I am sick of riding my bike, I am not riding it for the rest of the year.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Made It!
I am sick of riding my bike, I am not riding it for the rest of the year.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Zen and the Art of Fridge Repair
Joking aside, I really don't think the world keeps a score card. I just think bad things happen sometimes. I was just reading a bit of wisdom on a friends blog that said, "Sometimes life isn't about lessons, it's about experiences." This might have been an ordinary run-of-the-mill Christmas, but now we can always say, "Remember the year our fridge broke...and we lived off our food storage & Hershey kisses for a couple days...and wasn't it fun to keep our milk and eggs outside in the cold, cold temperatures....and we had our food spread around the neighborhood and at the church...Remember?" Sure, we have to foot the bill for repairs, but maybe that just makes me more appreciative of the things that do work...like the heat, my car, my kids occasionally. Anyway.
I'm looking forward to a new beginning with the start of the 2009! I'm working on resolutions which I'm sure I'll post soon! May the Universe bring us all peace and prosperity for the New Year! Ohm!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
A Wonderful Christmas!
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Thank you to everyone who helped to make our Christmas so special! We feel very blessed. We hope you had as wonderful a time as we did! Now, on to the New Year's celebration!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Our Christmas Greetings!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Snow!?! Yep, snow
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My Man
1) Scott is an amazingly hard worker. He will do everything expected of him and then some. He always does what he can to do it right the first time and if given the proper tools, knowledge and opportunity will completely blow everyone away with his skills.
2) Scott is a great dad! There is nothing that Scott wouldn't do for his girls. He attends every school meeting, every game, every performance. He shares many of his interests with the girls and they love to spend time with their dad. His favorite place is home...even though a house full of girls isn't the easiest thing to put up with.
3) Scott is fun! He always makes us laugh with his wit and corny sense of humor. He has a childlike joy about things like trains, sports, and cartoons which further endears him to his children and makes everyone around him feel young again. He loves spending time with his Train Buddies...many of whom depend on Scott and the other Train Club guys for their only companionship. He has made lasting life-long friends through his passions.
4) Scott is a wonderful husband. Scott and I have always been a perfect fit. He is always patient with me, slow to anger, forgiving, helpful, and loving. He puts up with my ever changing moods, my broken body, my many projects and activities. He is supportive and encouraging. He provides me and the girls with everything that we could ever need and most everything we want. He does dishes, takes out the trash, does his own laundry, and occasionally cooks!!!
5) Scott is a good, honorable, righteous man. He wants to be the best that he can. He recognizes his weaknesses and really works on making them strengths. He honors his priesthood. He expects the best from his family and others and himself. He chooses to live to a higher standard and I admire him for that.
These are just a few of the reasons why I love Scott! He is the best part of my life and my best friend! I am sad that he is having a hard time lately, but I hope that this will be a reminder of some of the good things he has going for him. If you have others, please post them here. He could use the boost!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Christmas Recital
Part 1 Taylor's Duet with teacher Melanie Hancock:
Part 2 Shaylie and Taylor's duet:
Part 3 Taylor's Solo:
Part 4 Shaylie's Solo:
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Shaylie's Haircut
My baby got her hair cut today! And it is super cute, but she looks so grown-up! She has been begging me to let her get it cut short and I held out as long as I could, but she always wins in a battle of wills! Thanks Mom for doing a great job as usual!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope your Thankgiving days are filled with all your favorite things! We love and miss you! Have a wonderful holiday!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Drama in the 'Hood
On a lighter note, you may have noticed that I am really into the new Twilight movie. I saw it for the third time today with Taylor. She really liked it too. I haven't loved a movie so much since, "Dances." So if you can't find me in the coming days, check the movie theater.
Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Just a Reminder!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Holidays are Coming!
For Thanksgiving this year, we are heading to Mom's for our traditional get together with Mom, Papa and Great and the Cousins. It might just be a couple cousins this year, though. I'm looking forward to a big Turkey dinner. After that trip, we will stay in St. George for the rest of the Holidays. I believe Mom and Anissa and maybe Chad are planning on Christmas at our place. I'm not sure for sure (you know how you are Mom!). But that's the plan for now. We're hoping Rose can come down to stay with us for a while too, but we need to talk to her to find out.
Finally, our traditional New Years Eve bash at Dad's is no more! Alas, it was too difficult for everyone to get together. We had a big party at our house last year and it was a lot of fun. I think we'll probably do it again, but I'm still recovering from the Halloween Party....so maybe something smaller.
We want all our family and friends to know that you are always welcome at the Jesienouski house! Especially during the Holidays, we would love to see you or hear from you! Let us know what's happening with you!
Monday, November 10, 2008
BYU Fans?

Scott and I had fun at the BYU game. It was the first time that either of us had been to a BIG college game. It's a very fun experience. I almost didn't accept the tickets because Scott has always been such a big Utah fan and very NOT interested in BYU. But my coworker talked me into taking the tickets and having a fun adventure. I didn't tell Scott about my doubts until after the game, and he was shocked! He said he is a BYU fan unless they are playing the U. I guess it's never too late to learn something new about your spouse.
