Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Thanks Everybody!

Thanks for all your cheers on my new look. It's been very nice!

We've been keeping up on the Olympics, though we are a little fed up with all the controversy. I can't believe the figure skating judges have admitted to cheating and they are not doing anything to fix it. It's beyond reality. I would think that the world would be outraged at such unfairness, but everyone seems to just shrug and say that is how it's been for years and there's nothing to be done now. What a bunch of baloney!

Taylor loves to see the "girls" compete. She was really excited to see the women's snowboarding event. She has been watching the Olympics over Powerpuff girls and Aladdin, so you know she's really involved. Shaylie has been watching too, but she likes the music and the celebrating more than anything.

Well, we will keep watching, I'm sure. But I hope they get their acts together. The way this is going, the Salt Lake City Olympics are only going to be remembered for the scandal and controversy. It's just not right.

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