Friday, September 3, 2004

Labor Day Weekend

With the long weekend coming up, I feel like I have a minute to I thought I would write a little update. I have been so incredibly busy with PTA that I have barely had time to do the bare minimum around here. Back-to-School night went well. We didn't get as many memberships as we wanted but we were able to get a few more this past week during Parent Teacher conferences...we set up a booth in the hallway to sell t-shirts, memberships and yearbooks. We are going to send out envelopes to everyone who hasn't signed up yet just to see how many more we can get.

As soon as this weekend is over, I have got our school's Fall Carnival to organize. This is a huge event, and I have a little over a month to pull it off. It is starting to wake me up in the night, so it's about time I start delegating to others. Our fundraiser starts next week as well. The school called me in a panic because a delivery of over 200 boxes of candybars was dropped off at the school this morning (a week earlier than expected) and they weren't ready for them. All is well now, although we are forced to store the chocolate in the office and everyone is getting high off of the fumes...hopefully it will induce them to BUY, BUY, BUY!

Shaylie started Preschool on Thursday. She loved it, but like her sister, she asked me to drop her off at the school and wave goodbye and go home. I guess I just have to get used to my girls being little independent souls. Scott and I did take her in though. We'll drop her off next time.

Taylor's SEP (Parent Teacher Conference) went very well. Her teacher is great and we got lots of positive feedback about how Taylor is doing in school. She is right on the mark in everything she does. But we did decide to work on her handwriting this quarter. They are going to be learning cursive and multiplication this year, so this is very exciting. She also wants to be in the school choir...and I'm excited about that.

Scott is being a trooper about the whole PTA thing. As usual, he is a great help around the house. I couldn't be doing this without I'm grateful. He is at work now, even though it is late Friday night. He had some things to work on that he can't do when people are around.

So...this is the update! I hope everyone has a great Labor Day Weekend! Take care and we'll talk to you soon!

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