We both enjoyed the band...at half time, they did a medley of video game theme songs and marched in Tetris shapes and the color guard was locked in Mortal Kombat. It was a perfect day for football, just a little chilly in the shade, but a beautiful day!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Our Next President
It's done and he has to be better than the last democratic president we had. I have decided to have a wait and see attitude. He is very inspiring to people, at least the ones who aren't scared of him. (I posted Shaylie's Scary Obama Story on my Random Bits page--That totally made me laugh, but I'm sure the kids must have been getting some of that stuff from parents and others who were buying into the Scary Obama rumors.) He seems to be able to lift people's hope and I really hope that he lives up to the expectations and proves the Anti-Obama people wrong!
I'm sure there is no way to tell, now, what kind of impact this election will have on the future. But it will be very interesting to see how things all come together!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Catching Up!
We had a terrific Halloween Season...class parties, trunk-or-treats, costumes all went well. It is always a lot of work, but it is so much fun! We hosted a party with fam and friends here at the house too! I'm all about excuses to get together and have fun!
Shaylie and I took a field trip with her class to the Southwest Symphony. We had such a great time! Shaylie loves classical music.
They did a terrific job of playing to the 2500 3rd graders that came that day. They explained how music can make you imagine and feel emotions. They played "Night on Bald Mountain" (appropriate for the day before Halloween) and the first movement from Beethoven's 5th (Dum, Dum, Dum, Bum). Then Phantom of the Opera, which elicited much excitement when the emcee announced it. He explained about the Phantom living in the Opera House and causing trouble. The piece started out pretty intense and then in the middle it switched to a softer lighter tune, and Shaylie leaned over to me and said, "Why would they put that music in a song about a Phantom?" And, I explained to her that there is a girl in the story who the Phantom falls in love with and this music is her song. She totally got it and loved it! Then they closed with a medley of American Music: O Susannah, Shennandoah, My Country Tis of Thee. I was so impressed with the way they presented everything and with the kids interest. I guess my Shaylie is not the only child who appreciates GOOD music.
On Saturday, Taylor played her last soccer game with the AYSO team. They won 7-0, were undefeated for the season, and are the undisputed champions of their league. Well, maybe undisputed is the wrong word. They have a BYE next week so the season is not quite over yet, but they are the Champions.
She was quite discouraged after the tryout, she wanted to do so well, but they didn't really do anything that showcased her skill as a goalie! She is sure that she didn't "make it." But in reality, there's no way to know that at this point. They encourage girls to come to more than one tryout so the staff can get to know the kids better, but this was the only Southern Utah session. The others are up north (Layton, Sandy and Orem) and I would like to take her to one more, but we'll have to see. We won't find out if she "made it" until the week before Thanksgiving. But it's been a good experience for her at any rate.
Part of the reason she felt so sad about it was that she was up super late the night before with our Halloween Party, Trick-or-Treating, then she went to the "Corpse Nightmare" with her friends, then she had a sleepover, then she woke up and played a 90-minute game and then 3 hours of intense soccer workout....she was pooped and melancholy. It was a very intense 24-hours.
Scott's super excited because he found some module kits for train layouts that are 12 X 12 inch squares (or something like that) and they fit together to make any size configuration. He is dreaming up ways to teach classes, get the kids involved and make train modeling accessible to people who can't necessarily invest the time, space or money on a bigger layout. He'll be able to tell you more about it...
I am also doing okay. I can't believe that November is here and in 3 short weeks we'll be putting up Christmas decorations and getting ready for the Holidays. I am not really enjoying my job, but I enjoy the money especially with the holidays coming, so I'll probably put up with it for a while longer, until I can figure out how to get the money without the job! I figured out my problem with it...I'm so used to being in charge of my life, big projects, and organizations (PTA, Primary) that I am not thrilled to be the low-man on the totum with someone else making the rules and looking over my shoulder every second. I think I need to have my hands in creating, inventing, making it happen. Whatever IT is. I'm pretty fed up with it all so I'm finding motivation for finding out what IT is.
My next project is making appointments. I'm using this coming week to make appointments with the Eye Doctor for Scott, the orthodontist for Shaylie and Taylor, the Dermatologist for all three of us girls, and for a doctor for me. I'm 80 percent committed to following through with it too, so that's good. Plus, I already have a dentist appointment this week and it's elections. So that's enough to go forward with, I'm sure.
Thanks for reading our blog! I guess I need to post sooner so I'm not writing a book when I get around to it. Remember to check out our individual blogs too! Sometimes they're updated a bit sooner than this one! Love to all!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Christmas Gift Rotation
Jesienouski's buy for Olivas's
Olivas's buy for M. Strong
M.Strongs buy for C. Strongs
C. Strongs buy for B. Strongs
B. Strongs buy for Jesienouski's
I'm all for tradition, but if anyone has any better, new, different ideas (i.e. mix up rotations, add in cousins, grandparents, etc., buy individual gifts instead of family, whatever) please post them here and we'll go with the consensus decision. Personally, I cant' believe we're already getting so close to the Holidays!
