Saturday, November 10, 2007

Double Yay!

Not only is Taylor's first quarter over with and she did incredibly well....but our Primary Program Practice is over too!!!  That is double the cause for celebration.

We had one Sunday practice two weeks ago, but we had to do it in the gym, since the Ward after us meets during our Primary classes.  I think that went as well as could be expected.  It was good to get into the
chapel today, though.  The children seemed to do very well.  It's so hard for all of them to sit reverently and quietly for two solid hours.  At least the actual program is only 40 minutes long.  I think we'll do well.  It will be nice to have it behind us.  It has always been my favorite Sacrament Meeting program.  I have a little different perspective now that I'm behind the scenes.   The kids have all worked really hard this year to learn all the songs and to memorize their parts.  I'm excited for them to have their chance to shine. 

Taylor had to leave a little bit early to her soccer's the secomd to last of the year.  She has one more next Saturday and then she's done. 

I just got a call from them and they won again!!! So I guess that's Triple Yay now.  One more game and they are the Champions!!  I think they might be the champions even if they lose.  I'll have to do some research..(i.e. ask Scott).  Go Sublime Suns!

So Yay for Us all around!  We'll keep you posted...Love to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. had fun this weekend. Saw Anje sing at Lins first thing. Then went to the soccur game and saw Taylor most awesome save on one the other team players. they were all awesome. and they did win 3 to 2 (I think). Then the primary program on Sunday it was really organized and Taylor gave a talk and did a fabulous job. Shaylie sang and was right on with when to stand and all.....Had a special time with Taylor shopping until Midnight. It was , and we finally found the cutest outfit that she looked good in and she actually liked. She has really good ideas of what she wants and I'm glad she doesn't just settle . Its a good thing. Thanks Tay....Love to all Mom
