Friday, November 12, 2004

trophy (13k image)Taylor brought home her trophy today that she won with her 4th of July Song. She completely cleaned off her dresser to so that she could display it properly :D She told Shaylie that it was made of glass so never touch it. :rofl:


  1. Hi, Thanks for the pictures, loved the decoration of the car and that is about the prettiest pirate and witch, ghost and princess that I have ever seen. Wish I could have been there to hear the 4th of July song, great job.
    Before I forget, what are some of the videos that the girls would like for Christmas or anything that they have asked for. I"ve got some clothes but would like to get them something else than just clothes.
    How are things going, sounds like you guys are kept busy with all the things the girls are involved in. What are you doing for Thanks giving and have you thought about Christmas???
    Well my dears, take care, be safe and My Love and Prayers, Mom J.
    ' XX For my girls.

  2. Taylor, good job!!!! I knew you would win something, but a trophy WOW!!!!
    Papa Heath is doing better. He is getting tired of the hospital though. He sends his Love to All...Buhbye
