Santa made a visit last night to our house. Taylor in her letter asked him to take a picture of the reindeer, and he did!!! :thewave: If you look very closely you can see the reindeer on the roofline of the house, with Rudolph in front of course.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Santa Visited Last Night!
Santa made a visit last night to our house. Taylor in her letter asked him to take a picture of the reindeer, and he did!!! :thewave: If you look very closely you can see the reindeer on the roofline of the house, with Rudolph in front of course.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Christmas week
Finished another whirlwind week. Taylor had her Christmas choir concert this week, Taylor and Shaylie had their Christmas Dance Recital, and Tonya and Taylor had their performances in the Christmas program this weekend in church. I had the other western region LAN guys down and we set up a new server for my buildings. Also had a server fail at the health building, but I amazingly got that server running after much work.
This week will be much calmer, as I won't have as much to do, however I am going to try and finish off the novell servers (the new ones are REALLY FAST). Hopefully things will go well this week.
This week will be much calmer, as I won't have as much to do, however I am going to try and finish off the novell servers (the new ones are REALLY FAST). Hopefully things will go well this week.
Monday, December 13, 2004
Hello again
Long time no read. Wow, what a week we have had. Quite the whirlwind tour. Tuesday was our usual hectic night, with Choir, Painting class for Taylor, Dance for Shaylie, Achievment Days for Taylor, the Dance for Taylor. Wednesday I had my first visits meeting in the Elder's Quorum meeting. Unfortunately, Taylor had a concert performance that night so I had to miss that. However, We bought a DVD of that performance and I am becoming very good at manipulating digital video, so you all (and me) may see it soon. Thursday night was Girl Scouts and a PTA school-wide meeting. Tonya had planned for over 150 people to come as they had been advertising it and sending home flyers with the children. I had just barely walked into the house from getting the all the girls to girl scouts when Tonya called and asked me to come to the PTA meeting so that she would have enough people to vote. Turns out only 11 people showed up for the meeting. :hithead: (Thank you for your support) I was thinking of going in there and making a motion to pay Tonya a salary for her work (I figured with so few people there, that would be easy)
Friday, I dropped the kids off with Anissa and Tonya and I went to the temple, it was ward temple night. Afterwards we went to the Saibitis's for desert. It was a fun evening.
Saturday, we went up to Cedar because Roger and Pam where there. We went out to Lunch, then we went Bowling, then to the Light Parade, then everyone else went to a play at the school and I volunteered to stay and watch the kids.
Sunday, we now have church from 9-12 then we had choir practice at 4:15, at 4:45 the Stake Council finally set me apart as 2nd Counselor, at 5:00 Tonya and Taylor had Duet singing practice, and at 5:15 we had a meeting with the new bishop.
I am sure glad to be on a new week!
Friday, I dropped the kids off with Anissa and Tonya and I went to the temple, it was ward temple night. Afterwards we went to the Saibitis's for desert. It was a fun evening.
Saturday, we went up to Cedar because Roger and Pam where there. We went out to Lunch, then we went Bowling, then to the Light Parade, then everyone else went to a play at the school and I volunteered to stay and watch the kids.
Sunday, we now have church from 9-12 then we had choir practice at 4:15, at 4:45 the Stake Council finally set me apart as 2nd Counselor, at 5:00 Tonya and Taylor had Duet singing practice, and at 5:15 we had a meeting with the new bishop.
I am sure glad to be on a new week!
Saturday, December 4, 2004
Fun Friday
We were so proud of our girls yesterday! They both performed brilliantly. First Taylor sang with her school chorus at the Dickens Festival. They sang some very cute fun songs. It is a large group and they were on a very small stage so most of the kids were hidden....and of course, Taylor was in the back so she kept standing up on her tip toes so we could see her beautiful face above the crowd. She really was having a good time. We came back to the Festival later in the day to see both girls dance with the Desert Edge Dance Company. Shaylie danced so well! She was in the front and center and she followed along perfectly. I was taping the dances though, and my tape ran out in the middle of the second dance...I was sad. :angry: I quickly rewound the tape to a less significant section and taped over some stuff when Taylor danced. Taylor was very very good. I was impressed with her. I think if she sticks with it, she could be a very talented dancer. She is becoming more and more graceful as she practices. It makes a mother proud....and a daddy too. After the dances, the girls each got a rose from Anje and I gave them a ribbon that said "Dancing Star"...It was a fun day!
Monday, November 29, 2004
Busy Week
Well, we have a busy week coming up! Tonight we are going to finish putting up our Christmas decorations. We got the tree up last night and lights, but no ornaments....and the girls are dying to get it done. Tuesday, the busy day every week, the girls have dress dance rehearsal and activity days for Taylor. Wednesday...I am teaching a lesson on Service for Enrichment and then our Relief Society is going caroling at the Care Center. Thursday, Scott has meetings for EQ and Taylor has Girl Scouts...and then Friday, I am going to Read for 2005 at the school, then I have a meeting for Harmon's PTA days, Taylor sings with her school chorus at the Dickens Festival at 1:00 and both girls dance at the festival at 4:30. Phew! And if that isn't enough, I haven't even begun Christmas shopping this year. The girls aren't making it easy either. Neither one of them has their hearts set on anything and the items they want change daily. So, I'll be lucky if I can figure it out.
I'm also planning for a PTA Christmas party and Parent meeting for next week. I was hoping to farm this responsibility out to somebody but everyone else is busy I'm it. At least it looks like after about the 10th, things will slow down a bit...I'm not complaining though..I like it busy.
We had a good Thanksgiving. We got to see Mike and Erin and some of my cousins from up north. Grandpa is doing better, but his recovery from heart surgery will be long. He was very tired but in good spirits. We'll keep the prayers coming, Papa! We love you....
We drove home through a major snow storm on Sunday. We saw several cars and semi's off the road and a couple major accidents too, but Scott got us home safely. Just in time to get to the Stake meeting where his new calling was announced. See below. We're very proud of him! He really has a strong desire to serve the Lord and I know he will be blessed for doing his best. Yay Scott!
Well, as you can tell, I probably won't be back to update much this week and maybe not this month, but I will do my best. We love you and we wish you all a Merry Christmas! Be safe and enjoy the holidays!
I'm also planning for a PTA Christmas party and Parent meeting for next week. I was hoping to farm this responsibility out to somebody but everyone else is busy I'm it. At least it looks like after about the 10th, things will slow down a bit...I'm not complaining though..I like it busy.
We had a good Thanksgiving. We got to see Mike and Erin and some of my cousins from up north. Grandpa is doing better, but his recovery from heart surgery will be long. He was very tired but in good spirits. We'll keep the prayers coming, Papa! We love you....
We drove home through a major snow storm on Sunday. We saw several cars and semi's off the road and a couple major accidents too, but Scott got us home safely. Just in time to get to the Stake meeting where his new calling was announced. See below. We're very proud of him! He really has a strong desire to serve the Lord and I know he will be blessed for doing his best. Yay Scott!
Well, as you can tell, I probably won't be back to update much this week and maybe not this month, but I will do my best. We love you and we wish you all a Merry Christmas! Be safe and enjoy the holidays!
Sunday, November 28, 2004
My New Calling
Our stake changed most of the boundaries tonight. Also, everyone was released from their calling. We have a new bishopric and Elder's Quorum Presidency. I am the 2nd counselor in that presidency! :) :) :) :)
Monday, November 22, 2004
My lesson
I had a great time giving my lesson this week in Priesthood. Everything went well, and I didn't talk very much (always like that).
We are going to the visitor's center tonight. I just reopened last week, and we want to see "The Testaments."
We went as a family to see "The Incredibles" on Saturday. We all liked it, however Shaylie likes her new Mickey's Christmas more.
Thanksgiving again in Holden this year. I hope it doesn't snow on travel days. I hate driving in the snow!
Speaking of snow, It snowed here in St. George! The flakes were huge! It only lasted about 15-20 minutes (the rest of the time it rained) and it did not stick, however all the mountains around us are covered.
We are going to the visitor's center tonight. I just reopened last week, and we want to see "The Testaments."
We went as a family to see "The Incredibles" on Saturday. We all liked it, however Shaylie likes her new Mickey's Christmas more.
Thanksgiving again in Holden this year. I hope it doesn't snow on travel days. I hate driving in the snow!
Speaking of snow, It snowed here in St. George! The flakes were huge! It only lasted about 15-20 minutes (the rest of the time it rained) and it did not stick, however all the mountains around us are covered.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Busy Days
Tuesday was a fairly busy night. Taylor had choir practice. When she got home, Shaylie went to Dance, when Shaylie came home, Taylor went to dance.
Tonight, Taylor has choir practice. Then tonight there is going to be an Astronomy presentation at one of the elementary schools in town. After that, I have Elder's Quorum Presidency meeting. Now you now why we have a hard time keeping this page up to date :rolleyes:
Tonight, Taylor has choir practice. Then tonight there is going to be an Astronomy presentation at one of the elementary schools in town. After that, I have Elder's Quorum Presidency meeting. Now you now why we have a hard time keeping this page up to date :rolleyes:
Friday, November 12, 2004
New Pictures
I have updated the pictures section of the web site. Check out the new pictures!
Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Story-Telling Day
Today is the day of the story-telling competition at Taylor's school. Taylor tells her story at 9:20 this morning. She gave her final practice performance last night and Tonya and I feel that she did a good job. I'm stuck at work during it, however; Tonya is going to video-tape it for me.
The rain stopped for one morning so I biked in today. I have been missing my morning bike rides. Forgot to tell everyone, Taylor went on a 13-mile bike ride with me last week. She did pretty good.
The rain stopped for one morning so I biked in today. I have been missing my morning bike rides. Forgot to tell everyone, Taylor went on a 13-mile bike ride with me last week. She did pretty good.
Sunday, November 7, 2004
Back to the Grind
Now that I can update my page, I guess I should do it. I have a busy week ahead. I have to make images for the older computers and then start upgrading those computers. Then I have four servers to install. At least it gives me something to do, instead of worrying if my job is going away.
Shaylie is really liking her classes. She has been very good at doing her homework. Both her and Taylor are enjoying their dance classes. Taylor has been doing well in dance and it is neat to watch her do kicks.
Tonya is busy as always with PTA. They just finished up the book fair and now it is on to reflections. Taylor's entry this year was her 4th of July song that she made up.
Taylor made her school's chorus group. She has practice every day after school. She also is singing in the ward's choir. And she is also preparing for the storying telling competition. As you can see, wee are all pretty busy. :)
Shaylie is really liking her classes. She has been very good at doing her homework. Both her and Taylor are enjoying their dance classes. Taylor has been doing well in dance and it is neat to watch her do kicks.
