Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Blog Standards & Current Events

Hey now, Chad is giving us a hard time because suddenly everyone has a blog when we have had one for years, but I would like to remind him that we are the standard bearer....I've checked in a couple or few times in the last day and there are no updates.... plus I've only seen one or two photos and the proof is in the pudding so to speak...We are glad everyone is joining the craze: let's see who can keep up!

We are having a pretty good week around here, but it is always hard to get through a full week before a seems like it drags and drags. We have been talking about putting up our Christmas decorations this weekend, which hardly seems possible, but 'tis the season.

Taylor had her annual storytelling festival at school and she won! There were two girls in her category and they send two kids to District. So without even preparing she gets to go on. This is her first time to district though, and she is practicing hard for that competition.

Shaylie rode her bike to a friends house for the first time yesterday, which prompted me to talk to the kids about Stranger Danger. I worry a lot more about Shaylie than I ever did about Taylor for some reason...I don't understand why. Shaylie just seems a lot littler and more vulnerable than Taylor did at that age. She is very good at calling me and letting me know if she leaves or is heading home so that allays my worries a little bit.

I have begun my Christmas shopping (Scott says I've finished it but little does he know). I still have to decide what kinds of gifts to get for neighbors and friends...and this would be a lot more fun if we had unlimited budget. As it is, I have to figure out how to get the most for the least. We always think of something though....thank goodness for dollar stores.

I sent my first ever headshot to my publisher in New York. (Tee Hee!--It's probably not very professional to have a whoopdee-doo sound right here but it's still so exciting!) It sounds like we are going to have a page with our picture and articles on it, eventually places to put family photos etc. I'm still not entirely sure what to expect....time will tell. I do know I have to submit 2 articles each month. By December 15th? I don't know yet.

Well, better go. Scott and Taylor just left to go running. Wish I could join them, my back's been giving me fits lately. I have been trying to walk more though, but I can never tell if it works or not. I suppose I don't stick with it long enough. So, enough already....dinner awaits. Love to everyone!


  1. I can't believe you didn't tell me Taylor was telling a story. I was telling how cool Anissa's school was. Didn't know my own Granddaughter was as awesome and would win. How cool is that.....Taylor you are awesome.
    Im proud that she has been so good in running and biking with Scott I would have givin up by now. Shaylie can ride a bike. I don't think I've seen her do that either. Where have I been . How cool Shay. Love you guys. Did you(Tonya) submit your school photo because it was very good. Love you all Mom Dawn

  2. Yes are right...your grandkids are awesome...and Yes, I did submit my school photo, even though I wished that I didn't have my glasses on in it...but it was okay anyway.

  3. I will be honest, I didn't know that Taylor was doing the storytelling again already. I had assumed that she would but when she came home and said she won, I didn't even know it was coming up.

  4. Wow! I knew that I had the best granddaughters ever, but now it sounds like the rest of the world is finding out. You all are amazing and it makes me pop my buttons with pride. Congratulations Taylor on the storytelling. Practice hard and enjoy yourself at district. Shaylie, I can hardly wait to come see how well you ride your bike! I bet that you love the freedom.
    Love to you all - Papa & Gramma Pam
