Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Half Past Camp

The girls have been at camp for three days today.  For Shaylie, this means she will leave today to spend the night with Papa Strong.  For Tay, it means the week is half over.  I can't believe it went so fast.  Shaylie is supposed to call me the very first thing!!! I am excited to hear all about the fun she had! 

I came back to St. George after dropping off the girls and visiting my friends Bobbie and Tiffany.  It was good to see them again...I hadn't seen Tiff since before her 2 year old boy Tanner was born.  Sheesh!  I'm heading back up on Friday and will likely stay with Bobbie again before heading up the canyon to get Taylor and back down to get Shaylie from Grandma Js house.  I'm trying to streamline the trip as much as possible so that I can save GAS MONEY!!! Ouch...just typing it hurts my stomach.

Next week is another camp for Shaylie, this time at Trefoil camp and my 20th high school reunion.  Ouch..that kind of hurt my stomach too.  Then week after, Taylor has another Young Women camp with our ward.  Then, the next weekend Grandma J visits, we have the 24th celebration and Puerto Rico.  Wow, the summer has been (will be) busy!  School will be back in before we know it.  Okay...what is up with my stomach?

Mom is heading to Denver today to help my brother Mike and Erin and baby Myka to move back to Phoenix.  They just can't stay away from the heat and sun.  I don't know why they don't just come to St.'s the best of all worlds. 

Hopefully, we'll have pics soon...I'm still figuring out how to get them from my phone to the computer.  I mean, I know how but it's a matter of technical difficulties.  Hopefully soon...check back.  Love to all...

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