Love to all!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Not a Bug Bite!
I wanted to take her to the doctor right then, especially after I googled and got mostly Spider Bite for my results, but she said she was too tired and was worried about missing school the next day so I didn't think it was bothering her that much. I put some cortisone cream on it and first thing this morning, Scott took her to the doctor! (I was in Cedar City at a meeting.)
Well it turns out that she has warts and one got infected! Scott didn't catch the official name of the "disease" but I googled "childhood warts" and got Molluscum or something like that...the doctor said they could be frozen off which might leave scars or they (she has about 4 on the back of her leg) will go away in 7-9 months although some of the website I was looking at said it would be more like two years.
So yuck and dang! Poor Shaylie! She seems to go through more stuff than most of us. The doctor gave her an antibiotic for her infection but other than freezing them, there's not much. The website said that Vinegar baths help and soaking a cotton ball with vinegar and sticking it on with a bandaid overnight will help too! So I'll have to try that.
Anyway, she's okay, no thanks to my awesome parenting skills and I highly recommend against getting warts!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Our Own Mini-me's
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Pedigree - Family photos
Friday, October 10, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I called Scott to tell him and he was only excited if the game day didn't interfere with Taylor's soccer schedule. He's such a good dad! Luckily, I don't think it does, so maybe we'll have a fun football trip in a few weeks.
I actually would love it if one or both of the girls wanted to go to one of the BYUs, but it seems a bit difficult to get in...although surprisingly cheaper than you would think. Taylor talks about going to SUU all the time, and if I ever get on at Dixie full-time, the kids could go there tuition free. So we might have some options and none too soon...after all, it's only 5.5 years until Taylor goes to college!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shaylie has no opinion on the subject...yet...but I'm sure she will before long.
Sorry, I have to go. It just hit me that Taylor is graduating in 5 years and I feel sick...I'm going to lie down.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Balls-1, Pooch-0
Scott picks up a tennis ball whenever he sees a stray one...I think it's getting to be too much for Blackberry. Poor Bubba!
Click for pic...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Mark Your Calendars!
Thursday December 4th at 6pm is the date for Shaylie and Taylor's piano recital. They will each be performing one-two songs. We would love to have you come.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I guess it had to happen
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Coupon Class
I will be hosting a Coupon Class taught by Jodi Gardner this Friday at 7pm. If you are interested in attending, you can contact me or post a comment for more info.
I have already saved quite a bit in just a couple of weeks. The system and website are free...all you need is the coupons you get in the Sunday paper. If you don't get the paper, you will have the chance to subscribe at the class! Hope to see you there!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Is anybody out there?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Second Times the Charm!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Intrinsic Value vs. Monetary Worth
When I started my new job, last October, I was told that I would start at $12.00/hour but that after a 6-month probationary period, I would be raised up to $14.00. When I inquired in April about the adjustment, I was told that the most they could raise me was .50/hour to $12.50. Needless to say, I was not very happy! But what can you do??? There seemed to be no arguing with them, so I accepted this and pretty much forgot about it until I got my first paycheck in August and noticed that I was still making only $12.00.!!?!!
Grrr! I asked my boss and she didn't know what was going on. I told her that I had just been looking at the School District job openings and found a job there that only required an Associate's and was starting at $13.56/hour. (My subtle way of saying I am looking around.) Well, I guess she took the hint, because she started fighting with HR for me and told them that I needed $13.00/hr to make up for the mistake and because I was such a great employee, of course. So as of yesterday, my pay rate went up. It's still not the $14.00 we agreed to in the beginning, but it's closer to what I think I deserve. And I was glad that my boss stuck up for me. Every little bit helps!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Shaylie's Baptism Day
Thanks to all of our family for sending your best wishes and beautiful gifts. She loved her necklace, bracelet, pillow case, scrapbook and everything else. Scott and I gave her her own set of Scriptures and case, which she promptly began reading from page 1 of the Quadruple combination...for those of you who don't know what that is, it is the entire cannon of LDS scriptures in one book (Old & New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of Great Price)...and the first page is a declaration from King James regarding the translation. She read the whole thing and then asked me who this James guy is...she makes me laugh! She is so dang smart!
Scott did a great job with the priesthood ordinances. He gave Shaylie a beautiful blessing and we are so grateful for the wonderful husband and father that he is. Way to go, hon! Both of you...you are amazing!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Labor Day!
The girls both got to play with friends, and I took Scott to see Kung Fu Panda at the dollar theater. I enjoyed that movie so much, I wanted to take him to see it. He liked it too even with the distraction of broken chairs and a jam-packed theater! We'll have to buy it, I think, when it comes out on DVD.
We are very excited for Shaylie's baptism this weekend! And Taylor is beginning piano lessons this Wednesday. Soccer games start Saturday and we signed BB (Scott and me) up for a Doggy Obedience class. So things are about to pick up around here! As if we weren't busy enough already! Plus, Taylor will also start Volleyball with her Church group too, when she has time.