Tonya is busy as always with PTA. They just finished up the book fair and now it is on to reflections. Taylor's entry this year was her 4th of July song that she made up.
Taylor made her school's chorus group. She has practice every day after school. She also is singing in the ward's choir. And she is also preparing for the storying telling competition. As you can see, wee are all pretty busy. :)
Friday, November 5, 2004
Shaylie's Picture
As it has been a while since we posted, here is Shaylie's preschool picture.
Monday, October 11, 2004
Carnival is Over!
PTA Carnival was this past Friday and we got through it without too many hitches. I went over to the school about 12:30 to start setting up. The teachers had already cleared spaces for us to set up games so we just had to haul the games from the shed and set out the prizes. I found out we double ordered prizes so that we had prizes to give kids even if they didn't win the games. I thought we were planning to give candy to the kids who played and "lost" and we had even asked all the parents to donate candy, but there was a miscommunication and the games committee wasn't planning to use the candy at all! I felt that if we asked parents to donate candy, we should certainly use we have plenty of prizes left for next year.
The only major hitches we had all night were 1) the dunk tank was set up on an incline and the seat wouldn't latch...We tried several temporary fixes, but nothing was working until my hero, Scott, showed up and worked his magic on it....I was afraid that we wouldn't be able to use it and it is one of the favorites, and 2) The shaved ice machine we were using kept blowing the power for the popcorn and the shaved ice...we didn't know what it was at first, but once we figured it out, we switched it out for our school's snow cone maker...
My main goals were met however, so I am pleased with how it all turned out. We took in about $5,500 but that was not our profit...we will have to crunch the numbers with costs and donations, see just how well we did. And I wanted the volunteer situation to go a lot smoother than it has in the past. We had about 50 kids signed up from the middle and high schools, which helped us out quite a bit! Plus, Nancy & Cathi did a great job coordinating it all! I didn't hear many complaints which is always good, but I had wonderful committee members...they all did such a great job.
Hopefully we'll post some pictures soon, I know Scott was taking some so we'll post them as soon as I talk him into it...
PTA Carnival was this past Friday and we got through it without too many hitches. I went over to the school about 12:30 to start setting up. The teachers had already cleared spaces for us to set up games so we just had to haul the games from the shed and set out the prizes. I found out we double ordered prizes so that we had prizes to give kids even if they didn't win the games. I thought we were planning to give candy to the kids who played and "lost" and we had even asked all the parents to donate candy, but there was a miscommunication and the games committee wasn't planning to use the candy at all! I felt that if we asked parents to donate candy, we should certainly use we have plenty of prizes left for next year.
The only major hitches we had all night were 1) the dunk tank was set up on an incline and the seat wouldn't latch...We tried several temporary fixes, but nothing was working until my hero, Scott, showed up and worked his magic on it....I was afraid that we wouldn't be able to use it and it is one of the favorites, and 2) The shaved ice machine we were using kept blowing the power for the popcorn and the shaved ice...we didn't know what it was at first, but once we figured it out, we switched it out for our school's snow cone maker...
My main goals were met however, so I am pleased with how it all turned out. We took in about $5,500 but that was not our profit...we will have to crunch the numbers with costs and donations, see just how well we did. And I wanted the volunteer situation to go a lot smoother than it has in the past. We had about 50 kids signed up from the middle and high schools, which helped us out quite a bit! Plus, Nancy & Cathi did a great job coordinating it all! I didn't hear many complaints which is always good, but I had wonderful committee members...they all did such a great job.
Hopefully we'll post some pictures soon, I know Scott was taking some so we'll post them as soon as I talk him into it...
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
School Pictures!
Taylor's picture came home today :D Isn't she cute! ;) Click on the picture to get a bigger, printable version!
Monday, October 4, 2004
Camera Work
I noticed that I needed to offload some pictures from the camera, as it has been a while. I will get all of the pictures on the site soon, however, I needed to get this picture online as fast as I could. :)
Monday, September 27, 2004
Busy Week
I have a lot of computer updates to do. I am going to try and get images ready for my computers that need to be updated to XP and be ready for alll the upgrades that are taking place.
Shaylie will be learning the letter "D" this week in preschool. It is nice that there is a HUGE lighted "D" on the side of the hill so that she can see that as an example.
Taylor has promised to try and not think about eating so much. However, right after she was caught sneeking potato chips into her room.
We had a ward party on Friday. We played volleyball at the park. It was pretty fun, but as usual, I overdid it and was a little hurt over the weekend. (But what is new)
I got back into my biking routine this morning. I took my 9 1/2 mile ride in on the trail. It is easy to tell that the days are shorter. I had to use my headlight the whole way to work this morning, it was very dark.
Looks like we will be leaving Thursday night and coming back on Sunday, so that Taylor misses as little school as possible.
Had a paying computer customer over the weekend. It is nice to have a little extra money, especially considering we have a big bill coming up. Also, they said that their computer was running great now, so they are very happy (especially since they were talking about getting a new computer, because of all the problems with this one).
Shaylie will be learning the letter "D" this week in preschool. It is nice that there is a HUGE lighted "D" on the side of the hill so that she can see that as an example.
Taylor has promised to try and not think about eating so much. However, right after she was caught sneeking potato chips into her room.
We had a ward party on Friday. We played volleyball at the park. It was pretty fun, but as usual, I overdid it and was a little hurt over the weekend. (But what is new)
I got back into my biking routine this morning. I took my 9 1/2 mile ride in on the trail. It is easy to tell that the days are shorter. I had to use my headlight the whole way to work this morning, it was very dark.
Looks like we will be leaving Thursday night and coming back on Sunday, so that Taylor misses as little school as possible.
Had a paying computer customer over the weekend. It is nice to have a little extra money, especially considering we have a big bill coming up. Also, they said that their computer was running great now, so they are very happy (especially since they were talking about getting a new computer, because of all the problems with this one).
Friday, September 24, 2004
We got Tickets!
Our stake called and gave us two tickets to the Saturday Afternoon Session of Conference! So we are going on the road again. We will leave leave either thursday or Friday and probably leave Monday. Mom J, is it going to be ok to come and visit?
Now I just need to find a stake center close to my mom's house so that I can go to Priesthood.
Now I just need to find a stake center close to my mom's house so that I can go to Priesthood.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Much Better Thank You!
I am feeling much better today! I was feeling pretty icky for a few days there, but thank heaven for antibiotics...too bad I have to keep taking them for another week and a half. I always forget once I start feeling better...
PTA Carnival plans are going very well! I have so many great people helping me out, it almost feels like I don't have enough to do! (knock on wood) It's only two weeks away and I feel like we have a pretty good handle on it. For today, anyway...we'll see if we can keep it up!
One problem with all this PTA stuff is that I keep running out of minutes on my phone. 1000 minutes seems like a lot until you start coordinating huge school events, and then it's only a drop in the bucket. So, in order to try to save minutes, I've been trying to avoid using my phone whenever if you call me and you don't leave a message or hear right back from me...try emailing or write a letter :rofl: That would be great!
I hope everyone is doing well! Hope to hear from you soon (just not on my phone!) :D
I am feeling much better today! I was feeling pretty icky for a few days there, but thank heaven for antibiotics...too bad I have to keep taking them for another week and a half. I always forget once I start feeling better...
PTA Carnival plans are going very well! I have so many great people helping me out, it almost feels like I don't have enough to do! (knock on wood) It's only two weeks away and I feel like we have a pretty good handle on it. For today, anyway...we'll see if we can keep it up!
One problem with all this PTA stuff is that I keep running out of minutes on my phone. 1000 minutes seems like a lot until you start coordinating huge school events, and then it's only a drop in the bucket. So, in order to try to save minutes, I've been trying to avoid using my phone whenever if you call me and you don't leave a message or hear right back from me...try emailing or write a letter :rofl: That would be great!
I hope everyone is doing well! Hope to hear from you soon (just not on my phone!) :D
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Tonya's still ill
Tonya is still feeling under the weather. She wasn't able to go to the carnival planning meeting tonight.
Shaylie and I played a lot of games today. Candyland and Chutes and Ladders and Connect Four and catch. It was pretty fun.
Taylor spent most of the evening over at Shaylee's house. I'm glad she has a GOOD friend that lives close. Shaylee and Taylor get along pretty well. To bad our Shaylie doesn't get along as well with her younger sister.
More wireless problems today, but I was able to get it working. I also went over to Dixie College and updated their computer software.
I am going to be getting a lot of monitors soon. That is going to be a lot of work. We our also implementing a new scanner program that everyone will use and we are trying to upgrade everyone to Windows XP, so it is very busy at work.
Shaylie and I played a lot of games today. Candyland and Chutes and Ladders and Connect Four and catch. It was pretty fun.
Taylor spent most of the evening over at Shaylee's house. I'm glad she has a GOOD friend that lives close. Shaylee and Taylor get along pretty well. To bad our Shaylie doesn't get along as well with her younger sister.
More wireless problems today, but I was able to get it working. I also went over to Dixie College and updated their computer software.
I am going to be getting a lot of monitors soon. That is going to be a lot of work. We our also implementing a new scanner program that everyone will use and we are trying to upgrade everyone to Windows XP, so it is very busy at work.
Monday, September 20, 2004
Back to Cedar
I have to go to Cedar City today. Fortunately, it is only for a training, so not to much to worry about. I have had a busy couple of weeks. I have been trying to update computers, update software and add and subtract users. I also had to redo my office computer, which has slowed me down, since everything I do is on that machine. Our wireless at work has been iffy at best, being down 5 times in the past two weeks, I am SOOOOO glad we changed to the new system. :P
Tonya has been feeling under the weather. She went to the doctor yesterday, but he didn't know what was wrong (it might be time for a new doctor). Taylor and Shaylie have been doing ok, they put in some new playground equipment at Taylor's school, so we went and saw that last night. It is mostly exercise equipment, so that is cool because all the kids were playing on it and getting a workout at the same time. :)
Tonya has been feeling under the weather. She went to the doctor yesterday, but he didn't know what was wrong (it might be time for a new doctor). Taylor and Shaylie have been doing ok, they put in some new playground equipment at Taylor's school, so we went and saw that last night. It is mostly exercise equipment, so that is cool because all the kids were playing on it and getting a workout at the same time. :)
Friday, September 10, 2004
Another Week gone bye
This has been a fairly hard week. I have been trying to make a new image for my computers, since the image I have been using now needs about thirty updates to it :-) So I have started with my Microsoft XP Service Pack 2 install cd's that we made and started from there. Yesterday, as I thought I was finishing up, Microsoft released Media Player 10, so I had to add that to the image. Then I found out that the department purchased a different spyware program than the one I was using, so I had to uninstall mine and then install the new one. Today I have found out that we are also updating the virus scanner and epo agent. I don't think I am going to get an up to date image setup any time soon. :cry:
We have had the sickness bug travelling through our home. Taylor was sick, then Shaylie, then Tonya, and finally me. Shaylie and Tonya had it the worst, however.
