Here we go again. I got all the LAN administrators to come to Cedar City so that we could set everyone up for the move to the new section of the building, but there was a slight little problem. State ITS didn't set up the network wires in the cubes! It is so wonderful to see that State ITS is so consistent in that they have screwed up every move that the departments have made! It was so wonderful to see all the people that were scheduled to do work moving today just sit around since we couldn't do anything. I'm still trying to figure out how making State ITS in charge of everything will save money. THE ONLY WAY THE STATE CAN SAVE MONEY WITH STATE ITS IS TO DISBAND THE AGENCY. Customer service will improve, things will be done cheaper, faster and better. Hopefully Leavitt will see the light and get rid of that agency.
Meanwhile, I guess I have to go through another day of the computers being set up poorly. I am never going to get Cedar working right.
Friday, March 29, 2002
Thursday, March 28, 2002
We join the 21st Century!
We got high speed-cable internet installed today. It is so fun to just turn on the computer and have internet on. No more busy signals on our phone because we are on the internet! Also I downloaded a program that used to take about two hours on our phone modem and it now only took 3 minutes! I love the speed! I took over computers at work and they moved at a very good speed. I am going to convince my boss that I should be able to telecommute at least once a week!
I am trying to convince Tonya that we should set a webcam at home so that I can check in every so often and see what is going on, Tonya is not too thrilled about the idea, however. ;-)
I am trying to convince Tonya that we should set a webcam at home so that I can check in every so often and see what is going on, Tonya is not too thrilled about the idea, however. ;-)
Monday, March 25, 2002
Spring Break Update!
Today was the first official day of Spring Break (no School!)...We had lots of neighborhood kids over! Taylor was in seventh heaven, I was not. I don't think we can do this everyday!
Shaylie is looking much better today. Her face is still pretty bruised up, and I do think she might have broken her nose, but I wasn't saying it to make Scott feel bad!! I'm sure there won't be any lasting damage.
We spent some time out in the beautiful sunshine today! You can see from the pictures that the girls found some little garden friends. Shaylie was having fun with the little bugs, I think it's the first time she's seen any. Taylor was chasing the poor little ladybug all over the yard, as it kept flying away.
I even got some color in my legs....and the best of it all is that it is only going to get warmer and more spring like this week!
Taylor is going to go to Cedar City on Wednesday and spend a couple nights with Aunt Anissa and cousin Anje. She is very excited because she gets to go to Anje's dance class while she is there. They will come back on Friday with my mom for the whole Easter weekend. We're hoping Chad and Krissy will come down for a bit too. So that we can make a party of it!
We got Grandma J's Easter cards in the mail today! Thanks Grmama! Shaylie carried hers around for a while until I took it away and put it in her Easter basket. We love you and we will be thinking of you often this week.
This is also my Dad's last weekend in Arizona, as he starts his new job in Pocatello on April 1st. I will miss visiting them down south, but it will be fun to visit up north too. After all, it's not the place, but the face, right?
Well, this is turning into quite a monologue. I will go and hope to hear from some of you this weekend. We love you! Take care! Tonya....under Scott's login...
Shaylie is looking much better today. Her face is still pretty bruised up, and I do think she might have broken her nose, but I wasn't saying it to make Scott feel bad!! I'm sure there won't be any lasting damage.
We spent some time out in the beautiful sunshine today! You can see from the pictures that the girls found some little garden friends. Shaylie was having fun with the little bugs, I think it's the first time she's seen any. Taylor was chasing the poor little ladybug all over the yard, as it kept flying away.
I even got some color in my legs....and the best of it all is that it is only going to get warmer and more spring like this week!
Taylor is going to go to Cedar City on Wednesday and spend a couple nights with Aunt Anissa and cousin Anje. She is very excited because she gets to go to Anje's dance class while she is there. They will come back on Friday with my mom for the whole Easter weekend. We're hoping Chad and Krissy will come down for a bit too. So that we can make a party of it!
We got Grandma J's Easter cards in the mail today! Thanks Grmama! Shaylie carried hers around for a while until I took it away and put it in her Easter basket. We love you and we will be thinking of you often this week.
This is also my Dad's last weekend in Arizona, as he starts his new job in Pocatello on April 1st. I will miss visiting them down south, but it will be fun to visit up north too. After all, it's not the place, but the face, right?
Well, this is turning into quite a monologue. I will go and hope to hear from some of you this weekend. We love you! Take care! Tonya....under Scott's login...
Shaylie went Bonk!
