Friday, February 11, 2005

Servers are done!

I finished removing the last of my file servers this morning! I am all done with that. This round of server upgrades went a lot easier than the other times, just goes to show that things get easier with experience.

Tonya and I went out to lunch yesterday! I felt that we should go out on a least one date every decade and so I have that taken care of for now :)


  1. Hi, First, did you get my valentine's and also the check for girl scouts????
    Went to ten o'clock mass and then took communion to Andrew and Gladis and visited with them for awhile. Andrew has been having little strokes, while I was there he, he kept seeing a baby on the table, so sad, he is so thin but Gladis says he eats good.
    I've got to try and get into Little Pony recital Taylor. "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY" My Love and Prayers, Be safe. Mom J. XX For my girls.

  2. Yea mom we got them. Thank you.

  3. Taylor how is your hair going. Can you manage the straightening iron.
    How about a picture of the new style.....Love ya

  4. Hi, What a great picture of the rainbow, darn Taylor didn't make it in time to get the pot of gold, maybe next time. :rolleyes: How goes everything down that way, not much going on up here, just WORK, which stresses me out more and more every day. day. :crazy: :crazy:
    Gladis and I are going to start back to our water exercise tomorrow nite, need it and my cold is alot better. Went to mass at ten and then to breakfast with Gladis and then I took communion to Andrew, so sad.
    Well, my dears, got to check the rest of my emails. Take care, be safe and My Love and Prayers, Mom J. XX For my girls
