Well, we had a very Merry Christmas at our house, though we were disappointed by the early departure of Grandma Rose...She left early yesterday, instead of today as planned. We were sad to see her go, but we are glad she made it home safely without much bad weather. I probably got more upset than I should have because of PMS or something, but we always hate to see her go, especially early. We love you, Rose!
The girls every wish came true...and if it didn't, they got some Christmas money from Grandma Deschamp and Grandma Dawn so they can go get it. I got my backyard firepit, which I love, and Scott's best gift was a video game controller for his pc. He has been busy defeating the StarWars Lego Empire. I also received a surprise gift from a friend of mine: I was delivering her Christmas treat and she offered to let us have her old fridge...which is a side-by-side with drink and ice in the door....nice...for free!! I offered to pay her but she just said, "Take me out to lunch sometime!" Thank you, Julie! You are a sweetie!
We are now preparing for the next big bash...Dad's due to arrive tomorrow, the rest of the fam on Friday or Saturday. I can't wait to see everyone and have fun.
My girls night out tonight got canceled because one of my friends is sick today. H0pe she feels better soon, she's had it for about a month....she probably could have used a night out...We'll go soon...
That's about all that's happening around here! Happy New Year to everyone and talk to you in 2006!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Well, it's finally here! It's such a relief to be able to tell Shaylie she can open her presents...I've given in a bit early and already let her open three or so. She's been so patient. But, a big surprise...Taylor wants to wait until morning...who knew?
Grandma J is here and we've had visits from Grandma Dawn and Aunt Anissa too. We are so excited about having everyone down for New Year's...
Merry Christmas To Everyone...we hope that your holiday is filled with love, laughter and lots of gifts... :-)
Grandma J is here and we've had visits from Grandma Dawn and Aunt Anissa too. We are so excited about having everyone down for New Year's...
Merry Christmas To Everyone...we hope that your holiday is filled with love, laughter and lots of gifts... :-)
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Time's flying...
Last Saturday before Christmas...we have been busy all day baking and making treats for Neighbors Treat Boxes. We are planning to deliver them sometime soon, maybe tonight, but my back is hurting so...maybe Monday. Even though they've been helping me bake, the girls have been bored as can be all day. I can't even put them to work because our house is pretty clean. You'd think baking cookies, making fudge and mints would occupy them but they still feel like they haven't done anything today. Growl.
Anyway, I still have much shopping to do. I'm almost done, but there are some of you that are very hard to shop for...We'll get by though, just remember that we love you no matter how much the gifts might bomb.
So, I just realized that I am sounding pretty grouchy...but I'm really not...I've been feeling pretty Christmasy all day. I'm even looking forward to going out to the stores and fighting crowds. I just might need a nap first. :)
I'm looking forward to having Grandma Rose come on Wednesday...Scott was supposed to go up to a conference on Tuesday and Wednesday in SLC, but I think I talked him out of it...He would miss the girls chorus concert and his mom would be here before he gets back, and I would miss him... all not good.
I also got the New Years' Invite out to all the fam. I haven't heard anything back from anyone though...maybe it's best to just get Christmas out of the way first. Y'all let me know when you know what you are doing...I can't wait...It should be tons of fun!
Love to all...be good. Santa's watching.
Anyway, I still have much shopping to do. I'm almost done, but there are some of you that are very hard to shop for...We'll get by though, just remember that we love you no matter how much the gifts might bomb.
So, I just realized that I am sounding pretty grouchy...but I'm really not...I've been feeling pretty Christmasy all day. I'm even looking forward to going out to the stores and fighting crowds. I just might need a nap first. :)
I'm looking forward to having Grandma Rose come on Wednesday...Scott was supposed to go up to a conference on Tuesday and Wednesday in SLC, but I think I talked him out of it...He would miss the girls chorus concert and his mom would be here before he gets back, and I would miss him... all not good.
I also got the New Years' Invite out to all the fam. I haven't heard anything back from anyone though...maybe it's best to just get Christmas out of the way first. Y'all let me know when you know what you are doing...I can't wait...It should be tons of fun!
