Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Power Out!

Our power was out for about 4 hours yesterday evening.  I had been cleaning all day and was just about to finish vacuuming when ZAP...everything went dark....well, less bright anyway.  We spent the time marvelling at how quiet everything was....playing games, reading, and watching the lightning.  It began raining & blowing pretty hard after about two hours, so we went out onto the porch to enjoy it.  Most of our neighbors were out too.  One brought me the yummiest tomatoes from her garden! At about 9:00, we saw the streetlight start to come back on so we knew our adventure was over.  It never did get too hot in the house, though the news made it sound like we were all running for cover.  Albeit, a swimming pool would have come in handy, but probably not very practical with the wild weather that was going on.  We enjoyed the no-tech time and it was interesting to see how unprepared we were had it gone on much longer.  We'll have to work on that.  Anyway,  all's well that ends well.  Love to everyone!

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