Friday, November 21, 2008

Just a Reminder!

Just in case any of you can make it, I wanted to remind you of the girls' Piano Recital on Thursday, Dec. 4th.  Taylor is playing two songs and a duet with her teacher.  Shaylie has a solo and a duet with Taylor.  I had a preview today and they are going to be AWESOME!!!!  The girls would love to have you all there!  Let us know!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I called my tenant on the piano, and here it was a organ, sorry, she wanted $500.00 and I would bet it was in good shape. I will keep my ears and eyes open, sometimes people move and need to get rid of things.
    If it is ok with you guys I would like to come for Christmas, I thought Christmas was on a Friday and here it is a Thursday, so would come Wednesday and then have to come home Sunday. THe other manager was taking a week at Thanksgiving and his wife is sick so will go after Christmas on that Sunday or Monday.
    Lordy Lordy where has the time gone, can't believe Thanksgiving this coming week and then Christmas and then another new year, crazy.
    Going out to dinner tonite with Gladys and Bernadine, I treated them to tea last Sunday at the Grand America, was fun.
    Then tomorrow we have a special thing at church for our canidates from RCIA and then Brunch after and then at 4:30 we have an interfaith program that St. Vincent's is hosting this year.
    Not much else for news so will close for now. Take care and Love you Four.
    "HAPPY THANKSGIVING" Mom J. XX For my girls