Love to all...be good. Santa's watching.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Another Christmas Update
Here are a couple other things I've heard the girls pine for...Heelies ? (those roller skates in the shoes that pop out), Sparkle Cinderella, Game Boy Advance Game Nick Toons Unite (?) (It has all the cartoons that they like spongebob, timmy turner, danny phantom, etc. all together in one game)...Grandma J and Taylor are going shopping for bedding so...thanks for that! She'll love it.
If any of you have clues for me about the 'rents...I'd love some hints.
Been sick for three days now...just can't seem to kick my cold. I hope it ends in time for visits. I have tons to do and no energy and less time to do it. All I can think about is taking naps.
Got my December stories to Club Mom...I'm not sure I'm entirely happy with my effort though. We'll see if they fire me. I haven't seen any of my application stories online yet either. So, I'm not feeling very confident and it hasn't even started yet...it's probably just the cold talking.
Anyway, Shaylie keeps telling me (hourly) that she "cannot wait until Christmas, really, I CAN'T!" She is going to drop dead any minute from the waiting. Today, she said to me, "Christmas really is the best time of year, huh, mom?" I was feeling so proud, then she said, " Cause you get lots of presents!" But, I guess she is right, although I really enjoy giving presents too. I always wish I had unlimited money at Christmas so I could get exactly the right thing that everybody wants/needs. Oh well, you all love yarn too, right? Right?!
So, I'm tired out now...I'm going to rest/nap before the kids get home...Love to all!
If any of you have clues for me about the 'rents...I'd love some hints.
Been sick for three days now...just can't seem to kick my cold. I hope it ends in time for visits. I have tons to do and no energy and less time to do it. All I can think about is taking naps.
Got my December stories to Club Mom...I'm not sure I'm entirely happy with my effort though. We'll see if they fire me. I haven't seen any of my application stories online yet either. So, I'm not feeling very confident and it hasn't even started yet...it's probably just the cold talking.
Anyway, Shaylie keeps telling me (hourly) that she "cannot wait until Christmas, really, I CAN'T!" She is going to drop dead any minute from the waiting. Today, she said to me, "Christmas really is the best time of year, huh, mom?" I was feeling so proud, then she said, " Cause you get lots of presents!" But, I guess she is right, although I really enjoy giving presents too. I always wish I had unlimited money at Christmas so I could get exactly the right thing that everybody wants/needs. Oh well, you all love yarn too, right? Right?!
So, I'm tired out now...I'm going to rest/nap before the kids get home...Love to all!
Step 1 of Server Fix
Yesterday I spent a wonder 15 hour day moving to an older file server. I have to do that because the last upgrade we did to our good file server destroyed most of the software and it was decided that the easiest way to fix everything was to back everything off the server, wipe it out completely, and start over. Since I got the old server running about 8:30 last night, I am now free to wipe out the server. It will be nice to start with a clean operating system, the server had been developing little problems for the past several months now. And the best thing is, I got to practice setting up a server before having to do the main one ;-) I just wish it didn't take so long to copy 60 Gigs of file information. Well, at least most of that time was sit and wait time, so I finished my BoM reading last night.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Christmas Dance
Last night was Taylor and Shaylie's Christmas Dance Concert. Both of the girls danced very well. Shaylie has a realy cute shake move that she has developed. I will try and put the video's on the web page, although if I do, dial-up will not be the best way to download them.
Taylor was sick on Sunday, mom is now sick (Shaylie coming soon ;-) )
Taylor was sick on Sunday, mom is now sick (Shaylie coming soon ;-) )
Updated my avatar
No, this post is not about the last air bender, but at avatar.yahoo.com, you can create your own avatar and put it on a web page. It allows you to change moods clothing, scenery. I like it. Plus I was able to find clothing that matches exactly what I am wearing every morning! Sweats, Black leather jacket and my santa hat!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Ward Christmas Party
We had our ward christmas party tonight. I was in charge of taking pictures, so you know that we had to have ours taken. I wanted to wear my Pioneerzz jersey, as you can see it was authentic pioneer apparell, but Tonya told me to take it off for the picture.