I really can't believe how quickly this year has flown by...I know I've said this many times...but either I'm having big lapses in my memory or the days are just passing so quickly that they don't have time to make an impression! It is Sept. 1st already and before I can blink it will be Christmas...I've already started shopping for it, at any rate...just in case it sneaks up on me sooner rather than later.
And speaking of later...I'll see you then! TTFN...T:)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
A Quick Trip
So we woke up Saturday morning and decided to head to Holden to have Birthday cake with Grandma Dawn since it was also her birthday on the 16th and we didn't get to celebrate with her either. We made cake and took it down to Papa and Greats house. She got to blow out candles (after we turned off Papa's oxygen) and we sang to her. So now her birthday experience is complete! I promised her a big birthday bash next year...so I'll have to get it on my calendar now!
We had planned to come back last night, but after haircuts and visiting, it got to be too late, so we stayed over and came home today. It was a quick trip but fun! Now she's looking forward to her baptism (and party) on Sept. 6th...can't wait!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Puerto Rico Pictures
Sunday, August 17, 2008
More Free Time?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Everyone's Invited
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Good To Be Home!
We had the best time and our vacation (even with the training) was restful and fun. It sure hasn't taken long, though, before we are getting back into our chaotic routine. I had a meeting this morning with ETS and we've been getting ready for tomorrow (FIRST DAY of SCHOOL) and I've had several calls about Primary and I went shopping with the rest of the world at Wal-Mart and everything else that needs to be done after a vacation.
I have to give a big THANK YOU to my mom!!!! Thanks so much for staying with the girls this week. I know they loved spending time with you and it was good knowing they were being well looked after. I am so grateful for your sacrifice! You're the best!
More Big First Day news tomorrow...see you soon!
Friday, August 8, 2008
The lagoon was about a half mile wide and completely surrounded by Mangrove trees. We navigated through a narrow passage to get into the lagoon. It was tricky to get the hand of our two-man kayak, especially with other kayaks coming at us on the return trip, but we caught on after a while.
This photo is a picture of the picture they took as we started our trip. I'm glad we have it too, since it will liikely be the only picture we have that turned out.
The lagoon itself was gorgeous in the moonlight. The stars were bright and the reflection of the moon on the water sparkled almost as bright as the water. The clouds were billowing up all around the palm tree silhouettes in the distance. We could hear night animals in the mangroves and the splash of water against the canoes, but other than that it was still and peaceful.
The most amazing thing of course was the glowing water. It was really indescribeably beautiful. I'm glad I got to see it with my own eyes. The pictures on the internet are nice, but it was another experience all together to see my own hand glowing in the water. I am so glad we went!!!!
I will probably post more about it later, but I wanted to post before I get to bed. Check out the company website KayakingPuertoRico.com for pics and info. Good Night!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sleep-in day!
After breakfast, we headed to the beach because Tonya wanted to see the sun and play in the waves. It was windier this time, so the waves were a little harder to fload on. I decided to swim out to the bouye (about a quarter mile out) Tonya was nervous as I go about half way there as I would disappear with the waves. I made it ok and swam back, although I have achieved my daily intake of salt for the next year or so (I do not like salt water in my face) After that we sat on the beach for a while and Tonya wanted to say hi to the girls so she made this sign. After going back in the ocean for a while, we headed back to the hotel.
They were working on our door so we went to the pool and swam for an hour. It is much easier to swim in a pool than in an ocean. The pool is great. Since we ate breakfast latem we decided to skip lunch. We will go to Outback for dinner. Tonya had her new class start at 2 so when that is over we'll go out. As I am a little sun burned, I bet Tonya is hurting right now. Hope she is ok. More later....
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Tomorrow we are planning on being beach bums and maybe visiting Old San Juan again. I wanted to go into the fort and explore a bit more. We ARE going to the BioBay on Friday night. I booked it today...I'm so excited. I so wish my camera was working. It has a night setting that would probably get some good shots, but it died yesterday with an E18 error which is the kiss of death, I guess. Oh well...I might go get a disposable waterproof camera that might work. At least we'll have our memories of the experience.
We love and miss you all! Thanks for checking our blog to see what we're up to. More posts to come!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Old San Juan
Tonight we visited Old San Juan. (Click here to see some pics and info from Wikipedia.) We took a taxi that dropped us off at the Castillo, but unfortunately it was closed so we took some pics and started walking down the famous cobblestone streets. The buildings were so colorful and tonight there were vendors and booths and concert venues set up all along the roads.
We did a little shopping and found a great Puerto Rican restaurant called Mojito's. I had Mofongo Relleno con Pollo which was a cooked mashed plantain stuffed with chicken and covered in a tomato sauce. Scott had Bifstec Encebolladas which was a steak smothered in sauted onions with rice and beans. It was very good!!! I was nervous for the first bite, but no worries. It was tasty! I was the only one adventurous enough to try it...and I was glad I did.