Yesterday at the park, Shaylie decided to try to run and found that her feet sometimes get in the way. She smacked head first into the sidewalk. She skinned her forehead up pretty good and did a number on her nose. There is a huge (concerned daddie talking) bump on her nose. Tonya didn't help me feel any better by saying that she may have broken it. Just a little more stress to add to my life.
Thursday, March 21, 2002
Spring Break!
Today was Taylor's last day of school this month. She has tomorrow off and all of next week for Spring Break. We wanted to do something fun, but Scott says he has to work, so maybe the girls and I will have to think of something fun to do by ourselves.
Taylor had a fun week at school. It was Reading Week. Each day they had a different activity about reading. Wednesday was Dress-Up day. Everyone dressed up as their favorite storybook character. Taylor went as Cinderella. She was cute. That same day she received an award for Responsibility at an assembly at school. Shaylie and I went and while I was taking pictures, Shaylie disappeared into a supply closet for a while. Luckily I didn't notice her until she was coming out and no harm was done (to her or the closet) so I didn't freak too badly.
Well, my physical therapy is going well. It seems to help sometimes; so does the new bed. I am tired of being achey all the time. Oh well. What can I do?
Love to everyone. Talk to you all again soon! Bye. T:)
Taylor had a fun week at school. It was Reading Week. Each day they had a different activity about reading. Wednesday was Dress-Up day. Everyone dressed up as their favorite storybook character. Taylor went as Cinderella. She was cute. That same day she received an award for Responsibility at an assembly at school. Shaylie and I went and while I was taking pictures, Shaylie disappeared into a supply closet for a while. Luckily I didn't notice her until she was coming out and no harm was done (to her or the closet) so I didn't freak too badly.
Well, my physical therapy is going well. It seems to help sometimes; so does the new bed. I am tired of being achey all the time. Oh well. What can I do?
Love to everyone. Talk to you all again soon! Bye. T:)
Monday, March 18, 2002
I got the cleaning bug when the new bed arrived. So I started cleaning the living room yesterday. It was a shock to see what was under our couch. I filled up an entire garbage bag with stuff I found in and under the couch. Boy, it feels good to be clean!
Another problem solved
Had another computer problem that kept me up all weekend. Fortunately, I figured it out this morning and now all is well. I love it when problems are not that hard to solve, just wish that I could figure them out without all the days of research!
Saturday, March 16, 2002
This morning we had a shock. It was snowing! Called around and found that we were the only place getting snow. We must have been in bizarro world for a while.
Shaylie is talking more and more. It is great hearing what she wants, instead of her crying and pointing.
Our new bed arrived this morning. It is very comfortable and Tonya's back didn't hurt when she got on it. No more sleeping in the Recliner!

Shaylie is talking more and more. It is great hearing what she wants, instead of her crying and pointing.
Our new bed arrived this morning. It is very comfortable and Tonya's back didn't hurt when she got on it. No more sleeping in the Recliner!
Monday, March 11, 2002
New Pictures...
Scott showed me how to add pictures to the site! So I hope to be adding pictures almost daily. It is so fun to take pictures with my new digital camera. I hope you will enjoy seeing us in our natural habitat.
I had my first physical therapy session today. I think if they would have sent me for PT when I first went in, I might not be in the pain I am today. He massaged and electrified my back, then put me on a bike machine and showed me some exercises to do at home. The only drawback is the least my insurance covers most of it.
Well, love you all. Take care! T:)
I had my first physical therapy session today. I think if they would have sent me for PT when I first went in, I might not be in the pain I am today. He massaged and electrified my back, then put me on a bike machine and showed me some exercises to do at home. The only drawback is the least my insurance covers most of it.
Well, love you all. Take care! T:)
Thursday, March 7, 2002
Latest Doctor News...
Well, this Tuesday I had appointments with my primary physician Dr. Chamberlain, a new physical therapist, and I dropped my MRI films off at a neurosurgeon who was going to look at them and consider seeing me or not.
Dr. Chamberlain gave me more medicine, an anti-inflammatory, which is actually helping a lot more than the others. But all together they make me sort of loopy. The physical therapist wants to see me again on Friday, but wanted to wait to hear what Dr. Reichman (the neurosurgeon) has to say. Dr. Reichman can't see me until May 16, due to a full schedule while he is down here this month, and the next opportunity is May....
So that's it in a nutshell. I considered going to see someone else, but the downside of that is all the travel since no other doctors come down to St. George. I would rather stay close to home and my regular doctor.
