Monday, June 30, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tonight, Scott and I went to see Les Miserables at Tuachan...It was amazing. I have always loved that story. Tuachan always does a great job with their productions, very professional. I would recommend it to anyone heading this way. They are also doing Sound of Music and Big River later this summer. I want to see both. And Cyrano and Taming of the Shrew at the Shakespearean Festival. So much culture so little time.
Tomorrow, I am heading up north get my girls...I miss them lots. I probably missed them much more than they missed me. Which is as it should be. Scott is not coming with me, so I'll be on my own. ...pretending he's beside me...oh, wait...musical flashback. I'm staying with Bob tomorrow night then heading back to SG on will be a quick trip.
Scott is still trying to figure out how to handle the news from Governor Huntsman today. His department will likely be postponing the transition, but it will be interesting to see how it all comes out. He already goes into work early enough, but now he'll have to stay until 5 or 6 instead of coming home at 3 or 4. But he'll have Fridays off. We'll have to see how it will be...hopefully, it will be good since there is nothing to be done about it.
Well, toodles for now. I'm sure I'll have a full report on camp for you when we get back...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Half Past Camp
The girls have been at camp for three days today. For Shaylie, this means she will leave today to spend the night with Papa Strong. For Tay, it means the week is half over. I can't believe it went so fast. Shaylie is supposed to call me the very first thing!!! I am excited to hear all about the fun she had!
I came back to St. George after dropping off the girls and visiting my friends Bobbie and Tiffany. It was good to see them again...I hadn't seen Tiff since before her 2 year old boy Tanner was born. Sheesh! I'm heading back up on Friday and will likely stay with Bobbie again before heading up the canyon to get Taylor and back down to get Shaylie from Grandma Js house. I'm trying to streamline the trip as much as possible so that I can save GAS MONEY!!! Ouch...just typing it hurts my stomach.
Next week is another camp for Shaylie, this time at Trefoil camp and my 20th high school reunion. Ouch..that kind of hurt my stomach too. Then week after, Taylor has another Young Women camp with our ward. Then, the next weekend Grandma J visits, we have the 24th celebration and Puerto Rico. Wow, the summer has been (will be) busy! School will be back in before we know it. Okay...what is up with my stomach?
Mom is heading to Denver today to help my brother Mike and Erin and baby Myka to move back to Phoenix. They just can't stay away from the heat and sun. I don't know why they don't just come to St.'s the best of all worlds.
Hopefully, we'll have pics soon...I'm still figuring out how to get them from my phone to the computer. I mean, I know how but it's a matter of technical difficulties. Hopefully soon...check back. Love to all...
I came back to St. George after dropping off the girls and visiting my friends Bobbie and Tiffany. It was good to see them again...I hadn't seen Tiff since before her 2 year old boy Tanner was born. Sheesh! I'm heading back up on Friday and will likely stay with Bobbie again before heading up the canyon to get Taylor and back down to get Shaylie from Grandma Js house. I'm trying to streamline the trip as much as possible so that I can save GAS MONEY!!! Ouch...just typing it hurts my stomach.
Next week is another camp for Shaylie, this time at Trefoil camp and my 20th high school reunion. Ouch..that kind of hurt my stomach too. Then week after, Taylor has another Young Women camp with our ward. Then, the next weekend Grandma J visits, we have the 24th celebration and Puerto Rico. Wow, the summer has been (will be) busy! School will be back in before we know it. Okay...what is up with my stomach?
Mom is heading to Denver today to help my brother Mike and Erin and baby Myka to move back to Phoenix. They just can't stay away from the heat and sun. I don't know why they don't just come to St.'s the best of all worlds.
Hopefully, we'll have pics soon...I'm still figuring out how to get them from my phone to the computer. I mean, I know how but it's a matter of technical difficulties. Hopefully soon...check back. Love to all...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Home alone
Tonya left with the girls today to make the trip up to Holden. Tomorrow the Girl Scout camps for both Taylor and Shaylie start, so it is boy's time (Blackberry and I) at the house. Just so everyone knows, we like Blackberry now, he mainly does what we want him to, he knows when to go to his room for bedtime and when we go to church and he is fairly fun to play fetch with.
We had our huge stake conference do redo our ward boundaries, and it turns out that they are not splitting up our ward, in fact they are adding to it, I leaned over to Tonya and whispered, "Another Nursery :-)" Unfortunately the sound was terrible in the Arena so we heard almost nothing of the talks. Taylor sang in the choir for the conference, so that was very nice. Church will now start at 9:00, so I'm happy again, I wonder if I will ever be able to convince them to start at 7:45; that would be great!
Working on my layout. It seems to be turning out ok! More later!
Edit: Actually more right now, one of the Families that I home teach brought a pool over for us!!!!! It is 15' round by 3' deep. Can't wait to get our backyard cleaned up so that we can set it up!
We had our huge stake conference do redo our ward boundaries, and it turns out that they are not splitting up our ward, in fact they are adding to it, I leaned over to Tonya and whispered, "Another Nursery :-)" Unfortunately the sound was terrible in the Arena so we heard almost nothing of the talks. Taylor sang in the choir for the conference, so that was very nice. Church will now start at 9:00, so I'm happy again, I wonder if I will ever be able to convince them to start at 7:45; that would be great!
