Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Working Woman?

Well, I may be getting a part-time job! Mrs. Turner, the principal of the girls' elementary school, called me yesterday to offer me the job of Computer Lab Teacher at the school. It is a half day job (3.5 hours) and she thinks I could do it afternoons only when Shaylie is in Kindergarten.

I am pretty excited but I have mixed emotions about going back to work. As long as I can do it when the girls are in school then I think it will be great. Heaven knows we can use the extra paycheck. I'm convinced that this is an answer to my prayers. (I'm starting to get pretty regular answers these days...maybe that means we're doing something right.) :)

I'm just waiting to hear back from Mrs. Turner to hear about application processes with the district. I should know for sure in a day or two, since school starts on Monday. Shaylie doesn't start school until the following Monday (22nd), so I may have to get someone to watch her for a week or so, but after that Scott and I should be able to work out a schedule that is doable. I will probably have to buy some decent clothes to work in too. (This I'm not looking forward to.) I can't go in my grubbies! But I may be able to make do for a month or so...

Anyway, Taylor was thrilled with the idea and that makes me feel good. I was worried that they may not like having a working mother, but with PTA and whatnot, they are used to me being busy with "work" anyway. The only difference (hopefully) is that this time I will be getting paid! Yea!

I'll keep you posted...wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck!!!!! Hope you get it. I know a computer guy that can help you keep the computers running well ;-)