It was a fun party, although I basically watched it from the corner. ;-)

It was a fun party, although I basically watched it from the corner. ;-)
Train Set
Here is a picture of my train set:
Unfortunately, one of the power supplies died right after this picture was taken, so it hasn't been used much. It sure would be nice if we had room for it :-)

Unfortunately, one of the power supplies died right after this picture was taken, so it hasn't been used much. It sure would be nice if we had room for it :-)
Friday, December 9, 2005
What's up?
I just want you all to know that I check into your blogs everyday and nothing changes....you all must be busy since you don't have even a minute to write a quick note. Maybe you are like me, once you start you just go on and on...:)
Scott is not feeling too well today. He has a headache and is tingly all over, he says. I am hoping he'll be fine by tomorrow as we have our ward Christmas Party tomorrow night and he is the official photographer. I went to the temple by myself tonight, and then tagged along with a couple of my friends to dinner afterwards.
I posted my first official story to Club Mom today. I still have one more to go. I will post the links as soon as I know what they are. I hope I will get more confident as I go...it was all I could do to hit the send button.
About Christmas Lists: There are a couple things on the girls lists that are still up for grabs: bedding for the new bed (which Taylor wants to pick out herself--I heard that Grandma J may want to take care of this and if this is true, maybe you two could go shopping for it together); She also mentioned a scooter, which Scott and I are not getting her because she told us too late. I would love to have a backyard firepit, and Scott has mentioned the new Harry Potter Goblet of Fire PC game, and Shaylie hasn't mentioned anything in particular, but she is into puppies, princesses, and any girlie thing. Scott and I could also use anything at all to do with home repair or improvement.
Also: Will someone please tell me if I am right in thinking that I buy for Mike and Erin this year? I'm not sure if anyone remembers. I gave Anissa and Anje scarves last Christmas, I think. I am sure that Bryan and Dena bought me a very cute picture frame last year....I'm just not sure what that means.
Okay, it's getting late. I think I took care of everything I needed to....yelled at bloggers, x-mas list, club mom....yep. Love to everyone...hope to talk to or see everybody very soon. This month is flying by...
Scott is not feeling too well today. He has a headache and is tingly all over, he says. I am hoping he'll be fine by tomorrow as we have our ward Christmas Party tomorrow night and he is the official photographer. I went to the temple by myself tonight, and then tagged along with a couple of my friends to dinner afterwards.
I posted my first official story to Club Mom today. I still have one more to go. I will post the links as soon as I know what they are. I hope I will get more confident as I go...it was all I could do to hit the send button.
About Christmas Lists: There are a couple things on the girls lists that are still up for grabs: bedding for the new bed (which Taylor wants to pick out herself--I heard that Grandma J may want to take care of this and if this is true, maybe you two could go shopping for it together); She also mentioned a scooter, which Scott and I are not getting her because she told us too late. I would love to have a backyard firepit, and Scott has mentioned the new Harry Potter Goblet of Fire PC game, and Shaylie hasn't mentioned anything in particular, but she is into puppies, princesses, and any girlie thing. Scott and I could also use anything at all to do with home repair or improvement.
Also: Will someone please tell me if I am right in thinking that I buy for Mike and Erin this year? I'm not sure if anyone remembers. I gave Anissa and Anje scarves last Christmas, I think. I am sure that Bryan and Dena bought me a very cute picture frame last year....I'm just not sure what that means.
Okay, it's getting late. I think I took care of everything I needed to....yelled at bloggers, x-mas list, club mom....yep. Love to everyone...hope to talk to or see everybody very soon. This month is flying by...
Wednesday, December 7, 2005
More Running
Yesterday I ran 10 laps without stopping. I felt pretty good about it until the last lap when a high school age kid came running and looked great running and ran 5 laps very fast. Taylor said, yea, but you ran twice as many laps, which made me feel better, until we were driving home, and we saw him running on the street. I have got to get in better shape.