Working on my layout. It seems to be turning out ok! More later!
Edit: Actually more right now, one of the Families that I home teach brought a pool over for us!!!!! It is 15' round by 3' deep. Can't wait to get our backyard cleaned up so that we can set it up!
Camp Time
I'm leaving today to take my children to Girl Scout Camp...we've been looking forward to this for so long. It's strange that it is finally here! They'll both be gone all week, Shaylie will spend half the week at camp and half the week with grandparents, until I can come get them next Saturday.
I know they'll be fine, but I can't help be a little worried. I always do even though they always have fun. I need to just chill. I'm grateful that they can have this experience. ttfn
I know they'll be fine, but I can't help be a little worried. I always do even though they always have fun. I need to just chill. I'm grateful that they can have this experience. ttfn
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Around the town
Well, I have been slacking in my weekend bike rides so I decided I better ride around town, plus I wanted to checkout some things. There is a new park over in Green Valley that opened yesterday and I wanted to see that, it is a really nice park, but it looks like a morning and evening park, little shade no covering over the playground. As I biked past Tonaquint Park, I saw that the city has hung an awning over the playground equipment, that will be nice. Neither park is as good as Hidden Valley Park, but I think that might be the nicest park ever. Also, as I biked back into town, I biked to J.C. Snow Park and the Dog Park is now completed!!!! Nobody was there, so I don't think anyone knows about it. Can't wait to let Blackberry run around at it. Was a great bike ride, it was just over 30 miles today! I need to do that more often, feels great!
Edit: Almost forgot. there was a fairly major car accident up by Dixie College that I biked to. Appears that one car was making a left turn and the other can coming straight didn't stop for the light (That never happens in St. George (how do I show sarcasm on a blog) In fact, there is a color called St. George Green, that is very often confused for red) I asked if it had been called in and a few seconds later a policeman pulled up. The two vehicles are both done, their front ends were a LOT smaller that they were supposed to be.
Edit: Almost forgot. there was a fairly major car accident up by Dixie College that I biked to. Appears that one car was making a left turn and the other can coming straight didn't stop for the light (That never happens in St. George (how do I show sarcasm on a blog) In fact, there is a color called St. George Green, that is very often confused for red) I asked if it had been called in and a few seconds later a policeman pulled up. The two vehicles are both done, their front ends were a LOT smaller that they were supposed to be.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy
The new computers for the year arrived yesterday. I have unboxed all of them as I needed the room to store them. Obviously, I am going to be busy for a while.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My Poor Little Girl!
Last night, both Scott and I were at different meetings--he was at train club and I was with my Primary Presidency--when I got a phone call from Tay saying that Shaylie was hurt and bleeding and "Do you want to talk to the man who brought her home?" YIKES...
It turned out that Shaylie had been out playing with one of her friends' when the friend's little brother suddenly hauled off and threw his toy cell phone at her head. She started bleeding and crying and scared her friend off...luckily, one of the couples in our ward was out for a walk and saw Shaylie's troubles and brought her home. She split her eyebrow and was bleeding pretty badly, but when I talked to "the man" on the phone, he told me it wasn't too bad and I thanked him for taking care of her and told him I'd be right home. She was all right, but scared and mad that her friend bailed on her and a little bit fact, she threw up later that night, but she had done that last night too.

She has a black eye this morning and it is swollen up but I think she is going to be okay. It wasn't deep enough for stitches...I just put a butterfly bandage on it. She is not feeling too perky today either. I feel bad for her. She is such a sweetie and it seems like she is always getting beat up. She's had more bumps cuts and bruises in her short life than I would wish on anyone. My poor girl...I love her so much!!!
It turned out that Shaylie had been out playing with one of her friends' when the friend's little brother suddenly hauled off and threw his toy cell phone at her head. She started bleeding and crying and scared her friend off...luckily, one of the couples in our ward was out for a walk and saw Shaylie's troubles and brought her home. She split her eyebrow and was bleeding pretty badly, but when I talked to "the man" on the phone, he told me it wasn't too bad and I thanked him for taking care of her and told him I'd be right home. She was all right, but scared and mad that her friend bailed on her and a little bit fact, she threw up later that night, but she had done that last night too.
She has a black eye this morning and it is swollen up but I think she is going to be okay. It wasn't deep enough for stitches...I just put a butterfly bandage on it. She is not feeling too perky today either. I feel bad for her. She is such a sweetie and it seems like she is always getting beat up. She's had more bumps cuts and bruises in her short life than I would wish on anyone. My poor girl...I love her so much!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Family Home(out and about) evening
Last night as a family we went to the Temple Visitor's Center where they had a display of a bunch of statues of biblical and historical scenes. There was a really nice lifesize statue of Jesus called "Come unto me" that had Jesus reaching out his hand to us and the really neat thing about it was that Jesus had stepped forward to reach out to you, you didn't have to come all the way to meet him. Very nice thought. Was a very nice scene of Jesus walking on the water, the way she designed the sea to be wild and violent everywhere except where Jesus was walking was very beautiful. There was also a very nice statue of a person learning the steps of repentance and finally coming to Christ. Lastly, the scene in the Sacred Groove was, in my opinion, the best. It had trees surrounding the whole thing, and Jesus and Heavenly Father appear to be floating in the middle of it. Very nicely done.
