You know how when your kids are small and you child-proof your house and you especially watch them around electrical outlets because they're really dangerous? Well, nobody tells you that you need to keep warning your kids well into their older years too.
Yesterday at school, Taylor was in her TLC class doing a lights and lasers module. She went to plug in the machine she was using and the electrical outlet pretty much exploded. She got quite a shock! She said she saw "blue fire" all around the outlet and it hurt quite a bit. Her friends told her that her legs were shaking and her eyes were dilated. Mr. Mitchell told her to call me which she did.
I don't know if your kid has ever called you and said, "I was electrocuted at school today" but I wasn't really prepared to hear this. She sounded all right and there was only an hour of school left, so I told her to go find the school nurse and get checked out and call me back. The nurse thought she was fine, her heart rate was a little high, but she was feeling shocky (no pun intended) so I decided to go pick her up and bring her home just to be on the safe side.
When I got to the school, she was being wheeled down the hallway on a chair by her teacher and the school nurse. She was acting as though she might pass out at any moment. There may have been a little extra drama going on, but we got her out of the school and into the car and home, where she slept it off for a while. Her principal called a while later to see if she was doing okay. Taylor was happy about that.
She was fine after a few hours, in fact, she went to play Ward basketball later in the evening. That wasn't the best idea however since she felt pretty crappy when she got back.
Today, she was glad to see how many people had heard what happened and were worried about her. She was a little freaked out by the fact that she "almost died." I told her to ask for extra credit in her TLC class, after all, how many people get electrocuted in class, it should be worth a few "experience points!" When she asked her teacher, he said he already posted the points to her grade! LOL. Besides repairing the outlet/cord, that was the least he could do!
PS--Taylor wanted everyone to know that this in NOT an actual photo, but was just her mom being dumb!!! LOL :)