We are also considering getting a new bed. I can't sleep in our waterbed much because it hurts me and the PT said waterbeds are one of the worst for backs, so....we are thinking about it.
Well, I will keep you updated on the latest. I just wanted you all to know what I know. Love you, talk to you soon. T:)
Dr. Chamberlain gave me more medicine, an anti-inflammatory, which is actually helping a lot more than the others. But all together they make me sort of loopy. The physical therapist wants to see me again on Friday, but wanted to wait to hear what Dr. Reichman (the neurosurgeon) has to say. Dr. Reichman can't see me until May 16, due to a full schedule while he is down here this month, and the next opportunity is May....
So that's it in a nutshell. I considered going to see someone else, but the downside of that is all the travel since no other doctors come down to St. George. I would rather stay close to home and my regular doctor.
We are also considering getting a new bed. I can't sleep in our waterbed much because it hurts me and the PT said waterbeds are one of the worst for backs, so....we are thinking about it.
Well, I will keep you updated on the latest. I just wanted you all to know what I know. Love you, talk to you soon. T:)
Tuesday, March 5, 2002
Our backyard is coming along...
Here are the pictures of the backyard improvements we promised....looks good, eh?
Monday, March 4, 2002
Feeling a bit better....
Thanks to the loving care of my family, my back is feeling a lot better today. I want to thank my sister and my mom for helping me over the last week. I couldn't have managed without them. You guys are terrific to come to my aid at such short notice. It means a lot to me!
Thanks also to Scott, I know he is going to be a big help to me as well. I am going to try to talk to my doctor again today. I have to take Shaylie in for immunizations so maybe that will be the best way to get after him. I want to find out about my surgery option, and if there is anything else that can be done. I also want to see a specialist. I can't keep just covering up the pain, I need to have it fixed!
In other news, we finally joined the 21st century and bought a DVD player. It also has a VCR though so we don't have to replace our video collection, extensive as it is. :) And thanks to Scott and our home teachers we have finally finished our back yard project. There is still a little bit to do but it looks really nice. We have a little leftover rock, so Scott is planning on embellishing the rose beds with the gravel. That should look nice as well.
Well, I love you all. I'm so glad to be able to sit at the computer for a little bit again. I will let everyone know how things go with my doctor. Keep your fingers crossed.
Thanks also to Scott, I know he is going to be a big help to me as well. I am going to try to talk to my doctor again today. I have to take Shaylie in for immunizations so maybe that will be the best way to get after him. I want to find out about my surgery option, and if there is anything else that can be done. I also want to see a specialist. I can't keep just covering up the pain, I need to have it fixed!
In other news, we finally joined the 21st century and bought a DVD player. It also has a VCR though so we don't have to replace our video collection, extensive as it is. :) And thanks to Scott and our home teachers we have finally finished our back yard project. There is still a little bit to do but it looks really nice. We have a little leftover rock, so Scott is planning on embellishing the rose beds with the gravel. That should look nice as well.
Well, I love you all. I'm so glad to be able to sit at the computer for a little bit again. I will let everyone know how things go with my doctor. Keep your fingers crossed.
Monday, Monday
Boy it is great to be back in St. George! :-P So far this morning, I had to deal with problems at Dixie College, Cedar City, and my building. What joy. And then, phone problems. Oh well, I am hoping that things will get more back to normal soon. I brought 13 computers back from Salt Lake, many of which are going to end up in Cedar City. Cedar DWS has been neglected for too long, I hope I can make them feel better there.
Shaylie has been a little under the weather. Tonya's back is still causing her major pain. Finished the sandbox and rock area on Saturday (will have a picture on the site later). We also bought a lounge swing, so Tonya should be able to comfortably sit outside and watch the kids.
Shaylie has been a little under the weather. Tonya's back is still causing her major pain. Finished the sandbox and rock area on Saturday (will have a picture on the site later). We also bought a lounge swing, so Tonya should be able to comfortably sit outside and watch the kids.
Friday, March 1, 2002
I'm home
I got home to Saint George at about 7:30 tonight. It is good to be home. Taylor was very happy to see me, and Shaylie kept saying "dad, dad, dad." It is good to be home.
Coming home today!
I am leaving Salt Lake tonight. We typically get out of class at 3:30, I hope that holds true today (maybe earlier would be even better). I am bringing back with me 13 computers and a lot of RAM chips. (Making a lot of work for me).
I hope Tonya feels better soon. It has been a long week and I am glad to get home and be with my family.
I hope Tonya feels better soon. It has been a long week and I am glad to get home and be with my family.
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