Happy days....we are all pretty well back to normal. This was not a fun illness to have and I do not recommend it. Please avoid it at all costs. BTW, while Airborne works great to stave off the everyday ickies, it did not seem to have any effect on this particular gem.
In Activity News....Girl Scout cookie sales begin on Saturday, so you may be getting a call from either Taylor or Shaylie since they are both selling this year. Taylor has set a pretty lofty goal...600 boxes...so every little bit helps. I think if they each sell 1000 boxes they can go to Disneyland or something. Shaylie wants to sell 1003 boxes. Wish us luck! Taylor has a basketball game this Saturday...maybe we can lurk around and sell some cookies at the gathering too.
In School News, Tomorrow is the 100th day of school! Also, a major celebration (not necessarily warranting a cake, Chad) but still a big deal. There will be a party and everyone brings their 100 collections. Shaylie wants to bring 100 puppies. We'll see how that goes...Taylor got one of three 100's in the class on her vocabulary test and an A on her big Hatchet project.
In Blackberry News, we are taking BB in for his final round of vaccinations this week and next month the Big Fix. He is doing very well with housebreaking...he rings the bell on the door when he wants to go out and for the most part, he goes while he's out. Once in a while, he has an accident..usually if we're not paying attention or if it is too cold out. But I think we're through the worst of it! Yay! Everything else we have to work on is peanuts....hopefully..... knock on wood....Nevermind, I take it back. He is a good puppy! The girls are loving him and he definitely adds a lot of excitement to our lives.
In Other News...hmmm, wait...there is no other news. That's everything. Post again when we have more...Love to all!