Monday, June 9, 2008

Future Soccer Star

A couple months ago, I overheard one of the teachers at my school talking to her husband about a Competitive soccer league that was in need of players.  Being the awesome mom that I am (and having the awesome soccer player daughter that I do) I stepped in and asked for details.  I told them how wonderful Taylor is and they said they would call when they put it today they called and invited Taylor to tryouts.  We are both very excited!  If I understand it right, one of the coaches is also the Soccer coach at SUU, which just happens to be the school where Taylor wants to eventually go to school on a Soccer Scholarship!  Very fortuitous if you ask me...hope she makes it!  Like she wouldn't...Hah!  We'll keep you posted.


  1. We went, we kicked some balls, and we think we decided to stick with AYSO. It's cheaper, and more games in St. George, plus Scott can coach which will be good for everyone.

  2. Taylor is a great soccer player. If she makes it, she will play some hard teams; trust me I'm in it.