Tonya is preparing for the carnival, she had her first big meeting about it on Wednesday.
Taylor brought home fund-raiser chocolate bars. They are $1.00 each and the box has 48 of them. Going to try and sell them at work, however, I don't know how that will go over.
We have had the sickness bug travelling through our home. Taylor was sick, then Shaylie, then Tonya, and finally me. Shaylie and Tonya had it the worst, however.
Tonya is preparing for the carnival, she had her first big meeting about it on Wednesday.
Taylor brought home fund-raiser chocolate bars. They are $1.00 each and the box has 48 of them. Going to try and sell them at work, however, I don't know how that will go over.
Friday, September 3, 2004
Labor Day Weekend
With the long weekend coming up, I feel like I have a minute to I thought I would write a little update. I have been so incredibly busy with PTA that I have barely had time to do the bare minimum around here. Back-to-School night went well. We didn't get as many memberships as we wanted but we were able to get a few more this past week during Parent Teacher conferences...we set up a booth in the hallway to sell t-shirts, memberships and yearbooks. We are going to send out envelopes to everyone who hasn't signed up yet just to see how many more we can get.
As soon as this weekend is over, I have got our school's Fall Carnival to organize. This is a huge event, and I have a little over a month to pull it off. It is starting to wake me up in the night, so it's about time I start delegating to others. Our fundraiser starts next week as well. The school called me in a panic because a delivery of over 200 boxes of candybars was dropped off at the school this morning (a week earlier than expected) and they weren't ready for them. All is well now, although we are forced to store the chocolate in the office and everyone is getting high off of the fumes...hopefully it will induce them to BUY, BUY, BUY!
Shaylie started Preschool on Thursday. She loved it, but like her sister, she asked me to drop her off at the school and wave goodbye and go home. I guess I just have to get used to my girls being little independent souls. Scott and I did take her in though. We'll drop her off next time.
Taylor's SEP (Parent Teacher Conference) went very well. Her teacher is great and we got lots of positive feedback about how Taylor is doing in school. She is right on the mark in everything she does. But we did decide to work on her handwriting this quarter. They are going to be learning cursive and multiplication this year, so this is very exciting. She also wants to be in the school choir...and I'm excited about that.
Scott is being a trooper about the whole PTA thing. As usual, he is a great help around the house. I couldn't be doing this without I'm grateful. He is at work now, even though it is late Friday night. He had some things to work on that he can't do when people are around.
So...this is the update! I hope everyone has a great Labor Day Weekend! Take care and we'll talk to you soon!
As soon as this weekend is over, I have got our school's Fall Carnival to organize. This is a huge event, and I have a little over a month to pull it off. It is starting to wake me up in the night, so it's about time I start delegating to others. Our fundraiser starts next week as well. The school called me in a panic because a delivery of over 200 boxes of candybars was dropped off at the school this morning (a week earlier than expected) and they weren't ready for them. All is well now, although we are forced to store the chocolate in the office and everyone is getting high off of the fumes...hopefully it will induce them to BUY, BUY, BUY!
Shaylie started Preschool on Thursday. She loved it, but like her sister, she asked me to drop her off at the school and wave goodbye and go home. I guess I just have to get used to my girls being little independent souls. Scott and I did take her in though. We'll drop her off next time.
Taylor's SEP (Parent Teacher Conference) went very well. Her teacher is great and we got lots of positive feedback about how Taylor is doing in school. She is right on the mark in everything she does. But we did decide to work on her handwriting this quarter. They are going to be learning cursive and multiplication this year, so this is very exciting. She also wants to be in the school choir...and I'm excited about that.
Scott is being a trooper about the whole PTA thing. As usual, he is a great help around the house. I couldn't be doing this without I'm grateful. He is at work now, even though it is late Friday night. He had some things to work on that he can't do when people are around.
So...this is the update! I hope everyone has a great Labor Day Weekend! Take care and we'll talk to you soon!
Monday, August 30, 2004
Finally can breathe again!
I have put Microsoft XP Service Pack 2 onto well over 100 machines now. It has been a very busy week. I also installed a new mainframe program onto everyone's computer and installed a new version of the imaging program. Looks like I know have to install a spyware killer program onto each machine. I guess my job is never done. ;)
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Well, tomorrow is the big day! I've been trying to get ready for Back-to-School Night for the past month...I hope I have everything ready. I've been sick today. :angry: I don't know what it was, but it was bad timing that's for sure. I'm finding it hard to get my head back in to the preparations. I hope I'm not forgetting anything major. I wish Scott was here! I have Megan Johnson coming to babysit the girls tomorrow. I can't wait for Friday! Anyway, wish me luck...I'll probably need it! :blush:
Monday, August 16, 2004
School Starts, Shaylie's Birthday, and other stuff
We had a very busy weekend! To start off with, I had to finish fixing our computer, as it still had some issues. Then Grandma Dawn came down and gave Taylor a perm. As she drove away, Grandma Rose pulled in for a weekend visit!
Saturday was Shaylie's 4th birthday and her first friend's birthday party. A few of her friends came over and they painted unicorn sun-catchers. Then we all had cake and ice cream, it took Shaylie about 4 blows each to blow out her four candles. :rofl: Then she opened her presents. I believe that she was very happy.
Sunday I had to give the lesson in elder's quorum, people said I did good, but I don't know, hopefully next month I will feel more comfortable. Then we drove up to Pine Valley forest and relaxed.
This morning, we all walked Taylor to school for her first day of 3rd grade. She was really excited to be back in school. Grandma J left to head back home, and I went to work.
Tomorrow, I go to the dentist, and then drive to Salt Lake for training and our Annual LAN Conference.
Saturday was Shaylie's 4th birthday and her first friend's birthday party. A few of her friends came over and they painted unicorn sun-catchers. Then we all had cake and ice cream, it took Shaylie about 4 blows each to blow out her four candles. :rofl: Then she opened her presents. I believe that she was very happy.
Sunday I had to give the lesson in elder's quorum, people said I did good, but I don't know, hopefully next month I will feel more comfortable. Then we drove up to Pine Valley forest and relaxed.
This morning, we all walked Taylor to school for her first day of 3rd grade. She was really excited to be back in school. Grandma J left to head back home, and I went to work.
Tomorrow, I go to the dentist, and then drive to Salt Lake for training and our Annual LAN Conference.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Service Pack 2
Sorry about not writing for a while, been pretty busy. Windows XP Service Pack 2 came out and it causes some issues with programs at work, so I have been working through that. :grumble: Also had to redo my home computer because it would not even install on it. :hithead: But now my home computer is running very well, I am happy about that. :satisfied:
We had our 12th anniversary on Sunday. We didn't do very much for it (actually we didn't do anything, but that is ok, because next year, we will be able to do stuff.) We did go to our Stake Patriarch and I received my Patriarchal Blessing. I really enjoyed that.
Tonya has been SUPER busy getting ready for school. I hope that she makes it through. She has had some problems due to redrawing of boundaries and a whole bunch of new students coming into the school, glad they gave them a lot of lead time before school started to change boundaries :crazy:
Taylor is riding her bike a lot, I'm glad we were able to fix it up for her. We just found out who her teacher will be. She is VERY excited to be going back to school. I have to say, so are we ;)
Shaylie is excited that she will be going to school soon. She is REALLY excited that her birthday party is this weekend.
We had our 12th anniversary on Sunday. We didn't do very much for it (actually we didn't do anything, but that is ok, because next year, we will be able to do stuff.) We did go to our Stake Patriarch and I received my Patriarchal Blessing. I really enjoyed that.
Tonya has been SUPER busy getting ready for school. I hope that she makes it through. She has had some problems due to redrawing of boundaries and a whole bunch of new students coming into the school, glad they gave them a lot of lead time before school started to change boundaries :crazy:
Taylor is riding her bike a lot, I'm glad we were able to fix it up for her. We just found out who her teacher will be. She is VERY excited to be going back to school. I have to say, so are we ;)
Shaylie is excited that she will be going to school soon. She is REALLY excited that her birthday party is this weekend.
Thursday, August 5, 2004
New reason to come to our site!
We now have games on our website! :party:
Asteroids, Pac-Man, Tetris, Space Invaders, Simon, Snake, Tic-Tac-Toe
Check them out, click here
Asteroids, Pac-Man, Tetris, Space Invaders, Simon, Snake, Tic-Tac-Toe
Check them out, click here
Wednesday, August 4, 2004
New Bike
We got my old bike back and Taylor rode it home with me last night. She is now tall enough to use a bike I have used, although admittedly the bike was small for me. She was understanding the gears, although she still thinks that there is a right "gear" to be in. We rode home over the trail, which ended up being a 10-mile ride, which in the heat was a bit much for her, although she did ok.
School is getting close. Tonya is working on PTA more than I go to work, she is easily putting in 40 hour weeks.
Anje is staying with us this week, so that Anissa can finish up her studies.
Brian and Dena had a baby boy last night. Congrats!!! :thewave:
School is getting close. Tonya is working on PTA more than I go to work, she is easily putting in 40 hour weeks.
Anje is staying with us this week, so that Anissa can finish up her studies.
Brian and Dena had a baby boy last night. Congrats!!! :thewave:
Monday, August 2, 2004
Added some new emoticons
I have added some new emoticons, they do not work in the reply section yet, but they will in the next few days. Here are some examples:
:grumble: :hithead: :rofl:
:grouphug: :party:
:grumble: :hithead: :rofl:
:grouphug: :party:
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Mom J. are you back?
Grandma Jesienouski got back into town last night from Seattle...we hope the trip went all right and that she had lots of fun. Hopefully she will be posting some details on our site when she gets a minute to settle you lots!
Monday, July 26, 2004
Back Together Again
Our family is all home together again. We came back from Holden yesterday. We went there for the 24th. Holden does a great job for the 24th. They have a kid's parade, then they have a big free breakfast in the city park. Then they had a talent show and then the bottle rocket competition. One rocket went over 300 feet high. Not bad for water and air pressure.
It is good to have the girls back home. It will be great to get back to normal.
