Thursday, December 27, 2007


I finally made my goal! 2000+ miles on my bike for the year!  I have been riding all over town to finally finish my goal for the year and as I was passing the place where I wrecked at the beginning of the year my odometer changed over to 2000 (is that irony :) )  Next year, if I can keep my bike working well, my goal is for 3000 miles.  With the trails finally being reopened, it should be possible and it will be nice to be able to do a lot of that off of the streets.

Must go and figure out how to make my legs not feel like rubber.


  1. Congratulations My Love! That is an amazing feat! You are incredible.

  2. Hi, My gosh, that's a great goal you achieved Scott, good job. Hope the bike keeps running good for you. Had a great Christmas at Jan's alot of food and played games. Stopped at the cemetary on the way up to Roy to be sure Dad's wreath was up and it was and looked good.
    Loved the pictures of the presents girls, sounds like Santa was so good as he always is Huh.
    Did you get a new camera, takes pretty night pictures, that was pretty of the temple.
    I'm here alone today, had a hectic day, water heater problem, no heat, water running down the road and a plugged up sink, the guy is working on them now. crazy and the other manager is off till Wednesday.
    Take care, be safe and My Love and Prayers, Mom J. XX for my girls
    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! Is the party at your gh

  3. Great Scott! (Don't mind the pun, I really do think that this is an amazing accomplishment). If you took off on the open road, you would have made it to Cleaveland, Ohio.!!!! 3000 miles will take you to Halifax Nova Scotia. What an incredible way to travel.

    My friend Chuck says that hydration + protein gets rid of rubbery legs. a camelback and some protein bars may help. Oh, and it is time to start thinking about a back-up bike, you will definently be needing to put the bike in for regular maintenance and you won't want to stop riding and meet your goal.

    12 miles / day X 5 days / wk X 50 wks = 3000 miles. Happy traveling, Roger
