Tuesday, January 15, 2002

Health Department is basically done

I finally finished the Health Department move. Now I just have to fix the little things that come up after a major move, so I should be done today. Imaging starts in two weeks so i will soon be updating about 30 computers for that, so I will see how that goes. Oh the joy.

Shaylie is sick, so Tonya is dealing with that today. Hopefully she will feel better soon. Later.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, what is wrong with our little Shaylie? Wish I was close so I could help you out Tonya. Snowing here today off and on so people are happy. The town is getting all excited about the Olypicia's almost here, when I went to the cemetery on Sunday there were banners on l300 east ang 7th east. Some roads are being closed so people were upset about that on the noon news. Can't please everyone I guess. Sure hope you feel better my sweet Shaylie. I love all of you. Mom J.
