Monday, March 4, 2002

Feeling a bit better....

Thanks to the loving care of my family, my back is feeling a lot better today. I want to thank my sister and my mom for helping me over the last week. I couldn't have managed without them. You guys are terrific to come to my aid at such short notice. It means a lot to me!

Thanks also to Scott, I know he is going to be a big help to me as well. I am going to try to talk to my doctor again today. I have to take Shaylie in for immunizations so maybe that will be the best way to get after him. I want to find out about my surgery option, and if there is anything else that can be done. I also want to see a specialist. I can't keep just covering up the pain, I need to have it fixed!

In other news, we finally joined the 21st century and bought a DVD player. It also has a VCR though so we don't have to replace our video collection, extensive as it is. :) And thanks to Scott and our home teachers we have finally finished our back yard project. There is still a little bit to do but it looks really nice. We have a little leftover rock, so Scott is planning on embellishing the rose beds with the gravel. That should look nice as well.

Well, I love you all. I'm so glad to be able to sit at the computer for a little bit again. I will let everyone know how things go with my doctor. Keep your fingers crossed.

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