Thursday, April 28, 2005

Weekend Plans


Tomorrow is the big Birthday Party! Taylor turned 9 on Tuesday and we are having a big Mother/Daughter Snoozapalooza tomorrow night. We've invited several of Tay's friends and their moms to sleepover. It's going to be fun, if we moms can survive. We had a family bash on Tuesday. Grandma Dawn was down and took Taylor birthday shopping. It was good to have it, because I'm kicking Scott and Shaylie out while everyone is over. Shaylie had to make sure that she got to be in on the celebration since Taylor wasn't inviting her to the sleepover. To make up for it, Scott is taking Shaylie up to Grandma J's today and they'll stay until Saturday. Everyone should be in for a good time this weekend. We'll post an update after...

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Wow! Almost a whole month

Sorry, between everything we haven't been updating anything. The past couple of weekends we have been spending all day at Dance Competitions. Shaylie and Taylor danced last weekend at Dixie College and between Taylor's dances, she had a soccer game to play. She scored two goals in the game.

This week, Shaylie had a dance and Taylor had three dances. Most importantly, Shaylie finally got her all-important trophy! She has wanted one for over a year.

I have been extremely busy at work. I have so far set up 29 computers, 3 switches, a complete DWS computer inventory, and rewired the first floor of the EC. I still have a long way to go. Hopefully all this job security will lead to some job security. :P