The taxi ride home was very adventurous too....the drivers are super major crazy here! It was like a roller coaster/bumper cars combo ride at Disneyland. Luckily, we made it back to the hotel safely and soundly.
Scott spent some time walking around the area again and swimming in the pool today. My conference ends at noon tomorrow so I'll have a whole afternoon to play and explore. I still want to go to the BioBay but it is proving to be somewhat problematic...we can't go to Vieques to see it there because we would have to stay overnight due to lack of ferrys after dark and we can't do that...but there is another one in Fajardo (that I'm going to try to book. And, we may visit the Bacardi Rum Factory which would be interesting. Lots more to do and the week is still young!! Post more soon...love to all!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Swimming in the Atlantic
After swimming, we went to a little shopping mall where there was a Subway. We still haven't eaten any local cuisine...but I did get a chance to use some Spanish while we were ordering. And, actually (Mom, you'll be proud of me), I have been practicing my Spanish skills quite a bit. We have a man in our group from Dixie who speaks Spanish and he talks to most everyone. I can follow it quite easily, but not when the natives speak to each other. We have been working with three local ETS people and I got brave enough today to get in on some of their conversations. I was literally shaking after the first interjection, but after that, it came a lot easier. Weird, huh? It's been nice to use some of my knowledge.
Tomorrow, we found out from our local friends, there is a festival in Old San Juan so we will probably ride the bus and spend the evening there. They have vendors, music, wine-tastings, entertainment, etc...every first Tuesday of the month...so we are in luck. Wednesday, I would like to find a way out to the little island about 7 miles west of PR called Vieques. That's where the Bio-luminescent Bay is and they are said to have good snorkeling which I'd really like to do.
Other than that, the training has been good. I wish we had more free time...there is so much to do but we have meeting until 5pm every day except Wednesday and Saturday...so there will be some opportunity to get out and about...We'll keep you updated!!! All my love to everyone! We miss you!
From our room
Just wanted to let you know what we see when we walk out our door. We are on the sixth floor. Down on ground level, we have breakfast, which was really great! We had omlets and fruit. Then Tonya went to classes. I walked around town a little and went over to the beach. It was way humid as it had just rained so that wasn't much fun. I then went to the gym and rode the bike for a half hour (just like home!) and then went swimming. When Tonya comes back, we will probably go to the beach walk around. Daylight is a little different here, it is bright at 6:00am but it was dark last night by 8:00pm. Will write more later
Sunday, August 3, 2008
We are here!
I love you girls, please be good and do what is right, hope you sleep better tonight. See ya later!
Friday, August 1, 2008
PR Here We Come!!!
Mom is coming to watch the girls and they have to get all the final details taken care of for the beginning of school. I've done some good shopping but there is still much to do. Shaylie needs to find out who her teacher is and buy supplies and Taylor needs to register and go to Back-to-School Night to meet her teachers and find classrooms. Unfortunately, I'll miss it all and we won't be back until the day before school starts.
Hopefully, I'll find time to post some pics and updates while we're down there...adios!!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
My desktop layout
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Pioneer Day Sum Up
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Great Haul!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pioneer Day Rockets
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Many Thanks!
In other news, Rose is visiting this weekend. We had a fun time attending Sound of Music at Tuachan. It is very good! I would recommend it highly to anyone who can stand the heat. It was VERY hot! Shaylie is going to ride up to Holden tomorrow with Grandma J. And we plan to join her on Wednesday for the 24th celebration in Holden. And, maybe to Orem to see Dad. I haven't heard about that yet. Then, only about one week to get ready for PR and school and everything to follow. Yikes...time flies but at least we're having fun!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Layout Update
Monday, July 14, 2008
2000 Miles
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Summer's Moving Right Along
Saturday was my 20-year High School Reunion. It was really fun! We had a picnic at the park with our families...it was fun to catch up with people I hadn't seen in forever. Scott and Taylor said I was a social butterfly, which is probably surprising to everyone who knew me back then. Later that night, we had a class dinner. I won two of the big prizes from the 80's trivia quiz and the class gave me a very nice thank you gift for doing the website...that was very nice. I really enjoyed doing it and will keep it up as long as we need to so we can all keep in touch.
I dropped Taylor off at the church today for her first Young Women's camp up on Cedar Mountain this week. I think she was excited to go. It's fun to head off to the unknown....compared to GS camp, where she knows every nook and cranny of the camp....I think she'll have tons of fun.
As for the rest of the summer, I have a couple of friends coming this week to visit. Polly and her daughter are coming and we'll visit the Shakespearean Festival for Amanda's birthday on the 12th and I'm having lunch with Kelli sometime. Next week, Rose is coming to visit and it's my Birthday!! Then it's the 24th in Holden and then school shopping and packing for Puerto Rico. We have a flight out of Vegas on 8-2 and we'll be back 8-10...then school starts the 12th. Sheesh...where did the time go?
