Wednesday, September 19, 2001


Hi Everybody! Just wanted to let you all know that everything is great with us. The kids are all well. Taylor is feeling better and back in school. She is loving every minute of it. We had homework yesterday. She had to find pictures in magazines of words starting with the letter A and write their names....she insisted that I spell them and she knew all of the letters except three. She's sooo good.

Shaylie is also having a great time. She is almost running and her favorite thing is to come just within reach of you and then take off running the other way. We had a good walk this morning. She saw her stroller and started crying until I put her in it. She is learning how to get her way very early.

Well, our love and prayers are with everyone. It's been a tough week. I, for one, have been crying a lot lately. Everything I see makes me so thankful that my family and friends are safe and happy. I am so proud to be an American. The flags decorating our city are beautiful and they make me believe that no matter what, we will go on, be strong and make our lives better than ever. I love you all. Until next time....

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