Tuesday, November 18, 2003

I cooked!

I made egg noodles last night! It is one of my favorite meals from my childhood. I had mom on the phone the whole time so that I wouldn't screw them up :D They were a big hit, as they turned out very well! Taylor had thirds, which usually means they are good, and Tonya even said she liked them. Funny thing was after we got them cooking, Tonya found the recipe for them in her "Joy of Cooking" cookbook, although pretty much everything is in that book

As you can tell, since it is the day after we ate them, I didn't kill off the family, so they must have been ok. :cool:

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm glad to hear the noodles turned out good, just takes practice on those things and a person doesn't make them that often so easy to forget how to do them. They are also something you don't have to be so fussy with, just have to watch them so they don't burn.
    What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?? We are going up to U. Jim's in Roy, he is flying in on Wednesday nite from Calif.
    When do you get your new carpet?? Do you still want me to come for Christmas or earlier or what, let me know so I can put my order in at the office before connie does. Thanks
    It isn't to cold today, but another storm coming in on Friday.
    Oh Let It Snow!!! Who cares as long as I don't have to be on the roads.
    Well, my dears take care and Be safe and love you bunches.
    My Love and Prayers, MOM J>
    XX For my girls.