Yesterday morning when I was riding in to work, I have to turn off the boulevard (road construction) at the street next to McDonald's. I guy in a huge white pickup was just starting to drive out of the drive through when I came riding by. He was about to make a left hand turn from the parking lot but had to wait for me as I had the right of way. He lays into his horn and starts yelling at me! I am still trying to figure out what possible reason I could have made him that angry to have to wait maybe two seconds.
Then later I was walking to my building with my Santa hat on and some other jerk in a white truck (I am really getting sick of people with white trucks) rolls down his window and yells "Hey Loser, hey dumb#@%! with the hat." I really am starting to think we need a lot of chlorine in the gene pool.
But other than that, it was a good day ;-) The company that puts out our video conference equipment put out a version of software for their camera's that I feel is really buggy (it crashes a lot, while the old version ran weeks without problems), so I have been testing it for then and it crashed right on cue, so I was happy, they weren't. So I sent them the test results, and put the old version back on my camera.
Yesterday morning when I was riding in to work, I have to turn off the boulevard (road construction) at the street next to McDonald's. I guy in a huge white pickup was just starting to drive out of the drive through when I came riding by. He was about to make a left hand turn from the parking lot but had to wait for me as I had the right of way. He lays into his horn and starts yelling at me! I am still trying to figure out what possible reason I could have made him that angry to have to wait maybe two seconds.
Then later I was walking to my building with my Santa hat on and some other jerk in a white truck (I am really getting sick of people with white trucks) rolls down his window and yells "Hey Loser, hey dumb#@%! with the hat." I really am starting to think we need a lot of chlorine in the gene pool.
But other than that, it was a good day ;-) The company that puts out our video conference equipment put out a version of software for their camera's that I feel is really buggy (it crashes a lot, while the old version ran weeks without problems), so I have been testing it for then and it crashed right on cue, so I was happy, they weren't. So I sent them the test results, and put the old version back on my camera.
Monday, December 5, 2005
Family Fun...
Despite some of the recent strife in our family (tween-age hormones to blame), we had a really great and fun family night tonight. Usually the first Monday of the month is our daughter/parent date night, but we only had one car tonight (Anissa has borrowed the Totaled until the big dent she put in the Mazda is fixed) so we decided to do something together. We went to eat at Tacos del Mar (good) and then to the St. George Rec Center. We played Foos Ball and air hockey, then played racquetball for about an hour, then pool. We had a bunch of fun. Then we went for ice cream. I'm sure we'll all be sore (well, the parents will) but we had a good time.
December is getting pretty busy these days...I will try to keep you all up to date. For anyone interested, the girls have a dance recital on Monday the 12th and Taylor has a Christmas Chorus concert on Thursday the 15th at 6:30 at the school. All friends and family have an open invitation to attend and/or just visit anytime.
Well, time to go tuck in the girls....We love you all and I will post again soon...
December is getting pretty busy these days...I will try to keep you all up to date. For anyone interested, the girls have a dance recital on Monday the 12th and Taylor has a Christmas Chorus concert on Thursday the 15th at 6:30 at the school. All friends and family have an open invitation to attend and/or just visit anytime.
Well, time to go tuck in the girls....We love you all and I will post again soon...
Saturday, December 3, 2005
Did my running
Ran 9 laps today. It was hard because it was windy, but I made it. Taylor is having a much harder time. She is going to go back a couple of weeks and see if she can build back up. Next week I have to run 10 laps on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. In other words, 30 laps next week.
We went and got Taylor's new bed today. I think that she likes it.
Was also Taylor and Shaylie's Dance today at the Dicken's Festival. Got one of each of their dances and then ran out of tape. That happened last year too. :-( Have to get more tapes.
We went and got Taylor's new bed today. I think that she likes it.
Was also Taylor and Shaylie's Dance today at the Dicken's Festival. Got one of each of their dances and then ran out of tape. That happened last year too. :-( Have to get more tapes.
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