Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Great Day
This past Monday, I was at my school's faculty meeting and one of the special ed teacher's gave a presentation on Irlen Syndrome. I'd personally never heard of it, but as she was talking about the different ways that words move on the page for some people and some of the indicators, I kept thinking to myself, "This sounds like my Taylor." Afterwards, I went up to the teacher and told her that Tay has like 6 of the 9 indicators and asked if she would mind giving her the test.
So today we went in and filled out a questionnaire and she gave Taylor some quick visual tests and asked some questions while Taylor read paragraphs. Then, she put 9 different colored overlays onto the page to see if any of them made a difference to what she saw or how she read. For most of the colors, she sounded like she always does when she reads: halting, stumbling, backtracking, losing her place....but then she put a Yellow sheet on the page and the tester and I both looked up at each other and mouthed, "Wow!" It was an amazing difference. She read almost twice as fast and was smooth and clear as she read. I started to cry; I was so impressed with the difference that this small thing could make.
The teacher gave Taylor the yellow overlay and taught her how to take care of it. She is supposed to use it at home for the next couple weeks and then she can begin to take it to school. She ordered another overlay so that we could have one to use for smaller books and to carry around. I'll have to tell her teachers about this and make sure that they let her use it. Her retention and comprehension was even better with it...we got out to the car and Taylor said, "I still remember what that paragraph was about." And almost told me the whole thing again.
I am so thrilled and amazed! I just hope it really does make a difference. It seemed to really affect the way that she read, and understood the infomation. It's such a great discovery! Yay, yay, yay!!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I guess I can decorate ok...and other news
Then I was able to fix the IT director's computer, so that was a good feeling.
We got all the rest of the lights hung at our house and got our snowman setup.
In other news, Taylor went for a bike ride with Jordan, so I guess things have improved there.
Grmama J is coming down this weekend. We are busy getting the house clean and straightened up for visit.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Taylor finished the season with 6 shutouts in goal!
Friday, November 16, 2007
New Phone
Everyone is well...we can't believe it is Thanksgiving already. I'm so not ready for the holidays. I think we'll be shooting for a simple, streamlined Christmas this year. My kids already have everything they could possibly need. I want to focus on serving and giving this year...and every year...but it's hard not to get wrapped up in all the craziness. I think I'll wait til later in the month to put up stuff too. We'll see how it goes.
Love to all....
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Shaylie's First Piano Recital
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Double Yay!
Not only is Taylor's first quarter over with and she did incredibly well....but our Primary Program Practice is over too!!! That is double the cause for celebration.
We had one Sunday practice two weeks ago, but we had to do it in the gym, since the Ward after us meets during our Primary classes. I think that went as well as could be expected. It was good to get into the
chapel today, though. The children seemed to do very well. It's so hard for all of them to sit reverently and quietly for two solid hours. At least the actual program is only 40 minutes long. I think we'll do well. It will be nice to have it behind us. It has always been my favorite Sacrament Meeting program. I have a little different perspective now that I'm behind the scenes. The kids have all worked really hard this year to learn all the songs and to memorize their parts. I'm excited for them to have their chance to shine.
Taylor had to leave a little bit early to her soccer's the secomd to last of the year. She has one more next Saturday and then she's done.
I just got a call from them and they won again!!! So I guess that's Triple Yay now. One more game and they are the Champions!! I think they might be the champions even if they lose. I'll have to do some research..(i.e. ask Scott). Go Sublime Suns!
So Yay for Us all around! We'll keep you posted...Love to everyone!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Shaylie's Storytelling Festival 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Halloween Pics
Here are some pics from the spooky night. We had mummified pizza and monster toes for dinner. Later, Anje came over to Trick or Treat!