It is good to have the girls back home. It will be great to get back to normal.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Double the Blessings!
We were signed up to do a cannery assignment tonight from 4 to 8, but it got canceled. So now we have the blessings of signing up to work, plus the blessings of not having to go :cool:
Tonya and I went to see Spiderman 2 last night, it was very good. However, our girls will not be going to see it until it is on DVD. Now we need to go and see I, Robot.
Tonya had several PTA meetings yesterday, she got with several of the people that she will be working with this year.
Tonya and I went to see Spiderman 2 last night, it was very good. However, our girls will not be going to see it until it is on DVD. Now we need to go and see I, Robot.
Tonya had several PTA meetings yesterday, she got with several of the people that she will be working with this year.
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Camp was Great!
We are back from camp and we had a terrific time! It was beautiful in the Park City mountains. The camp was set on a mountain with cabins at the top, lodge in the middle and lake down below. It was
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Back from camp
Tonya is back from camp! Taylor and Shaylie are in Holden. We will go and pick them up after the 24th. For more pictures, click here.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Oh yea, I have a web site
Sorry that it has been so long since I last wrote, I have had a very busy couple of weeks. First, I had to prepare to give a talk at church, and as you know, I am not good at that, so I had to prepare for a long time. Next it was time for baseball camps, so I had make up the sign-up sheets for the camp. Lastly, I have to prepare to give the lesson in Priesthood, so I am preparing for that, but fortunately, not much is expected, so that one isn't so bad ;)
Taylor came back from Holden on Saturday so that she could give her talk. Tonya and the Girls are leaving Thursday. Shaylie is going to Holden to stay with Grandma while Tonya and Taylor go to Girl Scout Camp.
Tonya's birthday is Thursday.
Taylor came back from Holden on Saturday so that she could give her talk. Tonya and the Girls are leaving Thursday. Shaylie is going to Holden to stay with Grandma while Tonya and Taylor go to Girl Scout Camp.
Tonya's birthday is Thursday.
Oh yea, I have a web site
Sorry that it has been so long since I last wrote, I have had a very busy couple of weeks. First, I had to prepare to give a talk at church, and as you know, I am not good at that, so I had to prepare for a long time. Next it was time for baseball camps, so I had make up the sign-up sheets for the camp. Lastly, I have to prepare to give the lesson in Priesthood, so I am preparing for that, but fortunately, not much is expected, so that one isn't so bad ;)
Taylor came back from Holden on Saturday so that she could give her talk. Tonya and the Girls are leaving Wednesday. Shaylie is going to Holden to stay with Grandma while Tonya and Taylor go to Girl Scout Camp.
Tonya's birthday is Wednesday.
Taylor came back from Holden on Saturday so that she could give her talk. Tonya and the Girls are leaving Wednesday. Shaylie is going to Holden to stay with Grandma while Tonya and Taylor go to Girl Scout Camp.
Tonya's birthday is Wednesday.
Thursday, July 1, 2004
A busy week
We had a pretty busy week. Tuesday was the last practice of the season and you should have seen Taylor hit. She was hitting it a mile! :) After practice, Taylor and I printed out all the baseball cards and pictures. They turned out really nice.
Wednesday, Tonya had a PTA meeting. Right after that, we had our last game of the season. We had 8 players, the other team had 15! Early on, one of my kids asked if we were winning, I told him that it was unlikely since they had twice as many players. He said, "If we get them all out, they won't win right?" I said yes, and it became his mission in life to get everyone out. For a while, no one got past second base; it was pretty fun to watch. (In the end, we actually did win, but who cares, it was fun)
In the last inning, every single player on my team got a hit, that was great :) Taylor was a little sad, because her hits didn't travel as far as they had in practice.
I gave all the kids their pictures, and then had them sign a set of cards for me. A couple of the kids (and parents) got together, and gave me a bat and ball with all the kids' names signed on it. Baseball was very fun this year. I'm going to miss it next year.
Right after that, I had to race to elder's quorum meeting, which I was a half-hour late for :P
Wednesday, Tonya had a PTA meeting. Right after that, we had our last game of the season. We had 8 players, the other team had 15! Early on, one of my kids asked if we were winning, I told him that it was unlikely since they had twice as many players. He said, "If we get them all out, they won't win right?" I said yes, and it became his mission in life to get everyone out. For a while, no one got past second base; it was pretty fun to watch. (In the end, we actually did win, but who cares, it was fun)
In the last inning, every single player on my team got a hit, that was great :) Taylor was a little sad, because her hits didn't travel as far as they had in practice.
I gave all the kids their pictures, and then had them sign a set of cards for me. A couple of the kids (and parents) got together, and gave me a bat and ball with all the kids' names signed on it. Baseball was very fun this year. I'm going to miss it next year.
Right after that, I had to race to elder's quorum meeting, which I was a half-hour late for :P
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
To my Hacker
Congratulations! You are much better at Linux security than I am. I bow to your superior knowledge of server security. Now that you have shown you are better than me, please move onto someone else's site and leave mine alone. This is a family site that only gets a few hits a day, and those hits are usually from dial-up modems, so this site will not help you in terms of world conquest. Again, I admit that you are better than me, please move on.
Sunday, June 27, 2004
I think I got them all
I have gone through and gotten most of the pages (I hope, you should be safe to visit our site again!) :blush:
Somebody added some code to my web pages that is downloading a virus. I have cleaned the front page, but do not click any links to personal web pages until I get this cleared up.
Friday, June 25, 2004
Off to Manti
We are travelling to Manti today to go to the Pageant. I went to it a few years ago, but this year will be much more fun since we we have Taylor and Shaylie with us.
I forgot to mention that my laptop is back and is working well. I was very happy to get it back.
Taylor won the best-looking car in last night's powder-puff derby. While her car was not the fastest, it was cool that three auto mechanics thought that her car looked best. She also won all the backward car races, which just goes to show that sometimes the best laid plans sometimes backfire :D
I had a blowout on my bike. The back tire just gave out and popped, or exploded is the better term. Fortunately, the bike trails were closed that day, so I was on the roads. If I had been on the trails, I might have had to walk a few miles before Tonya could pick me up. We still had to hurry, as we had a baseball game at 5.
I went to the bike shop the next morning and it took them about five minutes to put a new tube and tire on.
I forgot to mention that my laptop is back and is working well. I was very happy to get it back.
Taylor won the best-looking car in last night's powder-puff derby. While her car was not the fastest, it was cool that three auto mechanics thought that her car looked best. She also won all the backward car races, which just goes to show that sometimes the best laid plans sometimes backfire :D
I had a blowout on my bike. The back tire just gave out and popped, or exploded is the better term. Fortunately, the bike trails were closed that day, so I was on the roads. If I had been on the trails, I might have had to walk a few miles before Tonya could pick me up. We still had to hurry, as we had a baseball game at 5.
I went to the bike shop the next morning and it took them about five minutes to put a new tube and tire on.
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
A new Calling
I am the new Elder's Quorum Secretary. That means I have all the work, but none of the power :D It also means that I will be teaching one week a month in church. And I thought the number of people that went to Elder's Quorum was low before ;) Tonight, I have a training on how to be secretary. It is amazing that I had decided not to have baseball practice last week so that I didn't have to call all my kids and cancel.
We have our second to last game tomorrow night. It has been a fun season. We could have a problem however, the photographers want to take pictures of the team tomorrow night, but all the parents have decided (along with me pushing them) to not take pictures, could be interesting.
I then have an Elder's Quorum meeting. I hope my laptop gets back soon :( I could really use it to take notes.
We have our second to last game tomorrow night. It has been a fun season. We could have a problem however, the photographers want to take pictures of the team tomorrow night, but all the parents have decided (along with me pushing them) to not take pictures, could be interesting.
I then have an Elder's Quorum meeting. I hope my laptop gets back soon :( I could really use it to take notes.
Thursday, June 17, 2004
What a morning
We had a blackout during our baseball game last night. Driving home we had 4-way stops at each of the intersections (not fun). The power came back on just as we were walking into the house. BTW, the game was ok, and we got some good hits and outs.
After the power came back on, I went to the EC. That was my only good building, all the UPS's worked right and none of the servers had even turned off. At my building, however, the UPS on the phones failed and the phones took a while to reboot. The UPS on my server completely failed and could no even handle things being plugged into it, so now my server is plugged into the wall. (Pray for no power failures) Once I finally got that server running, it said that it could not see my health server, but I have no keys to that building, so I had to wait until morning.
This morning I rode my bike on the bike trail as the health building is near one of the trails. When I got there, the server was on (sortof), but the WAN connection was down. After an hour on the phone, that finally came back up and I was able to fix the server problems. Then I biked to my office and fixed a couple of people's computers.
I am getting my exercise today.
Taylor and Shaylie have tube day at their swimming lessons. I wonder what Shaylie is going to think of riding in a hydrotube :)
After the power came back on, I went to the EC. That was my only good building, all the UPS's worked right and none of the servers had even turned off. At my building, however, the UPS on the phones failed and the phones took a while to reboot. The UPS on my server completely failed and could no even handle things being plugged into it, so now my server is plugged into the wall. (Pray for no power failures) Once I finally got that server running, it said that it could not see my health server, but I have no keys to that building, so I had to wait until morning.
This morning I rode my bike on the bike trail as the health building is near one of the trails. When I got there, the server was on (sortof), but the WAN connection was down. After an hour on the phone, that finally came back up and I was able to fix the server problems. Then I biked to my office and fixed a couple of people's computers.
I am getting my exercise today.
Taylor and Shaylie have tube day at their swimming lessons. I wonder what Shaylie is going to think of riding in a hydrotube :)
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
I called everybody on my team on Munday night reminding them of practice and that we were going to take the team picture. I didn't have a single parent tell me that they were not coming. However, three kids did not show up for practice! What's up with that?
We also got our soccer pictures. Finally. For $10, you get one sheet with a wallet size and a 4x6 team photo?! :crazy: I am so glad we are doing pictures ourselves.
We also got our soccer pictures. Finally. For $10, you get one sheet with a wallet size and a 4x6 team photo?! :crazy: I am so glad we are doing pictures ourselves.
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Picture Night
Tonight, Tonya is going to finish taking team pictures. I called all of my players to make sure that they could all be at practice tonight and to wear their uniforms. I have a feeling that for the first time in a long time, I will have the whole team together.
The baseball cards are looking really good. I hope the players are happy with the way they turn out.
The baseball cards are looking really good. I hope the players are happy with the way they turn out.
