bed gets taken apart tomorrow and I take it back to Holden, I then travel on to Salt Lake for a week of training on windows 2000.
My first entry from my new computer
This is the first time I have ever connected to the internet from my new machine. It still has a couple of quirks, but it is running well enough to do most of its tasks. The DVD output on the computer is incredible, and the computer seems to run really fast. It's too bad that I have to leave it alone for a week with it not being completely setup. Oh well. I do love my new computer.
My new computer
Last night, my new motherboard and processor arrived. After about an hour of reading to make sure I didn't mess anything up, I was able to put the computer together in about an hour. I was a great experience to hit the power button and have it turn on! I need another cable to get my DVD drive and CD-RW Drive to work, and then all I need to do is install the operating system! All the lights work, the drive doors open. Yea!!! I'm glad that I built it myself.
Friday, November 2, 2001
Five thumbs up, but...
Well, all of us liked the movie! Shaylie had a little bit of trouble adjusting but it wasn't really her fault. The previews started with a cool Peter Pan sequel, full of songs and animation and then the screen went blank for about 30 seconds. Shaylie didn't want it to end, so she started crying. I told her the next one was coming, but the next one was a preview for the upcoming Star Wars: Episode Two which was kind of scary and intense for her. It had scary music and Darth Vader breathing in the background so she didn't like that either. Then there was a cute short animation at the beginning of the movie but she didn't know what to think of that. The beginning of Monsters was of course a kid being scared by the monster in his closet so she didn't like that either, but then she finally settled in....
She was good for most of the movie, but it was a little long for her and about 2/3 of the way in she started wiggling and singing Itsy Bitsy Spider, and turning around to see the projection room and otherwise fidgeting. She was on my lap, so I didn't like this. She loved the music during the credits and she was dancing in her seat! Overall, it was a good time.
Taylor and Anje really like it! So did the moms. I probably need to see it again. I totally missed the Star Wars preview. And I would like to see it again just for the fun of it. It was really good.
She was good for most of the movie, but it was a little long for her and about 2/3 of the way in she started wiggling and singing Itsy Bitsy Spider, and turning around to see the projection room and otherwise fidgeting. She was on my lap, so I didn't like this. She loved the music during the credits and she was dancing in her seat! Overall, it was a good time.
Taylor and Anje really like it! So did the moms. I probably need to see it again. I totally missed the Star Wars preview. And I would like to see it again just for the fun of it. It was really good.
Monsters, INC.
We are heading out to the thea-tah! Anissa and I are taking the girls to Monsters, INC. today. It is going to be fun. Shaylie liked her first movie (Shrek) even though she slept through half of it. I don't think she'll sleep today, however, since she has been requiring fewer nap hours lately, will be nice for me if she does. I won't have to worry about her fussing, or running around, or spilling everyone's popcorn, or screaming when the monsters scare her or...oh, wait. I was letting my imagination run away with me. It will be fun! ;)
Thursday, November 1, 2001
Guess who blew a lead AGAIN!
New Pictures!!!
I have put online pictures from Taylor's Reflections Assembly and from this year's Halloween. Check them out!!
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