Thursday, March 30, 2006

What doesn't make you stronger, just might kill you.

Or something like that. 

Last night, I made a delicious Cashew Chicken Salad on Croissant for dinner.  I've been so tired of the same old thing over and over, so we were trying something new.  I loved this new recipe.  I made a special batch for Scott though, without the nuts, because I know he doesn't like them.  He really liked it too, and he wanted seconds, but there wasn't any "nut-less" mixture left, so he made up a sandwich with the cashews and decided to try it.  Well, who knew he was allergic to nuts!  He was violently ill the rest of the evening.  Luckily, we had Benedryl on hand and he started feeling better by morning. 

So, I guess I'll file that recipe under the ever growing "Things I Like but Scott Can't or Won't Eat" category, otherwise known as my lunch menu.

In other news, we got the Home Inspection report back and the house passed with flying I guess we bought a lot of peace of mind & a 10 page report in a 1" binder...and now we'll know that if it breaks, we probably did it ourselves. 

Well, I better go...I'm sounding kind of smart-allecky and I was going for witty. Oh, well...Love to all.


  1. Don't let her kid you, she was trying to kill me. HELP!

  2. You know, usually when your allergic to nuts they don't make you sick,
    THEY KILL YOU. Next time they might'd better be very careful or go get a bee kit to carry with you.... benedryl is not always strong enough or the right med. Just my opinion, when your laying there dying remember your mother-in-law had this opinion and shared...just cause I love you...... Great news about the houses. Let me know if you need my help packing or cleaning or stuff....I'll wait to hear...Love Mom Dawn