Monday, June 14, 2004
2004 Preston's Baseball Cards
Hot off the presses! Get your 2004 Pee-Wee League Baseball cards :cool: Here is Taylor's:

One of those days
This is one of those days that you just want to crawl back into bed. Riding to work this morning, A pickup truck pulled as close as they could and screamed at me while I was riding my bike to work. Fortunately, I had my headphones in, so it didn't startle me. I love the humans that live around here. I wish that I could say that this was an unusual occurance, but it happens quite regularly.
Got to work and the signs on the doors say that all water is off until 5:00 tonight. Fortunately, being the only guy in the building means that I can go to the bathroom 4 times while the ladies are going to have to fight for their four chances :)
The phones were dead this morning. The UPS failed on them, so no they have no power backup. And the power has been hiccuping this morning, so the phones go down with every hiccup. I also found out that my UPS on my server has a faulty battery, so the email and file server also goes down with the hiccups.
What fun :angry:
Got to work and the signs on the doors say that all water is off until 5:00 tonight. Fortunately, being the only guy in the building means that I can go to the bathroom 4 times while the ladies are going to have to fight for their four chances :)
The phones were dead this morning. The UPS failed on them, so no they have no power backup. And the power has been hiccuping this morning, so the phones go down with every hiccup. I also found out that my UPS on my server has a faulty battery, so the email and file server also goes down with the hiccups.
What fun :angry:
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Early morning baseball
Taylor's baseball game was at 8:00am this morning. That's right 8:00am on a Saturday morning. I only had seven kids show up, out of 14. Made for a very quick game, infact, we played an extra inning because we were done with 2 innings at 8:31. I then had Tonya take the kids that showed up to get their pictures taken. I am going to call all the kids Monday to make sure that they make it to practice so that we can get team pictures taken.
The bike trails in St. George are great :cool: It is so much fun to go one 10 mile bike rides and not fear getting run over by cars! Last night I went through Bloomington Hills. Some of the houses there are incredibly huge. I can't wait until I win the lottery. ;)
The bike trails in St. George are great :cool: It is so much fun to go one 10 mile bike rides and not fear getting run over by cars! Last night I went through Bloomington Hills. Some of the houses there are incredibly huge. I can't wait until I win the lottery. ;)
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Another Great Game
We had another very good game. The only problem was that only 8 kids showed up! Fortunately, all the players hit, and we got some incredible outs. One kid hit a line drive and JD caught the ball just before it hit the ground. Little Kenneth (and I mean little) caught a pop-up and ran and touched his base for a double-play and would have EASILY had a triple-play and possibly more if he hadn't thrown the ball to the pitcher, who is the other team's coach. :rolleyes: We got several outs on their team and they only got two on us the whole game.
Now the most important thing. Brenr wasn't at the game, so Taylor was the last hitter. Taylor hit the ball a MILE! :D She hit the ball so hard and so far that she had time to easily get around the bases, even when she ran HARD into the 3B-man and they both tangled up. Although she was hurt, he got the way worse of it.
In fact, their team was getting killed last night. One of their players twisted his ankle running to second base. One kid fouled the ball right into his, well, never mind. Another kid, two pitches in a row, hit foul line-drives into girls on his team. And of course, the Taylor body check! There wasn't a minute of game where someone on their team wasn't crying. It was a weird night. I even got hit in the face with a ball when I wasn't paying attention, but I'm ok ;) The ball is soft.
Taylor and I went bike riding again on the trails. We went a little too late, however, as I needed to have my bike lights on for the end of the trip.
Now the most important thing. Brenr wasn't at the game, so Taylor was the last hitter. Taylor hit the ball a MILE! :D She hit the ball so hard and so far that she had time to easily get around the bases, even when she ran HARD into the 3B-man and they both tangled up. Although she was hurt, he got the way worse of it.
In fact, their team was getting killed last night. One of their players twisted his ankle running to second base. One kid fouled the ball right into his, well, never mind. Another kid, two pitches in a row, hit foul line-drives into girls on his team. And of course, the Taylor body check! There wasn't a minute of game where someone on their team wasn't crying. It was a weird night. I even got hit in the face with a ball when I wasn't paying attention, but I'm ok ;) The ball is soft.
Taylor and I went bike riding again on the trails. We went a little too late, however, as I needed to have my bike lights on for the end of the trip.
Wednesday, June 9, 2004
My Laptop
My laptop has a problem. It will read DVD's, but not CD's. It has to go to the shop for repairs, so I am going to be without my machine for a while. This is very sad for me. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
We have a baseball game tonight at 5:00. It is on the sunny field. However, the temperature has been lower today, so it may be ok. I hope we play at least close to how we played last week.
We have a baseball game tonight at 5:00. It is on the sunny field. However, the temperature has been lower today, so it may be ok. I hope we play at least close to how we played last week.
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Taylor got a new fish and she named him beauty. The reason I know it is a he, she bought a Fighting Fish, and only the male Fighting Fish have big fins! Hope we don't annoy him too much with the name! He is a beauty however, when he flares his fins and gills, he is a very nice site to see. We all watched him last night. He doesn't just eat his food, he seeks up on it and attacks it.
I found a new bike trail near out house by the Virgin River (or I should say Virgin Creek), so Taylor and I rode it over to the Dixie Convention Center (about 7 miles one way). We met Tonya and Shaylie there at the park and had a little rest time together. Then Taylor and I rode back. I was very impressed with Taylor. 14 miles on a 20" bike with no gears to shift is pretty impressive.
Tonya found a swimsuit that she likes, so she finally got into our little pool yesterday. The water in the pool has warmed up to the point that it is not a shock to get in.
Taylor and Shaylie started swimming lessons yesterday. It really helped Shaylie, who is no longer afraid to put her head under water, or go without a floatee.
I found a new bike trail near out house by the Virgin River (or I should say Virgin Creek), so Taylor and I rode it over to the Dixie Convention Center (about 7 miles one way). We met Tonya and Shaylie there at the park and had a little rest time together. Then Taylor and I rode back. I was very impressed with Taylor. 14 miles on a 20" bike with no gears to shift is pretty impressive.
Tonya found a swimsuit that she likes, so she finally got into our little pool yesterday. The water in the pool has warmed up to the point that it is not a shock to get in.
Taylor and Shaylie started swimming lessons yesterday. It really helped Shaylie, who is no longer afraid to put her head under water, or go without a floatee.
Monday, June 7, 2004
Taylor's new fish Swimmie died last night. She was very sick last night, so Tonya and Taylor changed the water, which seemed to help. This morning, however, swimmie was at the bottom of the tank just laying there. We are going to try to convince Taylor to get a beta, as they are cleaner, I feel prettier, and are used to being alone in a tank. I am sure the tears are flowing even as I write this.
I fixed my bike last night and went for a ride on the new trail by our house. I ended up at the southern end of St. George before I decided to turn around, I could have gone into Bloomington easily, except for it was getting late.
I fixed my bike last night and went for a ride on the new trail by our house. I ended up at the southern end of St. George before I decided to turn around, I could have gone into Bloomington easily, except for it was getting late.
Friday, June 4, 2004
It's Harry Potter Day!
After work today, Tonya, Taylor and I are going to see Harry Potter :) We got our tickets on Tuesday, got a babysitter for Shaylie (Anissa), and have a game to play while we sit in line for good seats!
Anissa is bringing her computer down for me to fix, so I have another fun weekend of fixing computers.
I finished up my inventory of all my surplus computers :D Now I just have to wait for the surplus truck to show up and take it all away!
Anissa is bringing her computer down for me to fix, so I have another fun weekend of fixing computers.
I finished up my inventory of all my surplus computers :D Now I just have to wait for the surplus truck to show up and take it all away!
Thursday, June 3, 2004
A Great Game!!!!!!
After a terrible practice, I was very nervous about last night's game, however, I feel that last night's game was the best we had in my three years of coaching :D It did not start off well, however, as when I called the team together, we were short 6 players! Well, 2 players showed up in the next 5 minutes, so things ended up being somewhat ok in the player count.
There were 5 players on the opposing team that were on my last year's team. I feared them a lot, as they were all big hitters last year and thought that they would be even bigger this year. Much to my surprise, each one of them had a very off night. Austin, who I called "Mighty Mite" last year for his ability to hit the ball a mile even though he was very small, hit two little weak hits on the infield. Tara, who hit line drives last year, barely hit the ball to the pitcher. All the others also didn't hit the ball hard, in fact, one kid that I backed my outfielders out for, struck out. I was very surprised.
My players did awesome! My infielders (Taylor, Brennan, Brenr, JD) made at least 12 outs in the game (which was more than we had had all season long), everyone got hits, and we cleared the bases easily with our big three hitters (JD, Taylor, Brenr). I was so proud of my team. They played very well.
There were 5 players on the opposing team that were on my last year's team. I feared them a lot, as they were all big hitters last year and thought that they would be even bigger this year. Much to my surprise, each one of them had a very off night. Austin, who I called "Mighty Mite" last year for his ability to hit the ball a mile even though he was very small, hit two little weak hits on the infield. Tara, who hit line drives last year, barely hit the ball to the pitcher. All the others also didn't hit the ball hard, in fact, one kid that I backed my outfielders out for, struck out. I was very surprised.
My players did awesome! My infielders (Taylor, Brennan, Brenr, JD) made at least 12 outs in the game (which was more than we had had all season long), everyone got hits, and we cleared the bases easily with our big three hitters (JD, Taylor, Brenr). I was so proud of my team. They played very well.
Wednesday, June 2, 2004
So much to update, so little time
We went to Holden for Memorial Day and spent the weekend there. I fixed everyone's computers and gave Taylor and Shaylie rides on their 4-wheeler. We also went up to Orem and bought our temple clothes. I got suspenders :)
Taylor plays against her last year's team tonight. I hope it goes well, the team did not have a good practice last night.
We got our tickets for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. We go to the Friday 6:10 showing, we will probably leave around 4:30 for that. We are taking our Phase 10 card game. We have learned to take something fun to do while we sit in line.
Got all of my servers upgraded at work, still working on getting my surplus computers done.
Taylor plays against her last year's team tonight. I hope it goes well, the team did not have a good practice last night.
We got our tickets for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. We go to the Friday 6:10 showing, we will probably leave around 4:30 for that. We are taking our Phase 10 card game. We have learned to take something fun to do while we sit in line.
Got all of my servers upgraded at work, still working on getting my surplus computers done.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Our website is back up
We have been having a hard time getting into our web site, so now that I can get in, I had better do an update. Taylor had her first baseball game on Saturday. The kids hit well, and they seemed to understand playing defense. The kids handled the ball pretty well, and Taylor hit the ball hard.
