Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Summer's Moving Right Along

Summer's about half over and so are most of our activities.  Shaylie's camps are done.  She had a great time, but I think she really enjoyed her troop camp.  She got to ride horses and she was with girls she knew.  She made it back in plenty of time for 4th of July fun at the park in Fillmore and fireworks.  We enjoyed the 4th, although Fillmore's parade was too long and spaced out...there's nothing like a small town parade :)

Saturday was my 20-year High School Reunion.  It was really fun!  We had a picnic at the park with our was fun to catch up with people I hadn't seen in forever.  Scott and Taylor said I was a social butterfly, which is probably surprising to everyone who knew me back then.  Later that night, we had a class dinner.  I won two of the big prizes from the 80's trivia quiz and the class gave me a very nice thank you gift for doing the website...that was very nice.  I really enjoyed doing it and will keep it up as long as we need to so we can all keep in touch. 

I dropped Taylor off at the church today for her first Young Women's camp up on Cedar Mountain this week.  I think she was excited to go.  It's fun to head off to the unknown....compared to GS camp, where she knows every nook and cranny of the camp....I think she'll have tons of fun.

As for the rest of the summer, I have a couple of friends coming this week to visit.  Polly and her daughter are coming and we'll visit the Shakespearean Festival for Amanda's birthday on the 12th and I'm having lunch with Kelli sometime.  Next week, Rose is coming to visit and it's my Birthday!!  Then it's the 24th in Holden and then school shopping and packing for Puerto Rico.  We have a flight out of Vegas on 8-2 and we'll be back 8-10...then school starts the 12th.  Sheesh...where did the time go?

So much fun, so little time....hope you're having a great summer too!!!

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