Thursday, December 15, 2005

Another Christmas Update

Here are a couple other things I've heard the girls pine for...Heelies ? (those roller skates in the shoes that pop out), Sparkle Cinderella, Game Boy Advance Game Nick Toons Unite (?) (It has all the cartoons that they like spongebob, timmy turner, danny phantom, etc. all together in one game)...Grandma J and Taylor are going shopping for bedding so...thanks for that! She'll love it.

If any of you have clues for me about the 'rents...I'd love some hints.

Been sick for three days now...just can't seem to kick my cold. I hope it ends in time for visits. I have tons to do and no energy and less time to do it. All I can think about is taking naps.

Got my December stories to Club Mom...I'm not sure I'm entirely happy with my effort though. We'll see if they fire me. I haven't seen any of my application stories online yet either. So, I'm not feeling very confident and it hasn't even started's probably just the cold talking.

Anyway, Shaylie keeps telling me (hourly) that she "cannot wait until Christmas, really, I CAN'T!" She is going to drop dead any minute from the waiting. Today, she said to me, "Christmas really is the best time of year, huh, mom?" I was feeling so proud, then she said, " Cause you get lots of presents!" But, I guess she is right, although I really enjoy giving presents too. I always wish I had unlimited money at Christmas so I could get exactly the right thing that everybody wants/needs. Oh well, you all love yarn too, right? Right?!

So, I'm tired out now...I'm going to rest/nap before the kids get home...Love to all!

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