Taylor is done with school for the year. Friday was her last day. She is very sad that the year is over.
Shaylie is done with dance for the summer. Next year, both Shaylie and Taylor will be taking dance classes, although not at the same time. Starting next month, both Taylor and Shaylie will be taking swim lessons at the city pool over by Dixie High School.
In work news, I no longer have to travel to Cedar City :) Lance and Ryan have taken over the site, giving me more time to get things done. We also upgraded the imaging server to a machine that has over a TERRABYTE of Hard Disk Space! I have to finish upgrading servers to 6.5 this week, and then finish the surplusing of computers and then my life should be easy for a week or two :)
Tonya had her first PTA meeting as President, it went well.
Taylor is done with school for the year. Friday was her last day. She is very sad that the year is over.
Shaylie is done with dance for the summer. Next year, both Shaylie and Taylor will be taking dance classes, although not at the same time. Starting next month, both Taylor and Shaylie will be taking swim lessons at the city pool over by Dixie High School.
In work news, I no longer have to travel to Cedar City :) Lance and Ryan have taken over the site, giving me more time to get things done. We also upgraded the imaging server to a machine that has over a TERRABYTE of Hard Disk Space! I have to finish upgrading servers to 6.5 this week, and then finish the surplusing of computers and then my life should be easy for a week or two :)
Tonya had her first PTA meeting as President, it went well.
Sunday, May 9, 2004
A busy week ahead
We are going to have a very busy week. Tonya is leaving for Provo on Thursday for her PTA Convention. She will be gone until Saturday evening.
Shaylie has dance on Tuesday, as usual.
Taylor is the busy one, although she has to be very good to get to be able to do it all, as she is grounded. Monday and Tuesday, there is a dance clinic for all new students who want to get into dance, and we feel she needs to get into dance. Her last soccer game is on Saturday, so if she gets to go, she will have to practice on Tuesday. Tuesday is going to be a mess. Thursday is the tryout for dance, so she will have to practice the routine Wednesday night.
I have about 70 computers to surplus. Unfortunately, it takes about 90 minutes to erase the computer, then I have to fill out a form for each one, and then hope the surplus truck shows up before people start complaining about all the computers lying around. I also have to update all of my servers to Novell 6.5 by the end of the month. However, no one has made up instructions on how to do it yet, so I guess I get to do it. And then, the imaging server needs to be swapped out, which should take at least one whole night. This is going to be fun.
And lastly, I will try and get all the pictures of the past couple of weeks online. More later....
Shaylie has dance on Tuesday, as usual.
Taylor is the busy one, although she has to be very good to get to be able to do it all, as she is grounded. Monday and Tuesday, there is a dance clinic for all new students who want to get into dance, and we feel she needs to get into dance. Her last soccer game is on Saturday, so if she gets to go, she will have to practice on Tuesday. Tuesday is going to be a mess. Thursday is the tryout for dance, so she will have to practice the routine Wednesday night.
I have about 70 computers to surplus. Unfortunately, it takes about 90 minutes to erase the computer, then I have to fill out a form for each one, and then hope the surplus truck shows up before people start complaining about all the computers lying around. I also have to update all of my servers to Novell 6.5 by the end of the month. However, no one has made up instructions on how to do it yet, so I guess I get to do it. And then, the imaging server needs to be swapped out, which should take at least one whole night. This is going to be fun.
And lastly, I will try and get all the pictures of the past couple of weeks online. More later....
Friday, May 7, 2004
Photos now online
I have added photos for the month of April and for Taylor's baptism and confirmation. Just go to the photos page. :)
Sunday, May 2, 2004
Baptism Weekend
This weekend was Taylor's baptism and confirmation. Friday Grandma J came down and we went to Mongolian Bar-Bee-Que and then went to the temple visitor's center. Grandma also gave Taylor a beautiful white dress. On Saturday, Grandma Dawn and Anissa and Anje and Great Grandparents came down. Taylor had a soccer game at 1:00 so we all went to that. The game went to a shootout and Taylor's team won. After that, we raced home, cut Taylor's hair and got her in the shower. Then we gave her all her baptism gifts. She received her scriptures, a tote bag, a beautiful "I am a child of God necklace" and baptism bracelet, and a journal.
The baptism went well. Great-Grandpa Heath and Shane Sabitis were the witnesses. I didn't forget the prayer and we did it right ON THE FIRST TRY!
Saturday was her confirmation, Tonya helped by writing out a prayer for me so that I would be able to do it well and remember everything that I wanted to say.
Taylor was very beautiful in her dress and was a very very good girl.
The baptism went well. Great-Grandpa Heath and Shane Sabitis were the witnesses. I didn't forget the prayer and we did it right ON THE FIRST TRY!
Saturday was her confirmation, Tonya helped by writing out a prayer for me so that I would be able to do it well and remember everything that I wanted to say.
Taylor was very beautiful in her dress and was a very very good girl.
Monday, April 26, 2004
Taylor's Birthday
Happy Birthday to Taylor!! Today she is eight years old. I can't believe how fast the years are flying by. This weekend we had a slumber birthday party with several of Taylor's friends. They colored pillow cases to take home and watched movies projected on the wall. The girls were terrific and they had a lot of fun! Taylor has also received lots of cards and gifts from family and friends! Thank you for all the neat things.
Tonight, Taylor and her Dad are going out on a Daddy/Daughter date! They are going to eat out at Mongolian BBQ and then to a surprise/fun activity. I think this will become an annual tradition.
We took ice cream bars to Taylor's class at school today! But, oops, I miscounted so I was short by several bars. Luckily, the PTA ice cream freezer was right outside Taylor's classroom so I grabbed several to save the day. Tomorrow, I will be joining Taylor's class to learn basic math.
And then, after school, Taylor was visited by her Activity Days leader who brought her an invitation to join them. Now that she is eight, she can go to this fun meeting and work on her Faith in God Award. This is a program (kind of like Cub Scouts) that helps girls to develop a strong testimony and work on qualities that will help her be an excellent person when she grows up. (As if she isn't already...) She has been looking forward to this a lot.
This Saturday is her Baptism. We are having a family party and many of the fam will be coming down to help us celebrate. It is a very special day and we are looking forward to this a lot. She will have the baptism Saturday night and her confirmation will be the next day in Church. We are so very proud of having such an awesome daughter who is so faithful in following her Heavenly Father. She is heading for great things, I think.
So....Happy Birthday, dear Taylor, Happy Birthday to YOU! :D
Tonight, Taylor and her Dad are going out on a Daddy/Daughter date! They are going to eat out at Mongolian BBQ and then to a surprise/fun activity. I think this will become an annual tradition.
We took ice cream bars to Taylor's class at school today! But, oops, I miscounted so I was short by several bars. Luckily, the PTA ice cream freezer was right outside Taylor's classroom so I grabbed several to save the day. Tomorrow, I will be joining Taylor's class to learn basic math.
And then, after school, Taylor was visited by her Activity Days leader who brought her an invitation to join them. Now that she is eight, she can go to this fun meeting and work on her Faith in God Award. This is a program (kind of like Cub Scouts) that helps girls to develop a strong testimony and work on qualities that will help her be an excellent person when she grows up. (As if she isn't already...) She has been looking forward to this a lot.
This Saturday is her Baptism. We are having a family party and many of the fam will be coming down to help us celebrate. It is a very special day and we are looking forward to this a lot. She will have the baptism Saturday night and her confirmation will be the next day in Church. We are so very proud of having such an awesome daughter who is so faithful in following her Heavenly Father. She is heading for great things, I think.
So....Happy Birthday, dear Taylor, Happy Birthday to YOU! :D
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
More new technology and other stuff
I finally got rid of my brick cell phone. I got a VERY small cell phone (it is almost too small). The nice thing is, it also has text messaging, so I get rid of my pager too! I rewrote my web page that that it can send me text messages. Tonya played with the phone and got it all setup for me, however, we couldn't find a Harry Potter ringtone for it :( Oh well, can't have everything.
I travel up to Salt Lake again tomorrow to go to the DWS WIT conference. So I will miss the dance going on here. I really wanted to take Tonya and go, oh well now we are going to have Taylor's birthday party instead. She is having a sleepover party.
This weekend is pretty busy. Taylor has a soccer game at nine in the morning on Saturday.
I travel up to Salt Lake again tomorrow to go to the DWS WIT conference. So I will miss the dance going on here. I really wanted to take Tonya and go, oh well now we are going to have Taylor's birthday party instead. She is having a sleepover party.
This weekend is pretty busy. Taylor has a soccer game at nine in the morning on Saturday.
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Oh great!
I was in Salt Lake all last week for novell training and security training. I went back to work this morning and went to my ec first. The connection to the internet is dead, so is the connection in Cedar City. So I have two buildings that are dead this morning with about 100 employees not able to work. What a wonderful way to start a week. :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
Our Little Dancer
We just got the pictures of our little one; isn't she cute!!! :D

Monday, April 5, 2004
Baseball Season!!!!
It is amazing to me that my favorite sport (baseball) starts on my least favorite week (daylight savings begins). I guess that is the way keep things balanced out :)
Last night the Red Sox lost their opening game, I wonder if the people of Boston are already calling for the manager's firing. I am listening to the Cub's game right now, it is so great to have baseball back. The Diamondbacks don't play until tomorrow night, so I guess I get three days of opening baseball :D
More later, gotta get back to work....
Last night the Red Sox lost their opening game, I wonder if the people of Boston are already calling for the manager's firing. I am listening to the Cub's game right now, it is so great to have baseball back. The Diamondbacks don't play until tomorrow night, so I guess I get three days of opening baseball :D
More later, gotta get back to work....
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Testing video clips
I am testing putting video clips on our web site. Click the picture below to download and run the video. 
Hope it works. One thing that you can try if the video doesn't work is to download and install the DivX412Codec
Hope it works. One thing that you can try if the video doesn't work is to download and install the DivX412Codec
Monday, March 22, 2004
Disneyland Photos
The pictures are now online! ;) Click here to check them out!
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Splash Mountain Family Picture
Here is the whole family picture.

Here is a closeup of Shaylie, yes she is as scared as she looks
Here is a closeup of Shaylie, yes she is as scared as she looks
We're back!
We just got back from our terrific vacation to Disneyland and we are glad to be home! It was a fun-filled week and here are the highlights...
