Today is Shaylie's last day of school. We are going to a program and graduation at 2:30 today. I am very proud of my little girl. She is reading at a mid-1st grade level and Mrs. Sewell said she flew through the end of level tests. I know she is going to do great in First grade. She is excited to go to the new school, now that we have had a tour and taken some of the mystery out of it. I'm sure the summer will go by fast.
Taylor hurt her arm yesterday either during or after her school swim party. She said she heard a pop in her arm and there is a bruise and a dent in the muscle of her arm. I fear that she tore something, which may mean that she won't be able to do swim team. I hate to take her to the Doctor but we may have to for this just to make sure she can still do her activities. If she can't, there will be some serious disappointment for all of us around here. We'll see.
Scott just signed and sent in his papers this week for his new job with the Department of Technology Services (DTS), or dits, as Scott calls them. This means a big pay raise for us, but he can also be fired on the spot now. No job security as far as we can tell....we'll see how it goes. I think it all kicks in on July 1. He is also serving on a committee with some big wigs from up north to upgrade some service or equipment or protocol or something....I think it is a good sign for him. Of course, he's brilliant...they must know that by now.
I am looking forward to summer. I've got some projects I want to work on including editing Grandpa Heath's life story. He gave me some disks a year or so ago and asked me to work on them, get them burned to CD, but I haven't been able to until now. I am excited to read it and get it preserved. I also want to get busy writing. I need to get into the habit so that next year when the girls are off at school I can have some really good quality time "working on my craft." Hee hee. I also have to do some painting, because Scott won't let me buy any art for my house. He says why should we pay for someone elses artwork when you could do it better. Isn't he awesome? Even if it isn't necessarily gotta love that. I think I'm going to keep him for always.
So, as usual, I am rambling. I will get on to the day. I am hoping to take some pictures of the house and post them since I am having no luck getting anyone to come and visit. Now that the weather's turning hot, I'll have to wait until fall probably....not to take pictures but to entice people here. I'll try to get the pictures posted whether it is hot or not. **Love to all--The Jesienouski's
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