Afterwards we went out to dinner at Olive Garden's, where once again, Shaylie barely ate anything. Today we will probably go to the REC Center, we love to swim, plus we need to get our money's worth out of having a membership for this month.
Tonight is train club meeting, we are having it at Jim's house and we will be finishing the track. Tonya has possibly her last Primary Presidency Meeting. It is likely that this weekend we will redrawing ward and stake boundaries, So it would make geographic sense to split our ward down the middle, but we will see. Have to go setup the training room so that people can learn the new eREP program that they are using.
See ya
Afterwards we went out to dinner at Olive Garden's, where once again, Shaylie barely ate anything. Today we will probably go to the REC Center, we love to swim, plus we need to get our money's worth out of having a membership for this month.
Tonight is train club meeting, we are having it at Jim's house and we will be finishing the track. Tonya has possibly her last Primary Presidency Meeting. It is likely that this weekend we will redrawing ward and stake boundaries, So it would make geographic sense to split our ward down the middle, but we will see. Have to go setup the training room so that people can learn the new eREP program that they are using.
See ya
Monday, June 16, 2008
I guess I better write more
Now that everyone is jumping ship from the mothership blog, I guess I better write more. UDOT has torn apart the bike trail at the intersection of Bluff Street and Main, so I had to find a new route to work. Funny thing is, the new route is about two and a half miles shorter. However, it is causing me to lose mileage, so I guess I will have to bike more on weekends. I will pass 1700 miles for the year this week. The city built a new bike trailon the south side of the virgin river over by Bloomington Hills. It is really nice, it is right next to the river, so I could hop off the bike and jump into the river easily.
I am working on a new layout for my office. I have an ongoing discussion thread about it on the Zealot hobby forum. Here is a link: if you would like to see pictures of it and watch my progress. So far it is turning out pretty nicely.
We bought a month membership at the new community center, so we have been trying to go swimming there almost everyday. I need to find a way to work in a workout while I am there.
Train club meeting tomorrow night. We are putting in the final piece of Jim's layout so now he will be able to run trains all the way around. His layout is incredible and I can't wait to see trains going around. It has taken two years to get to this point, so it will be really fun.
Girl Scout camps start next week. The busy season begins.
I am working on a new layout for my office. I have an ongoing discussion thread about it on the Zealot hobby forum. Here is a link: if you would like to see pictures of it and watch my progress. So far it is turning out pretty nicely.
We bought a month membership at the new community center, so we have been trying to go swimming there almost everyday. I need to find a way to work in a workout while I am there.
Train club meeting tomorrow night. We are putting in the final piece of Jim's layout so now he will be able to run trains all the way around. His layout is incredible and I can't wait to see trains going around. It has taken two years to get to this point, so it will be really fun.
Girl Scout camps start next week. The busy season begins.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Branching Out
We all have new blogs....I don't know how long it will last, but for now the girls and I have written new blogs on Taylor has been keeping hers up faithfully and Shaylie is determined to make hers into a Web Show. She and her sister have already filmed the first episode, we are just trying to figure out how to get it online. It's a work in progress. Of course, this is the place to come for family news and to check out the others. We'll expect to see lots of comments and support! Love to all!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
HEY, New Web Site
I have a new web site: Go there when it is done which will be today.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Future Soccer Star
A couple months ago, I overheard one of the teachers at my school talking to her husband about a Competitive soccer league that was in need of players. Being the awesome mom that I am (and having the awesome soccer player daughter that I do) I stepped in and asked for details. I told them how wonderful Taylor is and they said they would call when they put it today they called and invited Taylor to tryouts. We are both very excited! If I understand it right, one of the coaches is also the Soccer coach at SUU, which just happens to be the school where Taylor wants to eventually go to school on a Soccer Scholarship! Very fortuitous if you ask me...hope she makes it! Like she wouldn't...Hah! We'll keep you posted.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Bienvenido a Puerto Rico
If you've been reading our blog at all over the past few months, you know I've been wanting to go on a trip either to celebrate our 8-8-8 (16 year) anniversary or just to get away. Well, Scott had been researching cruises and other getaways...but now, thanks to a training for my job, Scott and I get to go to Puerto Rico at the end of the summer. The training is kind of a splurge because our program has a bunch of money that needs to be spent before next school year. Unfortunately, it is the week before school starts so the timing is kind of hard, but I couldn't pass a chance to visit such an exotic locale. And when I found out that I could take Scott with me and mom can watch kids....Yippee!!! It is very much a blessing because I've been worried about $$$ and this way my work covers everything except Scott's airline ticket. Talk about a bargain. Now I can maybe spend some bucks on clothes to wear there1?! We'll see. Anyway, it's going to be a blast! More to come...
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