Saturday, April 6, 2002

Cedar move part 1 done

The first half of the Cedar City move is complete. Unfortunately, part 2 starts next week. Oh well, part 2 will be easier. Then I can safely say that I will not have to deal with any more moves for quite a while, due to the fact that everyone I support will be moved into new buildings!

I installed Windows XP onto my laptop today. I really like it so far. My laptop has gone through several changes in the past few days, first I updated the wireless settings at my house, then I updated the memory, then the OS. So far, everything has been good.

Tried to talk to mom on the webcams, but could not get her to see mine, we will practice that when she comes down to visit for Taylor's birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning, I just love the pictures, I enlarge them all and look at them. Shaylie is getting so big I probably won't know her. Was great talking to you guys last nite even if I couldn't see your faces good to hear your voices.
    Looks like the Easter bunny found your house, looked like alot of good stuff there.
    Well, my dears, they are soon going to cut me off. I've been on for awhile, send an email to hugh and Lloyd. See you soon, talk with you tomorrow, love this way to talk to guys and I feel closer to you four when I can see pictures and commute like this. I love you guys, be safe and My Love and Prayers, Mom J. XX for my girls.
