Friday, June 13, 2008

Branching Out

We all have new blogs....I don't know how long it will last, but for now the girls and I have written new blogs on  Taylor has been keeping hers up faithfully and Shaylie is determined to make hers into a Web Show.  She and her sister have already filmed the first episode, we are just trying to figure out how to get it online.  It's a work in progress.  Of course, this is the place to come for family news and to check out the others.  We'll expect to see lots of comments and support!  Love to all!


  1. Hi, Thanks for your phone calls, sorry I'm brain dead by evening and couldn't remember the week Gary is going to be gone. Will be great fun to have Shaylie on Thursday nite. Thanks for your calls Shaylie, love to talk to you.
    Spent five hours sitting with Gladys at the rest home yesterdaY, Andrew passed away today about one, he went very fast, so sad but he is in a better place, poor thing in the last seven years he has had to go through alot.
    Tired and think to good so will close for now. Take care and Good Luck Taylor in the soccer try outs, know you will do good.
    Love ya Mom J. xx For my girls
