We leave tomorrow for our big Carribean Anniversary/ETS Training Vacation! I'm a little nervous but I think everything will be okay. There are so many things to worry about like taking the right shoes, and hurricanes, and spending all day inside boring meetings when you're in paradise! But there will be plenty of time for everything and there are no hurricanes on the horizon and I'm just taking almost every pair of shoes I own. And, call me weird, but I am looking forward to actually getting some training for the job I'm doing. It's the first I'm getting, aside from a couple hours of brain picking with my co-workers.
Mom is coming to watch the girls and they have to get all the final details taken care of for the beginning of school. I've done some good shopping but there is still much to do. Shaylie needs to find out who her teacher is and buy supplies and Taylor needs to register and go to Back-to-School Night to meet her teachers and find classrooms. Unfortunately, I'll miss it all and we won't be back until the day before school starts.
Hopefully, I'll find time to post some pics and updates while we're down there...adios!!!
glad you made it down to Pr without incident.....the girls were not wanting to go to sleep last night. They did finally and I didn't hear anything until about 5:00 when all the alarms started going off....Made it to church so all is well.....Love you both sent the girls lots of pictures they are interested.......