Friday, February 24, 2006

House for Sale!

Well, our house if officially for sale.  If anyone knows of anybody who needs one, let us know.  We are in negotiations for a house we like but there are several steps that need to happen before it is selling this house.  It is in better shape than it has ever been, but it is full of clutter so we have rented a storage unit and we are probably going to move a bunch of stuff.  The sooner we can sell, the more likely we can get the house we want.  I am also hoping for a good price too, of course.  We will see...I don't know if you can get both quick sell and good price in this market.  Our agent did say we have a desirable home, so that is encouraging....we are not using an agent to sell though.  We think we can do it on our own so we can avoid the $10,000 it would cost us to use an agent.  (What a gig, eh?) We have an ad starting in tomorrow's paper in both Cedar City and St. runs for 30 days...hopefully by the time that runs, it will be sold.  We will keep everyone informed.  Pray for us (especially that I don't die of stress) and we will post again soon.


  1. Good luck selling your house. Right now the market is still over-priced. I don’t think it is a good time to be looking to buy a house or sell one. Less than 7% of the people living in the St. George area can afford a home. But with what I think out of the way, I have confidence that you will find a swell buyer.

  2. Roger taught me this. 68% of all percentages are made up on the spot. What's that you ask. I'll tell you again 95% of all percentages are made up on the spot. And I completely believe this, as I took a statistics course in college and learned how to manipulate data ;-)

  3. You need to fix it all ready for buyers and then recruit someone( a sort of friend , but better truthful friend) Have them come in as a buyer and then be honest about what bothers them about the house and then fix it...
    The have that "woman" come on to the show "House to Sell" and she does than at first.....good idea. We get so used to seeing our own we might need someone that is new to the view...Just a suggestion....Love you mother....Good luck I'll be down in a couple of weeks....I'll be glad to be the critic.....oh yea I always have been:) :0 Better to have a indifferet person........

  4. I guess you can tell I'm in a hurray...I sound sort of incomplete in my sentences. You know what I'm trying to say I hope....You should be used to it by now..Love ya Bye Mom

  5. Follow on to my last comments (about prep'ing the house for sale. Be very careful in arranging a mortgage for your new house. The temptation will be to go with an annual adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) but the interest rates show that these will go through the roof very quickly. The mortgage brokers are pushing what they call a hybrid ARM, which only adjust every 3, 5 or 7 years (3-ARM, 5-ARM, or 7-ARM), but even these have a potential of being much larger than your conventional mortgage. I have always been a fan of short conventional mortgages (15 to 20 yrs at a set rate), but if you are stretching a budget you would probably go with a 25 or 30 yr conventional mortgage. This minimizes your current monthly payment, locks in a very good interest rate, & allows you to pay it down at a faster rate. Use the amortization schedule to save yourself 7 to 12 years from the 30 year mortgage. Let me know if you want to know how this works.

    Anyway, I wish you the best on the sale of your home & clear sailing for a great mortgage.

    (Great comments Scott - as you already know, free advise is wrong 3 out of 4 times!!)