So much fun, so little time....hope you're having a great summer too!!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
My Early Birthday Present...Yay Me!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Layout coming along
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Half Past Camp
I came back to St. George after dropping off the girls and visiting my friends Bobbie and Tiffany. It was good to see them again...I hadn't seen Tiff since before her 2 year old boy Tanner was born. Sheesh! I'm heading back up on Friday and will likely stay with Bobbie again before heading up the canyon to get Taylor and back down to get Shaylie from Grandma Js house. I'm trying to streamline the trip as much as possible so that I can save GAS MONEY!!! Ouch...just typing it hurts my stomach.
Next week is another camp for Shaylie, this time at Trefoil camp and my 20th high school reunion. Ouch..that kind of hurt my stomach too. Then week after, Taylor has another Young Women camp with our ward. Then, the next weekend Grandma J visits, we have the 24th celebration and Puerto Rico. Wow, the summer has been (will be) busy! School will be back in before we know it. Okay...what is up with my stomach?
Mom is heading to Denver today to help my brother Mike and Erin and baby Myka to move back to Phoenix. They just can't stay away from the heat and sun. I don't know why they don't just come to St. George...it's the best of all worlds.
Hopefully, we'll have pics soon...I'm still figuring out how to get them from my phone to the computer. I mean, I know how but it's a matter of technical difficulties. Hopefully soon...check back. Love to all...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Home alone
We had our huge stake conference do redo our ward boundaries, and it turns out that they are not splitting up our ward, in fact they are adding to it, I leaned over to Tonya and whispered, "Another Nursery :-)" Unfortunately the sound was terrible in the Arena so we heard almost nothing of the talks. Taylor sang in the choir for the conference, so that was very nice. Church will now start at 9:00, so I'm happy again, I wonder if I will ever be able to convince them to start at 7:45; that would be great!
Working on my layout. It seems to be turning out ok! More later!
Edit: Actually more right now, one of the Families that I home teach brought a pool over for us!!!!! It is 15' round by 3' deep. Can't wait to get our backyard cleaned up so that we can set it up!
Camp Time
I know they'll be fine, but I can't help be a little worried. I always do even though they always have fun. I need to just chill. I'm grateful that they can have this experience. ttfn
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Around the town
Edit: Almost forgot. there was a fairly major car accident up by Dixie College that I biked to. Appears that one car was making a left turn and the other can coming straight didn't stop for the light (That never happens in St. George (how do I show sarcasm on a blog) In fact, there is a color called St. George Green, that is very often confused for red) I asked if it had been called in and a few seconds later a policeman pulled up. The two vehicles are both done, their front ends were a LOT smaller that they were supposed to be.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My Poor Little Girl!
It turned out that Shaylie had been out playing with one of her friends' when the friend's little brother suddenly hauled off and threw his toy cell phone at her head. She started bleeding and crying and scared her friend off...luckily, one of the couples in our ward was out for a walk and saw Shaylie's troubles and brought her home. She split her eyebrow and was bleeding pretty badly, but when I talked to "the man" on the phone, he told me it wasn't too bad and I thanked him for taking care of her and told him I'd be right home. She was all right, but scared and mad that her friend bailed on her and a little bit sick..in fact, she threw up later that night, but she had done that last night too.
She has a black eye this morning and it is swollen up but I think she is going to be okay. It wasn't deep enough for stitches...I just put a butterfly bandage on it. She is not feeling too perky today either. I feel bad for her. She is such a sweetie and it seems like she is always getting beat up. She's had more bumps cuts and bruises in her short life than I would wish on anyone. My poor girl...I love her so much!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Family Home(out and about) evening
Afterwards we went out to dinner at Olive Garden's, where once again, Shaylie barely ate anything. Today we will probably go to the REC Center, we love to swim, plus we need to get our money's worth out of having a membership for this month.
Tonight is train club meeting, we are having it at Jim's house and we will be finishing the track. Tonya has possibly her last Primary Presidency Meeting. It is likely that this weekend we will redrawing ward and stake boundaries, So it would make geographic sense to split our ward down the middle, but we will see. Have to go setup the training room so that people can learn the new eREP program that they are using.
See ya
Monday, June 16, 2008
I guess I better write more
I am working on a new layout for my office. I have an ongoing discussion thread about it on the Zealot hobby forum. Here is a link: http://forum.zealot.com/t159574/ if you would like to see pictures of it and watch my progress. So far it is turning out pretty nicely.
We bought a month membership at the new community center, so we have been trying to go swimming there almost everyday. I need to find a way to work in a workout while I am there.
Train club meeting tomorrow night. We are putting in the final piece of Jim's layout so now he will be able to run trains all the way around. His layout is incredible and I can't wait to see trains going around. It has taken two years to get to this point, so it will be really fun.
Girl Scout camps start next week. The busy season begins.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Branching Out
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
HEY, New Web Site
Monday, June 9, 2008
Future Soccer Star
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Bienvenido a Puerto Rico
Friday, May 30, 2008
Animal morning
In other news, Ralph came to visit last night and showed me his new Utah Railway F45 and some Bachmann engines that I can afford. It was great to see him. He took his corner module, which greatly shrunk the club layout, but it makes the room much bigger so it actually is kinda nice.