We got to our hotel on Sunday afternoon and tried to check-in, we were a bit early so they told us to go ahead to the park and pick up our keys when we got back. The girls were so excited and we got some good video of us entering the park. It was incredibly busy due to three or four states, plus the local schools, being out for spring break. We went on Sunday specifically to see Fantasmic and the girls were blown away. They loved it. It was a good way to introduce them to the magic of Disneyland. We spent some time at Toontown and rode on several fun rides. As we were standing in line for "it's a small world," the Parade of Stars went right past us. We were up close and personal for all the major characters. Belle even blew Taylor a kiss. That night, when we got back to the hotel they told us that they upgraded us from a regular room to a suite, so that was great!
Monday, we hit the park with a vengeance. We figured out how to work the FASTpass system and we decided that it was a vast improvement over the 3-4 hour lines we experienced the last time we were there. We rode Splash Mountain (and got a terrific picture though Shaylie looks terrified), met Pooh, Eeyore and Tiger, and Shaylie fell in love with the spinning Teacups and Taylor the Matterhorn. I loved the Honey, I shrunk the audience show. Because of the crowds, both parks decided to stay open later until 10:00; somehow I think not everyone got the word though since after about 8:00 the crowds thinned out a lot and we got to walk on to several rides.
Tuesday, we spent the day at California Adventures. We visited the Paradise Pier, which actually turned out to be our least favorite part of the park, but Taylor and Scott rode the California Screamin' roller coaster and that was one of her top 3 rides. We also visited Playhouse Disney Live on Stage, a Bug's Land and the puddle park, and then took off a little early to go to the beach. We drove to Huntington Beach and we were shocked to drive out of what little sunshine there was into a totally gray day. The beach was pretty cold without any sunshine, but that didn't stop us. We all got into the water and Taylor and Scott braved some pretty big waves. Shay and I built sand castles and played with seagulls. We found some good shells too.
Wednesday, we went back to California Adventures and discovered some great rides that we missed the first time like Soaring over California, an awesome virtual flying ride. I could have ridden that one all day long. We took in some more shows, Aladdin, Muppets 3-D, and the Walt Disney story. Then we went back over to Disneyland and rode our favorites again, even Shaylie decided that she wanted to ride on Splash Mountain again, which surprised us all, and of course, the teacups.
Thursday was our last day and so we made sure to hit anything we had missed at both parks and our favorites again. We saw the Snow White stage show, and (after Scott had his Dramamine) Star Tours, Soaring over California, and the spinning teacups. Taylor had to hit the Matterhorn again and we all went on Pirates, Haunted Mansion, and the spinning teacups. We were ready to go, but the girls were very sad.
Friday, Taylor woke up crying since we had to go home. But we were all ready to go whether we knew it or not. We got packed and headed for home. The girls both got sick in the car on the way home, which was funny, since they both rode every ride ten times and never hinted at getting sick even once, but the car ride got them both. C'est la vie. It was a good trip and a fun vacation. We had so much fun that the first thing we did when we got home was to watch all our video and reminisce. Scott will be posting pictures soon, so check back and we will tell you all about the details when we see you.
It was a great, fun, family vacation!
We got to our hotel on Sunday afternoon and tried to check-in, we were a bit early so they told us to go ahead to the park and pick up our keys when we got back. The girls were so excited and we got some good video of us entering the park. It was incredibly busy due to three or four states, plus the local schools, being out for spring break. We went on Sunday specifically to see Fantasmic and the girls were blown away. They loved it. It was a good way to introduce them to the magic of Disneyland. We spent some time at Toontown and rode on several fun rides. As we were standing in line for "it's a small world," the Parade of Stars went right past us. We were up close and personal for all the major characters. Belle even blew Taylor a kiss. That night, when we got back to the hotel they told us that they upgraded us from a regular room to a suite, so that was great!
Monday, we hit the park with a vengeance. We figured out how to work the FASTpass system and we decided that it was a vast improvement over the 3-4 hour lines we experienced the last time we were there. We rode Splash Mountain (and got a terrific picture though Shaylie looks terrified), met Pooh, Eeyore and Tiger, and Shaylie fell in love with the spinning Teacups and Taylor the Matterhorn. I loved the Honey, I shrunk the audience show. Because of the crowds, both parks decided to stay open later until 10:00; somehow I think not everyone got the word though since after about 8:00 the crowds thinned out a lot and we got to walk on to several rides.
Tuesday, we spent the day at California Adventures. We visited the Paradise Pier, which actually turned out to be our least favorite part of the park, but Taylor and Scott rode the California Screamin' roller coaster and that was one of her top 3 rides. We also visited Playhouse Disney Live on Stage, a Bug's Land and the puddle park, and then took off a little early to go to the beach. We drove to Huntington Beach and we were shocked to drive out of what little sunshine there was into a totally gray day. The beach was pretty cold without any sunshine, but that didn't stop us. We all got into the water and Taylor and Scott braved some pretty big waves. Shay and I built sand castles and played with seagulls. We found some good shells too.
Wednesday, we went back to California Adventures and discovered some great rides that we missed the first time like Soaring over California, an awesome virtual flying ride. I could have ridden that one all day long. We took in some more shows, Aladdin, Muppets 3-D, and the Walt Disney story. Then we went back over to Disneyland and rode our favorites again, even Shaylie decided that she wanted to ride on Splash Mountain again, which surprised us all, and of course, the teacups.
Thursday was our last day and so we made sure to hit anything we had missed at both parks and our favorites again. We saw the Snow White stage show, and (after Scott had his Dramamine) Star Tours, Soaring over California, and the spinning teacups. Taylor had to hit the Matterhorn again and we all went on Pirates, Haunted Mansion, and the spinning teacups. We were ready to go, but the girls were very sad.
Friday, Taylor woke up crying since we had to go home. But we were all ready to go whether we knew it or not. We got packed and headed for home. The girls both got sick in the car on the way home, which was funny, since they both rode every ride ten times and never hinted at getting sick even once, but the car ride got them both. C'est la vie. It was a good trip and a fun vacation. We had so much fun that the first thing we did when we got home was to watch all our video and reminisce. Scott will be posting pictures soon, so check back and we will tell you all about the details when we see you.
It was a great, fun, family vacation!
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Things are looking up :)
I finally got a backup of the imaging server (one less worry). The tape drive is harder to use, but hopefully they will be able to figure it out. I am not getting any more complaining emails about the laptops, because now I have both of them sitting on my desk :D I will work on them again after we get back from our trip. We are almost done with cookies, just one person here at work to go (she has been out of town)
I can't wait to get out of here!!!!! I think I have figured out how to put movies on my pocket pc, so maybe my daughters will have some entertainment for the long trip.
I can't wait to get out of here!!!!! I think I have figured out how to put movies on my pocket pc, so maybe my daughters will have some entertainment for the long trip.
Saturday, March 6, 2004
Taylor's Troop
We got Taylor's Troop Picture back. What do you think? :)
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Catching up
I forgot to mention some things: Mom, we got the cards (thanks), got the girl scout camp money (big thanks). Tonya is still sick, she went to the doctor yesterday and it was confirmed that she was sick. He gave her some pills and ordered an X-ray of her back. We are hoping that they will do this before our trip, so that she can go without pain. I am a little sick (ok, I am sick, but I am fighting it tooth and nail.)
Roger and Pam are coming through tomorrow, I hope we will be healthy enough to get the house ready and be well enough to be visitable.
Roger and Pam are coming through tomorrow, I hope we will be healthy enough to get the house ready and be well enough to be visitable.
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Montues, Montues
The dreaded week that starts on a Tuesday. After having one day in ok health, Tonya is back to being sick again. Taylor had nightmares all night, I guess I shouldn't have let her watch Jurassic Park III :(
Taylor went to two birthday parties last week. She broke the pinata at both parties :) (I am expecting big things in baseball this year :cool: )
Shaylie has learned how to back-flip into the lovesac, when it is not all fluffed up. She can't even get into it when I fluff it up. But Taylor is always there to flatten it out for her :P
As always, it is a busy Montues. I setup three computers this morning at the Employment Center. They shampooed the carpets this weekend and you can tell. The smell was overpowering. I have had about 15 calls already this morning for computer issues. I hope that it slows down soon.
Taylor went to two birthday parties last week. She broke the pinata at both parties :) (I am expecting big things in baseball this year :cool: )
Shaylie has learned how to back-flip into the lovesac, when it is not all fluffed up. She can't even get into it when I fluff it up. But Taylor is always there to flatten it out for her :P
As always, it is a busy Montues. I setup three computers this morning at the Employment Center. They shampooed the carpets this weekend and you can tell. The smell was overpowering. I have had about 15 calls already this morning for computer issues. I hope that it slows down soon.
Saturday, February 14, 2004
Happy Valentine's Day
We had a good day. Taylor's best friend had her birthday party today. Bobbie came down to visit, she hadn't been here in a while and wanted to see the changes to our house. Dahn and Anissa and Anje came down to give the girls presents. The four of us and Bobbie went to Mongolian Bar-Be-Que (thanks mom).
Tonya finally got Bobbie's Christmas present to her.
Tonya finally got Bobbie's Christmas present to her.
Monday, February 9, 2004
I forgot to write this one yesterday
After church, we asked Shaylie if she enjoyed her sunbeam class. She said yes. We asked what happened in class, she said that the teacher talked to me. We asked what did she say. Shaylie said, "She said ssshhhhhh." :laugh: We asked her what else did she say. Shaylie said, "She said sit." :laugh:
Sunday, February 8, 2004
Shaylie at Play
Shaylie went outside to play yesterday and had the camera, so I took this picture. Ain't she cute :D
Saturday, February 7, 2004
A night away
The girls' went up to Cedar City last night to play with Anje. So Tonya and I celebrated Valentine's Day last night. We went to Durangos last night and then went to a movie. It was a nice night.
Tonya is driving up to Cedar right now to get the girls, as Taylor has a girl scout function at 11:00 this morning.
I finished installing the laptops on friday. I am going up to Cedar City on Tuesday to give them out.
Tonya is driving up to Cedar right now to get the girls, as Taylor has a girl scout function at 11:00 this morning.
I finished installing the laptops on friday. I am going up to Cedar City on Tuesday to give them out.
Friday, February 6, 2004
Playtime for me
We got a new device at work to play with. :) It is a tablet pc. I got to run it through its paces yesterday, although Tonya had the most fun with it. I gave it to my boss today, as she is the one who actually has to like it and order it.
My ipaq still hasn't arrived, I was really hoping to have it this weekend :(
My ipaq still hasn't arrived, I was really hoping to have it this weekend :(
Wednesday, February 4, 2004
The laptops arrived
I came in this morning and there was a stack of laptop sitting at he front door of my office. I also received an email telling me who the laptops are going to, which was interesting since 2 people that thought they were getting new machines are not getting them. I can't wait until they find out :(
Had a lot of rain yesterday. That is always nice. Shaylie had her dance class. She really likes that. Taylor went and played at Cierra's house.
