Monday, December 15, 2003

Shaylie's Dance

Shaylie Practicing

Shaylie had her Dance Show over the weekend. Her costume wasn't ready until Saturday, so that was a little stress.
Shaylie preformed beautifully in her dances :D, unfortunately, her dances and the one's that she was supposed to be doing were not the same ones ;) At least we know that she has a song in her heart. :cool:
She was a joy to watch. We have video at home of her dance, we would put it online, but few others in our family have the ability to download such large files, so you will have to wait and see it on the camera.
Also, we are done painting the hallway and the living room, we also painted the trim and ceiling in our bedroom. We should be getting the paint today for our bedroom and then we will be done.
We pulled up the carpet on Saturday. Our house echos a lot without it. We have our mattresses laid out in Taylor and Shaylie's room. It makes for tight sleeping, but it has been ok. I can't wait until we get our new carpet!
Shaylie Resting

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I loved the pictures of our Shaylie, OUR DANCER, they were so cute. Can't wait to watch the video. The outfit was so cute and looked so cute on her.
    Tomorrow the carpet comes, you guys have had a busy few days. I will be coming Monday, if that is ok. Best get to work. Take care, be safe and My love and Prayers, MOm J. XX for my girls.
    We are having our pizza party tomorrow the crew here at the Sandpiper. YOu should see Verl, he looks so bad, really worried about him. Gotto go.