The track arrived for my layout, so i will put that together tonight so that I can figure out where I need to glue the inclines and cork down, I hope that maybe by the end of the weekend a train could be running around the layout.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Summer Time Blogging
Speaking of fun...the girls finally made it out of St. George! They hadn't been out of town since Thanksgiving, so they were glad to have the chance to head to Grandma Dawn's for the Memorial Day weekend. They left their poor parents all alone and...who am I kidding?!!...we had a blast too! We caught a couple movies and enjoyed some peaceful hours while the kids were away.
Now we're facing a busy summer ahead...the girls are getting ready for swim lessons, camps, reunions, and visits. I'm done with work on June 6th and I can't wait to get the lazy days of summer started! Hopefully, we'll have some time for relaxing too!
Love to all and Happy Summer!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Last Week of School
Taylor is getting some kind of cold or allergies...but she felt better when she found out that she was one of two kids who were chosen to play the piccolo next year in Intermediate Band. She tried out last week and found the results today. She is very excited.
I am sending off the girls' camp registration papers tomorrow. Both Tay and Shay have two summer camps this year. I'm going to have to find something to keep busy while they're gone since Scott will be at work. I've been dreaming of taking some kind of trip, but I don't see that happening. We'll see...but for now I'm thinking I'll paint while the house is quiet.
I also heard from my dentist today about my TMJ workup, but it's too much to go into. Not that it's complicated, it's just too much (money that is) I can't afford the treatment unless he qualifies as a participating provider with my medical insurance which is doubtful since he is a dentist. I'll post more updates about this later.
Scott had a successful night last night with his train club BBQ. He and James were in charge and they did a great job planning. They had about 20 people there and the gentleman who hosted has a G-scale layout in his backyard. The kids loved it (and so did the grown-ups). I hope Scott will post some pics.
Love to everyone....post again soon.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Taylor's Dance Concert
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
When we had Chad's here a couple weeks ago, it really helped my shoulder to loosen up and I enjoyed the fact that it got me up and moving, plus it's so fun. So, Scott won me a Wii on ebay. I never expected it, but I am enjoying it...almost as much as the kids. :)
I want to wish Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in my life. The older my children get, the more I realize how much love and heartache and joy and tears go into every day I have with my children. I have appreciated you more than you know and I'm grateful for the many ways that you have loved, supported, encouraged, and guided me in my life. I hope you enjoy this day!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Back from Colorado
There was lots of train stuff in Castle Rock. I spent about 3 hours one day trying to get pics of the train that runs by Mike's house, but it never came. I did go to the World's Largest Train Store, Caboose Hobbies. I bought Scott a bunch of stuff.
We did a little sight seeing on our way back. We stopped at Buffalo Bill's Memorial Museum and had lunch at a little Mexican place in Grand Junction. No troubles and the whole trip took about 10 hours to Holden. I came all the way back today. I missed my family and I will be happy to stay home for another while. I will post pics when I can...
Greetings from Castle Rock, CO
Saturday, April 26, 2008
7:16, 5 lbs 4 oz., 18 in
She is beautiful! Can't wait to see her....
Friday, April 25, 2008
Mykaela Astrid Strong is on her way!!
Hopefully, Erin will have a good labor and we'll have a beautiful baby Myka this weekend (maybe on Taylor's birthday?) Mom and I are planning on going up to help a bit for a few days after the baby comes...probably this Monday or Tuesday. I bet Mike's getting anxious and nervous, but he'll be a great dad. This has been a long time coming.
(I'm so excited for you guys!!! You know you are in our prayers and we'll see you as soon as we can get there. Give that baby kisses for me, and hugs for you both!) Not that they'll have time to read my blog but it had to be said.
We're good...getting ready for Taylor's big bash tonight. Love to everyone! See you soon.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Birthday Details
Saturday, April 19, 2008
ATTENTION, All family members with a Wii
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Good Experience
Shaylie suddenly seems all grown up to me. She is doing great in school, of course, and she has many friends in the neighborhood. She has also developed a keen interest in money and business. She is always asking me if she can sell her things and she wants to earn and spend her money all the time. I am trying not to discourage her as I am rather entrepreneurial myself, but it is hard to keep up with her sometimes. She has some great ideas and I hope that she will always have this spirit. We'll see where it takes her (and me!)
I've spent much of the past two weeks being sick. The constant pain in my back makes me nauseous and gives me migraines, combine that with other monthly ills or stress or even my jaw issues and I don't do too well. I'm doing my best to come up with a plan for seeing a doctor/chiropractor of some kind. My trouble is that I don't know who to see. My family doctor is useless. We'll see.
Scott has been great and helpful while I've been down. He's always a great help around the house, but he's stepped up a lot and I appreciate it. He's busy as usual but I'll let him post his news.
No school this Thursday and Friday for the girls. I'm likely heading to Grand Junction with my Mom since Anissa can't go. The girls will want to stay home and go the the Kite Festival, I'm sure. I'll be back Sunday or Monday. More news to come soon...