Had a lot of rain yesterday. That is always nice. Shaylie had her dance class. She really likes that. Taylor went and played at Cierra's house.
Monday, February 2, 2004
White stuff from the sky
Once again, the rumored white stuff from the sky is falling, as usual it disappears when it touches the ground. Hope Shaylie is out watching it. Hope that it is still falling when Taylor gets out of school.
Bike Fixed....Again!
I fixed the front tire on my bike again. :cry: I took out the liner in it, as I think that was what was causing the problem. I also got some bungy cords so now I can strap my huge laptop bag to the bike rack, instead of having to wear it. :)
Watched the superbowl last night, it was a very exciting game. The halftime show, however, was another story. :angry: From Kid Rock wearing a ripped American flag to Janet and Justin's "wardrobe malfunction" :crazy: to Nelly's song, huh. They should have just let the University of Houston marching band perform the whole thing, they were actually good.
Watched the superbowl last night, it was a very exciting game. The halftime show, however, was another story. :angry: From Kid Rock wearing a ripped American flag to Janet and Justin's "wardrobe malfunction" :crazy: to Nelly's song, huh. They should have just let the University of Houston marching band perform the whole thing, they were actually good.
Saturday, January 31, 2004
The weekend
The weekend is finally here! Darren is coming over so that we can take all of our rose bush clippings to the dump. It is raining right now, so I guess yard work is out of the question.
We have discovered a problem with our new lovesac. It is so comfortable, that if you get in it and are even just a little tired, you will fall asleep! Tonya slept in it most of the night last night after she fell asleep in it around 9:00.
Taylor sold 303 boxes of cookies. Now the hard part comes, delivery.
Taylor has had no media week, so we didn't watch TV. That will change tomorrow when the superbowl is on. It is the only time of the year when the commercials are really good.
We have discovered a problem with our new lovesac. It is so comfortable, that if you get in it and are even just a little tired, you will fall asleep! Tonya slept in it most of the night last night after she fell asleep in it around 9:00.
Taylor sold 303 boxes of cookies. Now the hard part comes, delivery.
Taylor has had no media week, so we didn't watch TV. That will change tomorrow when the superbowl is on. It is the only time of the year when the commercials are really good.
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Tomorrow is the day after my birthday!
I stumped a few people with that one day today. All in all, it was a good day, except for one of my hubs went out and 1/3 of the people on the second floor lost their network connection. I did some reconfiguring of wires and where able to get most people back up, and the rest I put onto and old slow hub that I had in the closet.
I put out the flat panel monitors today. The 12 people who got them were very happy. I even gave away my flat panel (because I didn't need it anymore, I do have that 17" monitor on my laptop now) So I felt like I was in elementary school where you bring cookies on your birthday.
Eligibility sang to me, I really am going to treat them better, they have been great to me, helping me set stuff up.
Tonya is taking me out to dinner tonight. We will be going to Mongolian Bar-Be-Que. And we are going out to a movie tonight.
Thanks mom for the card!
I put out the flat panel monitors today. The 12 people who got them were very happy. I even gave away my flat panel (because I didn't need it anymore, I do have that 17" monitor on my laptop now) So I felt like I was in elementary school where you bring cookies on your birthday.
Eligibility sang to me, I really am going to treat them better, they have been great to me, helping me set stuff up.
Tonya is taking me out to dinner tonight. We will be going to Mongolian Bar-Be-Que. And we are going out to a movie tonight.
Thanks mom for the card!
Sunday, January 25, 2004
Now we know what happened to the Spirit Rover
Found this on the internet. It appears that the Spirit Rover landed on Marvin the Martian's trusted dog, K-9, that is why they had to go down the auxiliary ramp. As you can see from the picture, Marvin was not happy and placed a Illudium Pew-36 Explosive Space Modulator on the Rover, and that is why they are having problems!
Friday, January 23, 2004
At Work
I installed the ZEN inventory program on all of my servers and got it working. It is amazing watching all the computer information come in so now I have detailed info about every computer I maintain. Also I am able to take over a person's computer now without that person knowing the ip address of the computer, which makes life easier for me.
I received a tape drive for my server in Cedar City. I will now try and get it installed so that I can finally back up that server!
The new laptops have not arrived yet for the users, so they are all getting very ancy. I just hope that they give me a little time to get them set up once they arrive.
I received a tape drive for my server in Cedar City. I will now try and get it installed so that I can finally back up that server!
The new laptops have not arrived yet for the users, so they are all getting very ancy. I just hope that they give me a little time to get them set up once they arrive.
Cookie Update
Taylor has now sold 289 packages of cookies. Now she is taking her Kaitlin out selling so that she can get up to one hundred. Currently Kaitlin has 66 cookies, she sold about twenty last night in an hour with Taylor, we will probably go out again tonight. Taylor is very driven to sell.
Taylor is trying to get Shaylee (not our Shaylie) to come with her and sell, but her mom says she is too shy, and she is up in the sixties anyway with her dad helping her, so she may make it okay anyway.
I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor goes out and gets 300 tonight. She has already earned $50 dollars in Girl Scout credit, that she can use towards things at the girl scout store or camps.
Taylor is trying to get Shaylee (not our Shaylie) to come with her and sell, but her mom says she is too shy, and she is up in the sixties anyway with her dad helping her, so she may make it okay anyway.
I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor goes out and gets 300 tonight. She has already earned $50 dollars in Girl Scout credit, that she can use towards things at the girl scout store or camps.
Monday, January 19, 2004
Cookies, Cookies, and More Cookies
We are finding out that selling Girl Scout cookies is about as hard as asking people to breathe. As of this morning, she has sold over 130 boxes of cookies and she hasn't even come to my work yet. She does that today. Her goal was to sell 100 boxes total. Her scoutmaster told them if everyone sells 100 boxes, they will go as a troop to the girl scout camp up north for a campout. She was over a hundred boxesby 3:00 on Saturday. It was great watching her walk up to people's doors and knocking and giving her little speech and watching almost everyone buy cookies.
Tonya's hair color changed several times this weekend, only to end up at the same color it was before the weekend.
I spent most of the weekend trying to get the website back up, as you can tell it is now working.
Taylor slept over at Misty's house on Sunday night, she also sold ten boxes of cookies to them. :D
Shaylie played computer games over the weekend. Her favorite thing right now on the computer is a night-time story "Where do slippers sleep?" In fact, she made sure that her slippers were under the bed last night.
Tonya's hair color changed several times this weekend, only to end up at the same color it was before the weekend.
I spent most of the weekend trying to get the website back up, as you can tell it is now working.
Taylor slept over at Misty's house on Sunday night, she also sold ten boxes of cookies to them. :D
Shaylie played computer games over the weekend. Her favorite thing right now on the computer is a night-time story "Where do slippers sleep?" In fact, she made sure that her slippers were under the bed last night.
Web site problems
We have had problems with our web site this weekend, however, they are now fixed and hopefully I will have no more problems. I had to rebuild all the blog stuff, but it is all back up now.
Thursday, January 15, 2004
Almost done with the web site and other stuff
As, you can see, I have the new web design for our site up and running :D Now, I have to find some pictures to put on the page so that grandparents won't yell :P I have a few tweeks left to do, and maybe someday I will update Shaylie's page to reflect that she is no longer an infant ;)
I got my bike back today. It is so nice to ride after it has been to the shop, I wish it always ran like that.
It looks like Taylor is going to go to girl scout summer camp this year! The one she wants to go to is a week long camp up around park city. This girl scout thing looks like it is working out great! By the way, Girl Scout cookies start on Friday, so remember, don't buy your cookies from anyone except Taylor :D
I got my bike back today. It is so nice to ride after it has been to the shop, I wish it always ran like that.
It looks like Taylor is going to go to girl scout summer camp this year! The one she wants to go to is a week long camp up around park city. This girl scout thing looks like it is working out great! By the way, Girl Scout cookies start on Friday, so remember, don't buy your cookies from anyone except Taylor :D
Monday, January 12, 2004
Another great start to a week
Before I went to bed last night, I decided to check and see if my front bike tire was still inflated. It was, so I have no idea why it went flat. BBBUUUUTTT, I noticed that a couple of spokes are broken on my back tire, so that means more repairs.
I get into work this morning and my boss tells me that one of my servers is locked up, so I got to fix that this morning, plus I found out I need to install a file on every machine by tuesday morning. Now, I am trying to install a laptop, that seems to only work on the wireless network once, and then you have to reinstall the network. Then I have to install XP on a person's computer, that will take an hour. And I still have to upgrade all the computers in the training rooms. And I have 7 new laptops coming for users (when I had requested 3, people with good laptops (and are in a position of power) decided that they wanted new ones as well). What a wonderful week.
Oh, and I have to get this site back up and running I need an assistant.
I get into work this morning and my boss tells me that one of my servers is locked up, so I got to fix that this morning, plus I found out I need to install a file on every machine by tuesday morning. Now, I am trying to install a laptop, that seems to only work on the wireless network once, and then you have to reinstall the network. Then I have to install XP on a person's computer, that will take an hour. And I still have to upgrade all the computers in the training rooms. And I have 7 new laptops coming for users (when I had requested 3, people with good laptops (and are in a position of power) decided that they wanted new ones as well). What a wonderful week.
Oh, and I have to get this site back up and running I need an assistant.
Friday, January 9, 2004
We're not going away
We are back! :D We have switched service providers and we should be okay, for now. I am going to completely redo the website, so that is why things look pretty plain right now, but things are going to spruced up over the next few weeks.
Lots of things have happened recently. I have my new laptop, my new usb pen drive. :laugh: We bought a new video camera (thanks mom) and it can take pictures, so we will be adding pictures to the site (hopefully) The pictures are not the greatest, but hey, it is better than what we have had recently, which is nothing. :satisfied:
We have our lovesacs! :laugh: No it is not anything bad, they are BIG foam filled furniture (ie, like bean bags) One is 6 foot and girls' one is 2 foot. They are very comfortable. :rolleyes:
Lots of things have happened recently. I have my new laptop, my new usb pen drive. :laugh: We bought a new video camera (thanks mom) and it can take pictures, so we will be adding pictures to the site (hopefully) The pictures are not the greatest, but hey, it is better than what we have had recently, which is nothing. :satisfied:
We have our lovesacs! :laugh: No it is not anything bad, they are BIG foam filled furniture (ie, like bean bags) One is 6 foot and girls' one is 2 foot. They are very comfortable. :rolleyes:
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