Thursday, November 16, 2006

Before and After...Cute Forever

Here are pictures of my darling girl...before and after.



And here's after...she was a little goofy & wobbly still as you might be able to tell.



  1. Hope she is feeling better than she did yesterday....she was a goofy walker girl..
    How did she feel......probley excited to get back to school.....I wouldn't doubt that..
    Love you all.....

  2. I guess her theme song for this holiday season is "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" eh?

  3. Hi, Oh my sweet Shaylie, you are still so pretty and hope you are doing ok by now, you must have had a sore mouth before and after. So glad you went to sleep, that's the only way to have those things done, ask your Dad about the wisdom teeth.
    Blackberry is really cute, will be anxious to see him.
    Went to the ;play "Sweet Charity today with Ada, Army had to have back surgery and couldn't sit that long, so she asked me to go, it was so good.
    Take care, hope this finds Shaylie doing good, I have great sympathy for anyone that has dental work, I don't like it and have had my share of problems.
    My Love and Prayers, Mom J. XX For my girls