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Taylor's Dance Performance
Thursday, April 3, 2008
A Houseful of Visitors
Then Saturday, my dad is coming to spend some time with us on their way to Phoenix for their niece's wedding. It will be good to see them, as always. Anissa, Anje and Chad will likely stop by as well. So our house will be hopping. It's good weather for it...love Spring in St. George!!!!
I don't know if I've mentioned this before (I didn't want to jinx anything) but, my brother Mike and his wife are expecting a baby in mid-May, and I'm so excited for my new little niece's arrival. Her name will be Mykaela Astrid Strong. Erin just had an appointment yesterday to check for Placenta Previa, but it turned out that she is fine. I have a bunch of little things for the family and I am hoping to be able to go visit them in Denver when the little sweetie is born. Yay!!! I think she'll have red hair, but we'll have to wait and see.
We've been doing some (a lot) of work on our yard and house lately...hmm, maybe that's why my back is out?!?!....and the yard is looking good. Now I'm thinking of many different ways to spend our tax refund/stimulus money. Some of our wish-list projects: we want to put concrete curbing in the backyard, or paint the house, or I want to upgrade appliances inside, or we could pay down credit card, but that's not as much fun. Then, of course, there's always the pool dream. And my bathroom remodel. So many dreams, so little cash...
Thanks for checking in....hope things are well wherever you are. Check back again for more exciting news from the Jesienouski's...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
My Aching Back
Sunday I was having major spasms and migraine, so I stayed home from church but I went to work Monday even thought I still felt shaky. After about 2 hours, it was so evident that I wasn't going to make it, so I went home and slept for the rest of the afternoon. Yesterday was a little better, but I still can't do anything prolonged, so today I am going to the oncall whoever at the Doctor's office. I just don't know who to call or I would have made an appointment on Monday. At least they can give me something to relax my muscles and for pain, maybe. I'm dreading it actually....I think I need therapy.
We did get Taylor's costume for the Talent Show this Friday. She is VERY NERVOUS and excited! She has a dress rehearsal on Thursday after school and I think that will help settle her nerves. She is so brave and amazing! I never could have done this when I was her age.
As for Shaylie, it turns out she is going to two camps this summer. Her GS troop decided to take the girls to Trefoil for a Troop Camp in July. It will be over the 24th holiday though, so we'll miss her, but I think she'll have fun. She'll go by herself (with Taylor) to camp first so she'll be an experienced camper by the time she goes with all the girls. We'll keep you posted.
I've got the Millard 88 Reunion website up and running...and people are even visiting it! Yay! Check it out! It's actually been kind of fun getting involved with this...I think I'm looking forward to it..who knew?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
To her dismay...
Have I mentioned before that I somehow volunteered to help with my 20-year High School reunion? My old classmate Kristine Dastrup (Beck) sent out an email and I responded that I'd be happy to help and now I am in charge of the Class Directory/Memory Book and I've put together a website (Check it out.) that we may or may not use...I haven't heard from Kris yet about that...but it's been kind of fun to get involved with this, even though I never thought I would be since I was never quite involved in high school when I was in high school. Go figure. Hope I'll be ready when the time comes...
Speaking of which, I've been trying to hit the gym consistently and yesterday I hit a record for me...30 minutes on the Eliptical CrossTrainer. It wasn't that long ago that I could barely do 5 before I was gasping for breath. My goal yesterday was 20 and at about 12 I was struggling, but when 20 came, I knew I could do 10 more...weird, huh? Anyway, my ultimate goal is to be able to do 45 minutes and then I'll start upping the levels. I'll keep you posted on progress. I've actually lost about 10 lbs. since Jan. 1st...so yay me!
Taylor and I also swore off sugar last week and we did pretty well...I really could feel the difference...the few times I cheated, the treats made me sick to my stomach....so I'm trying to do it again this week. Breakfast is hard since I really don't like eggs that much....but it's a challenge to come up with things to eat.
I also went to the dentist (finally) about my jaw. It's been stuck so that I couldn't open it for about 4 weeks, ever since I was eating pizza one night and it popped loudly and from that point on I couldn't close my teeth properly or open very wide. I put off making the appointment because I thought for sure that the muscles would relax and everything would straighten out, but I finally got fed up and made the appointment...and, wouldn't you know...on the drive over to the dentist, I yawned and my jaw opened without a problem and my teeth lined up and everything seemed okay...so when the dentist looked at me there was nothing to see...They could tell that it had been messed up since it is still pretty swollen and the tests they gave me showed increased vibrations and clicking so I got a prescription for a steroid cream and anti-inflammatory and I have to stay off crunchy, hard food as much as possible probably forever, and continue wearing the splint I have at night and as often as I can. Hopefully, it will all help. If it gets worse over time, they can do shots, PT, orthodontics (been there, done that), etc....one step at a time.
Well, I've rambled on long enough. Thanks for reading about the ups and downs of our lives. Check in again soon for more exciting adventures.