Tuesday, August 21, 2001

Taylor's first day...

Taylor had a good first day of school. Mom and I drove her to class, walked her to the door, then helped her find her name on the desk. She will now be known as Taylor J as there is another Taylor in class with her. She likes her new teacher and has already made a friend in class. I picked her up after her day was over. She told us about everything that she did and that she had a really great time and is looking forward to going again.

1 comment:

  1. I was so glad to hear of Taylor J. first day at school, I wish I could have there, I bet she never stopped talking. It doesn't surprise me she has a friend all ready she makes friends very easy. How is Shaylie doing, I bet she wonders what is going on with the comotion of getting Taylor to school and stuff. I bet she is walking really good now, my little sweetie pie. Take care all and tried to see you in your office but you were not there this morning.Love ya! Mom J. and Grmama J.
